Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage

Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage

237 ratings
[EN/JP] Stuffs locations and bits
By Toyoch
My note just to earn achievements. / 実績解除のメモ。
Difficult stuffs to spot or clean
First, I recommend using F7 key several times for full bright mode.
It feels a bit cheating but it's singleplayer game, use it or leave it. I hate small stuffs(that I have to get rid of) in darkness so I chose to use.

Some bodies are pinned high, like these.

Right of the fireplace. If you want to save Christmas items, pick up the red ball under him and put somewhere safe, so you can safely remove the body off the railing.

Just above Waste Bin Dispenser. use a Stool then hit it with your Mop.

Lower body part hanged under red decorations.

If you want to destroy every single Christmas items, you have to be careful with :
- Boxes or Guns falling behind tables. If it happens, use mop to push it out.
If you can't even mop it, try "Ghost" command (Console is Tilde or TAB key). "Walk" command to get out of ghost mode.
- Glass Balls at ceiling of Fireplace Room.
Stacking up Stools is legit way but I find it too much work and just went with "Fly" command("Walk" to disable flying).
- Don't forget about Glass Balls on Christmas Tree, too.
- Candles. All are in Fireplace Room but 9 on the shelves by the stair and door to Entrance, 5 on Fireplace itself. They can be easy to miss.

Elf Heads / エルフの首
1 : Entrance
2 : Middle of the staircase
3 : Next to the Trash Bin dispenser
4 : Santa's Hiding place(Upstairs, there's removable plank on floor right in front of pile of logs by the wall).
5 : Past the blown up wall(left of fireplace), on the floor with wood and stone pieces.
6 : Past the blown up wall, on the table.
7 : Basement, in the bucket.

1 : 玄関
2 : 階段の踊り場
3 : ゴミ箱を出す装置のそば
4 : 2階、薪のそばにある床板が外せる。下のスクリーンショット参照。
5と6 : 爆破された壁の向こう側、床とテーブルの上に1個ずつ
7 : 地下、桶の中

#4 Santa's Hiding Place
Collectibles(Guns, Figs, Nose) / 収集物

Santa's Boomstick : In his personal office(right of the fireplace), look behind the cabinet.

サンタのショットガン : オフィスのキャビネット裏に隠してある。

Ballistic Guns are all found on tables. :
Pump Shotgun
Colorful Shotgun
Green Machinegun
Bladed SMG
Green handgun

Ballistic Weaponsの武器は全てテーブルの上に置かれてる。複数あるが1種類につき1個でいい。

Rook's Keep Figures are also found on tables.
Rook's Keepのフィギュアも同じく、全てテーブルの上に置かれてる。

Rudolph's Red Nose : Basement, right corner in the very end. when you rotate one of the Reindeer gibs, you'll see it shining.
Tower of Babel

Place first Stool near the carpet(not ON carpet, since it's "under" the balcony upstairs). You could stack up to 3 Stools from same height of the first one.
Build stairs of Stools until you have a tower of 6 or 7 Stools, then you can use the balcony to start dropping 7th to 9th Stool. for 10th you'd need another little stair of Stools.

Remember to Left Click AGAIN when you grab it, to make it stand.

Other Bits(その他)
TNTs and Molotovs : If you accidentally light it, douse it in water bucket(Bloody Buckets are OK too).
Also, You can incinerate them without explosive consequences by using water bucket(just like screenshot below). Be careful not to lose the water while it's burning.

TNTと火炎瓶: 暖炉に投下したり、水バケツ・ゴミ箱装置から火のついたやつが出てきたら、爆発する前に水(血も可)入りバケツに突っ込む。

Problem with Knives: They fall through floors, thus making complete cleanup impossible if they're counted as junk.


Things you must remove :
Bodies(Elves and Reindeer) - includes Reindeer Horns.
TNT(Stick and Bundle) and Molotov Cocktail. Read above for the way to deal with them.
Bloods and Spots(black stains caused with explosion and fire)
Letters(It's fun to read though)
Empty or Broken Bottles
Shotgun Shells
Wood and Stone pieces(doors and walls blown up by explosion)

Things considered "Christmas" :
Glass Balls(be careful with them, since they're breakable)
Ballistic Weapon and Rooks Keep toys
Present Boxes
Candy Cane
Santa's Hat(NOTE : There aren't 50 hats in the house, so you'll have to do several runs for the achievement!)

Things don't matter much :
Stools and Rocknig Chair
Janitor's Box
Funk Ninja Radio
Lantern(unless you break it)
Santa's Boomstick
Rudolf's Nose


・Ballistic WeaponのトイガンとRooks Keepのフィギュア

・Funk Ninja Radio


Cleanliness is Godliness(清潔は敬神なり):全ての汚れとゴミを片付け、仕事を終わらせる
Christmas Crisis Corrected(クリスマスを守れ):クリスマスグッズを壊すことなく、全ての汚れとゴミを片付けて仕事を終わらせる
Sanitized Earth(地球を綺麗に):クリスマスグッズを一つ残さず壊し、全ての汚れとゴミを片付けて仕事を終わらせる
Thunder Candle(爆発性のロウソク):TNTによる事故で清掃員を失い、新しい清掃員を仕事に就かせる
The day the Funk Died(ファンクミュージックの死んだ日):Funk Ninjaラジオを炎の中へ放り込む
Rooks Kept(Rooks Keepの保持者):Rooks Keepのフィギュア4種を清掃員用トランクにしまう
The Nose Knows(鼻のみぞ知る):真っ赤なトナカイのお鼻を清掃員用トランクにしまう
St. Nick's Boomstick(聖ニックの愛用品):サンタのショットガンを探して清掃員用トランクにしまう
Bloody Incompetent(超のつく不適任者):サンタの家を来た時よりも汚してから仕事を終わらせる
Ballistic Weaponry(Ballistic Weapon収集家):Ballistic Weaponsのモデルガン6種を清掃員用トランクにしまう
Head Hunter(ヘッドハンター):エルフの生首を7つ清掃員用トランクにしまう。
Tower of Babel(バベルの塔):脚立を10脚積み上げる
Santa Hats Must Die!(サンタ憎けりゃ帽子まで憎い):サンタの帽子を50個燃やす。
hybriddawg Jul 4, 2020 @ 10:29am 
even though this came out like in 2013, do you have to keep the notes, or can you burn them?
Deadman Dec 28, 2019 @ 12:21pm 
Thank you !
SHRIMP Apr 25, 2018 @ 7:11am 
So I found out that you can do the Ghost command and you can get the achievement but it takes a lot of time to do it you can still get it
SHRIMP Apr 24, 2018 @ 1:54pm 
Could I use the no clip command for the stool tower achievement?
LuckyVlad Mar 19, 2016 @ 8:16am 
LuckyVlad Mar 19, 2016 @ 8:16am 
Aquium Oct 2, 2015 @ 12:04pm 
@jackjack64 The code is one of 15 codes which were CD codes for serious sam games.
Jooksenberg Sep 13, 2015 @ 7:01am 
u can find a code under santas desk, does anyone know what its used for
Redtailshark Sep 11, 2015 @ 9:59am 
sonny101 did you try using the mop?:GDNormal:
𝙎𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙮 Jun 14, 2015 @ 11:33am 
I have the worst of luck - I have burned every single item in the game (I could), I have destroyed every single piece of junk I found, the house is empty...after about 3 hours...I've found out that there's one shotgun shell on a place where I can't reach in any way and is stuck there. There literally is NOTHING in the house. not even a single blood spot.