Actress Mia Goth Takes a Positive Stance on Politics, Unlike Husband Shia LaBeouf: 'I'm a Glass Half Full Kind of Girl'

The A Cure for Wellness actress attended the film's premiere on Monday night in New York City where she tells PEOPLE that she is a "glass half full kind of girl" in regards to politics

Photo: Mark Sagliocco/Getty Images

Mia Goth maintains a more positive outlook than her husband, actor Shia LaBeouf, when it comes to the political landscape of the country.

The A Cure for Wellness actress attended the film’s premiere on Monday night in New York City where she tells PEOPLE that she is a “glass half full kind of girl” in regards to politics.

“I think the political climate we’re in is not the best one we could be in,” she says. “But I think if you were to try and find a silver lining in this situation, it’s that it’s mobilizing younger generations and engaging them in politics.”

True to her positive demeanor, the actress adds, “I think that’s always a good thing.”

Goth, 23, and LaBeouf, 30, were married in an impromptu Las Vegas ceremony presided over by an Elvis impersonator in October.

LaBeouf took a stance against President Donald Trump on Jan. 20, in a piece called “HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US.” The Transformers actor encouraged people to repeat the phrase into a camera mounted on the wall outside of the Museum of the Moving Image in New York City.

The museum shut down the piece last Friday, after calling it “an ongoing public safety hazard.”

“The installation created a serious and ongoing public safety hazard for the museum, its visitors, its staff, local residents and businesses,” the museum said in a statement. “While the installation began constructively, it deteriorated markedly after one of the artists was arrested at the site of the installation and ultimately necessitated this action.”

  • Reporting by KATHERINE RICHTER

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