woman looking thoughtful in an office

What is DiSC®?

Deepen your understanding of yourself and others

The DiSC circle
DiSC® is a personal assessment tool used by more than one million people every year to help improve teamwork, communication, and productivity in the workplace. Organizations and facilitators use these profiles as tools to help ignite cultural change, inspiring lasting behavior changes that positively shape their workforce.


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Our best-selling assessment

sharing a common language, understanding

A common language

The Everything DiSC® model provides a common language people can use to better understand themselves and those they interact with—and then use this knowledge to reduce conflict and improve working relationships.

Everything DiSC map: D, i, S, C

What does DiSC mean?

DiSC is an acronym that stands for the four main personality profiles described in the DiSC model: (D)ominance, (i)nfluence, (S)teadiness and (C)onscientiousness.

People with D personalities tend to be confident and place an emphasis on accomplishing bottom-line results.

People with i personalities tend to be more open and place an emphasis on relationships and influencing or persuading others.

People with S personalities tend to be dependable and place an emphasis on cooperation and sincerity.

People with C personalities tend to place an emphasis on quality, accuracy, expertise, and competency.

Everything DiSC also measures priorities (the words around the circle), providing more nuanced and memorable feedback in profiles.

The process is simple:

  1. Take a short personality assessment to determine where you “fit” into the four main personality reference styles. The adaptive test itself takes 15 to 20 minutes and includes approximately 80 questions.
  2. Upon completion you’ll receive a personalized profile where you’ll learn about your unique behavioral style, strategies for engaging with others, your needs, and preferred environment.
  3. Many organizations conduct facilitated DiSC sessions that help team members discover how to apply the information in their profiles to their day-to-day work.

There are a variety of different types of assessment depending on your overall goal (becoming a better leader, improving management skills, growing your selling skills, etc.), so if you need help deciding on the right solution for yourself, your team or your organization, our customer service team is here to help!

Why use DiSC?

Everything DiSC® assessments are used in thousands of organizations around the world, from sprawling government agencies and Fortune 500 companies to nonprofits and small businesses. The reason is simple: Everything DiSC® profiles help build stronger, more effective working relationships.

Workplace culture

If you need:
to improve workplace culture and cultivate effective communication and relationship-building strategies

teamwork: illustration of a handshake

Team building

If you need:
to build stronger teams and discover the best ways to collaborate

develop sales skills: an illustration

Personal development

If you need:
to learn more about your own personality and how it impacts your life and work


Leadership training

If you need:
to develop confident, impactful leaders

management: illustration of holding others in your palm

Management training

If you need:
to teach managers how to effectively engage with, motivate, and develop their staff

nonjudgmental training: illustration

Facilitating DiSC

If you need:
to expand your DiSC expertise and learn to lead DiSC trainings

argument or conflict illustration

Conflict management

If you need:
your team to develop better conflict management skills and practice emotional intelligence

Sales and customer service training

If you need:
to improve customer service and sales skills throughout your organization


If you need:
to hire the right people and set them up for success

Compare the Everything DiSC profiles

Discover which profile will help you meet your goals

working with others remotely: illustration

How does DiSC work?

The DiSC journey starts with a simple test. You take a short personality assessment to determine where you “fit” into the four main personality reference points and how inclined you are to those styles.

The science behind DiSC

The science behind DiSC

DiSC assessments are extensively researched and time-tested. The publisher of DiSC assessments, Wiley, is one of the world’s oldest and most respected publishers of scientific and technical references. Wiley and many others have been researching, analyzing, and improving the DiSC model for more than 40 years.

William Moulton Marston (photo)

Who created the DiSC profile?

The DiSC model of behavior was originally proposed by William Moulton Marston, a physiological psychologist with a Ph.D. from Harvard. His 1928 book, Emotions of Normal People, established the theories that were later expanded by many others.

A brief introduction to DiSC styles

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