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South African Politician Attacked, Beaten By Anti-Uber Taxi Drivers

Updated May 17, 2016, 12:48pm EDT
This article is more than 8 years old.

The South African politician in charge of transport in the central Gauteng province had to be rescued by armed policemen in Johannesburg today after metered taxi drivers attacked and held him hostage in a protest against Uber.

Ismail Vadi, the provincial minister in charge of transport in Gauteng, the country's economic heartland that included nearby capital Pretoria, was assaulted by 20 metered taxi drivers at his office in Johannesburg, the leading Business Day newspaper reported.

The attacks occurred in the  provincial government's offices in downtown Johannesburg where Vadi was briefing reporters about his government's plans to issue Uber drivers with the same operating licences as metered taxis. This would allow them to operate as metered taxis too.

During a tour of facilities, which the group of metered taxi drivers attended, one driver walked up to Vadi and shook his hand, according to a reporter from the newspaper who witnessed it. "Then they started hitting him and shouting‚ asking him if he knew what he was doing. He fell to the ground and more men joined the attack. A security guard who tried to intervene was thrown to one side."

Vadi ran into an office where he was locked in until police arrived. The taxi drivers refused to allow him to leave the building and blockaded the road outside, until more police arrived and began issuing fines. These taxi drivers accuse Uber of taking their business away from them without the same licences taxis are subject to.

There have been protests against ride-sharing service Uber in South Africa before, but never of this magnitude – and never where a senior politician in charge of one of the country's nine provinces has been in such danger. Gauteng is the most prosperous of these, and includes the economic seat of power Johannesburg and political capital Pretoria, 50km to the north.

Uber in March named Nigeria's Lagos as its 400th city, after Mombasa in Kenya a week before.

Johannesburg was Uber first city in Africa – which began operating in August 2013 – and now it operates in five cities in South Africa, including Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth and Pretoria. It has two cities each in Nigeria (Lagos and Abuja) and Kenya (Nairobi and Mombasa).

“To put that in context, when we launched Joburg we were the 34th city globally. In the last two and a half years we have scaled exponentially,” Alon Lits, Uber’s general manager for sub-Saharan Africa, told me at the time.

Until now, the most violent protest against Uber in Africa was in Nairobi, where two vehicles were burnt. "There were six arrests [that] week in Nairobi on that back of those attacks. But a strong message is being sent with police and regulators reacting quite quickly. It’s not widespread,” Lits said.

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