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(Today's lesson is by guest writer Adriana.)
So it's official, no more sun, no more going to the beach... at least where I live.

I really like autumn, although it also kinda gets me a little melancholic. Must be the weather.

But instead of regretting the things I can't do anymore because of the dropping temperature, I decided to think of all the things that I can do precisely because it's autumn. And here goes the autumn checklist, or:

あき に しか でいない こと
Things you can do only in the autumn.
Literally: 'Autumn + に + only (~しか) + can't do + things'

...And also, I want to use this lesson to teach you a little more about expressing potential actions.

So here we go:

(に) しか できない
1. Can do only during [time period]
2. Only x can do  

*Literally: '(に) + only + can't do'

* Psss, hey,  I know, the way they say it in Japanese makes it sound like the exact opposite, like 'Only X can't do something' or 'Only [during that time] one can't do something.' But that's just because, as you probably already concluded, literal translation sucks.

So, meaning no. 1:

(に) しか できない。
Can do only in/during [time-period] 
Literally: '(に) + only + can't do' 

Now. Depending on the type of time period you use this expression with or without に.

You use しかできない with things you can do only in/during  the (autumn, winter, spring, summer, summer break, Christmas, etc.)


なつやすみ  しか できない。
[Something] you can do only during summer vacation.
Literally: 'summer vacation + in + only + can't do'

2020ねん  しか できない こと。
Things you can only do in the year 2020. 
Literally: 'Year 2020 + in + only + can't do'

くりすます  しか できない こと。
Things you can only do during Christmas.
Literally: 'Christmas + in + only + can't do'

And you use ~しかできない with things you can do only [today, tomorrow, this year, this month], with nothing like 'in' or 'during' in front of it.

ことし しか できない こと。
Things you can do only this year
Literally: 'this year + only + can't do'

こんげつ しか できない こと。
Things you can do only this month
Literally: 'This month + only + can't do'

あした しか できない。
Things you can do only tomorrow.
Literally: 'Tomorrow + only + can't do'

Meaning no. 2:

Here things are a little easier.

X に しか できない こと。
Things only [person X] can do.
Literally: 'X + に + only + can't do + thing'


あなた に しか できない こと。
Things only you can do.
Literally: 'You + に + only + can't do'

こども に しか できない こと。
Things only children can do
Literally: 'Children + に + only + can't do'

かみ に しか できない こと。
Things only Gods can do
Literally: 'God / Gods + に + only + can't do'

Phew, that took longer than I expected.

But now that we got it all sorted out, let's see what are some little things we can do only in the autumn.

あき に しか できない こと。
Things you can do only in the autumn:
Literally: 'Autumn + に + only + can't do'

くり が たべれる。
Eat chestnuts
Literally: 'Chestnuts + を + eat'

おちば の やま で あそぶ。
Play with fallen leaves.
Literally: 'Fallen leaves + で + play.'

And of course, last but not least...

はろうぃーん で もりあがる。
Get hyped up for Halloween.
Literally: 'Halloween + で + get excited + (to)'

So leave your regrets for the bygone summer behind, and embrace the joys of autumn!

Have fun with your studies, make sure you don't fall behind! :))

See you next time!
This lesson was written by Adriana, a guest contributor.

Thank you, Adriana!

If anyone has any questions about this lesson, fellow students on the community page can help (signup link).

Good luck with your studies, everyone!

Keep swimming,

p.s. Want past lessons with native audio, flashcards, and additional sample sentences?

You can get lessons 01-90 as part of the Toby in Tokyo course. Or you can get packs of 30 separately (01-30, 31-60, 61-90).

And if you're having trouble organizing your studies, then maybe check out the Hacking Japanese Supercourse.
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