
Cataract(noun) in medical refers to the disease that involves opacification of the eye lens. Apart from the medical usage, the word also refers to a gigantic waterfall or a pelter. The brobdingnagian amount of water falling from higher up is referred to as cataract in...


Cruciverbalist(noun) refers to a person who loves to diddle with words. This word avoids a great irony by serving as a specific word for crossword creators. It would have been humiliating if the word creators themselves had no word for themselves and hence the word...


Mnemonic tip for Cursory: Cursory bole to ‘kar to sahi’, bina dhyaan ke kar, bina attention ke kar, bas kar de! Meaning of Cursory: 1. Hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough Pronunciation: kur-suh-ree Want to explore more Hinglish Words? Torpor Protege...


Mnemonic Aid to Learn Carnage: Carnage equals to ‘CAR RAGE’, to move with great intensity or violence. Carnage means killing of a large number of people as if in battle. That means they are people who have great intensity to kill whoever comes in their...


Mnemonic tip for Candor: Candor bole to ‘kaun darta hai’; jo mann mein aata hai wohi bolenge. Candor is frankness and openness of speech, without any bias or prejudice. Meanings of Candor: 1. Frankness or sincerity of expression; openness. 2. Freedom from prejudice;...


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