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Relationally Sourced, Purposefully Shared, Simply Enjoyed

Relationships mean that the mutual benefit is more important than transactions. When we say our coffees are relationally sourced, we’re saying we care more about investing, over time, in the people and communities producing those coffees over immediately satisfying our bottom line.
To us, the relationships matter and the people are worth it.


We’re intentional about everything we do with the coffees once they’re in our hands. We strive for consistency and clarity, purposefully sharing what we have to help our wholesale partners thrive and serving our guests in a way they can just enjoy it, simply.

Our locations

We take great pride in creating spaces that are welcoming, hospitable, and enjoyable. From our shops in the neighborhoods of Oakley, Over The Rhine, and Downtown Cincinnati, to our roasting facility in West End of the city, we love serving and sharing our coffee with everyone we encounter.

Heart Latte Art

Our approach

Our commitment to sourcing and crafting excellent specialty coffee starts by partnering with communities of producers. We build long-lasting relationships with coffee farmers to help them improve the quality of coffees they grow, and in turn, improve their quality of life.


interested in serving our coffee?



We take the time to understand your business and the particular needs you’re facing in order to best help you start and grow a fruitful coffee program. All of our experience in the coffee industry, including our education, consulting, and equipment resources are available at your disposal because as a wholesale partner, your success is our top priority.


What we're digging right now


What we're digging right now 🔥