
Dirk Nowitzki explains how Kevin Durant should approach Twitter trolls

Kevin Durant has a history of taking Twitter and social media spats a bit too seriously. We’ve seen burner accounts, fights with teenagers, and the legendary saga of the Based God’s Curse.

Most recently, Durant argued with followers over his banter with Blazers star C.J. McCollum, then deleted the tweets.

It’s likely best for professional athletes to stay off Twitter entirely at this point, as there’s almost zero potential benefit to checking your mentions. Mavericks legend Dirk Nowitzki says he likes to have fun with Twitter trolls, and doesn’t understand why Durant is so sensitive to Twitter barbs.

“I don’t follow [Durant] on Twitter, but obviously it’s tough not to see what’s going on. I just think overall and in general, I don’t know why you would get engaged with fans talking trash.

I like having fun with it. I get hit up on Twitter every now and then in my mentions. ‘Hey, you’re old, go away. Retire.’ Or something like that. To me, it’s fun. You’re not supposed to be sensitive about it. That’s how I look at it.

I’m not sure why KD feels the need to respond to some of the stuff, because, I mean, Twitter is just such a place for tough guys and a lot of hate. I take it with a smile on my face. You can’t take yourself too serious on there.”

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