[CITAÇÃO][C] A Discourse concerning the Origine and Properties of Wind

R Bohun - 1766 - W. Hall

[LIVRO][B] A discourse concerning the origine and properties of wind: With an historicall account of hurricanes, and other tempestuous winds

R Bohun - books.google.com
Onfidering the unfuccesfull Attempts of feverall Authors. who have adventur'd upon this
difficult part of Meteorology, I was Sufficiently difcourag'd from expofing to publick view thofe
Collections, which I had fometime made concerning the Caufes and Properties of Winds But
afterward, by reafon of my refi dence in a place principally concern'd in Naval Affairs (where I
had frequent opportunities of converfing with the most experienc'd of our Sea-Captains I
began to compare the obfervations of their Voyages, with the writings
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