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Fla. agency blames Casey Anthony for daughter's death

By Michael Winter, USA TODAY

Nearly a month after Casey Anthony was acquitted of murdering her daughter, Florida officials have blamed Caylee Marie's death on her mother's failure to protect her, according to a report released today.

The state Department of Children and Families concluded its nearly three-year investigation by declaring that Anthony "failed to protect her child from harm either through her actions or lack of actions, which tragically resulted in the child's untimely death." The report cites three "maltreatments: death, failure to protect and threatened harm.

The probe, the agency's second since abuse allegations first surfaced in August 2008, was not a criminal investigation, a department spokeswoman told the Orlando Sentinel. Although the findings were sent to the Orange County Sheriff's Office, no new charges will be filed.

CNN notes that the report says Anthony's father, George Anthony, "should have been interviewed for the missing person report." Casey Anthony waited 31 days to report that Caylee had disappeared. Her remains were found in December 2008 in a swampy area near her home. No cause of death was determined.

Anthony, 25, was found not guilty of murder last month but convicted of four counts of lying to authorities. She has been released from jail but is in hiding because of threats following the jury's unpopular verdict. A probation hearing on earlier charges has been delayed.

Mars rover nears rim of vast crater after 3 years travel
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