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6035kHz CHINA Yunnan night schedule --- - Sep 17, 2016 10:58 UTC No.1
Yunnan International Radio and Television Broadcasting
Callsign : Voice of Shangri-La
Frequency : 6035kHz

Sept 16, 2016
0900-1000 ** Not broadcast yet Short wave
*0945-1000 s/on, classical music same as their stream
1000-1030 Vietnamese
1030-1100 Chinese
1100-1130 Vietnamese
1130-1200 Chinese
1200* s/off
Website: http://www.ynradio.com/pinlv/node_121.shtml

Old schedule;
*1000-1100 Vietnamese
1100-1200 Chinese
1200-1300 Vietnamese (Rebroadcast of 1000-11000)
1300-1400 Chinese (Rebroadcast of 1100-12000)
1400-1500* Vietnamese (Rebroadcast of 1000-11000)

SA at -1030- recorded their live broadcast;
I sounded like;
Chinese : "Yunnan guangbo dianshitai, xianggelila zhi sheng, SW6035"
English : "Yunnan Radio and Television International, the Voice Shangri-La"

SA at -1100- recorded their live broadcast;
Vietnamese and English;
Vietnamese sounded like as:
"Day la tieng noi Shangri-La, dai phat thanh chuong trinh Van Nam"

SA is like a language to be used in the next broadcast and English.
Full SA at -1200-

Re: 6035kHz CHINA Yunnan, Morning and Night program [B18] Feb 15, 2019 20:54 UTC No.62
Thanks to Cahcn(CHINA) !!
Cahch's Blog : https://cahcn.github.io/
See also to : https://cahcn.github.io/posts/2019-02-15-Voice-of-Shangri-La.html

*2140-2200 Music
2200-2230 Vietnamese
2230-2300* Music
 2300-2400 Chinese

*1130-1630/1700* Chinese

Time (UTC) Program (Chinese) Program (English, Google Translate)
Only 6035kHz
*2140-2200 测试音乐 Test music
2200-2230 越语星空 Vietnamese starry sky
2230-2300 音乐 Music

Relaying FM99
2300-0100 出行大家帮早间版 Travel everyone help morning edition
0100-0200 汽车能量音乐 Car energy music
0200-0300 飞屋地图 Flying House Map
0300-0400 Radio旅游家 Radio Tourist https://www.ximalaya.com/lvyou/13386895/
0400-0500 旅途CD Travel CD
0500-0600 玩转自驾 Fun driving
0600-0700 支教地理·有声杂志 Education Geography·Audio Magazine
0700-0800 旅行超市 Travel supermarket
0800-0900 世界美食 World cuisine
0900-0935 车市情报局 Car market intelligence bureau
0935-1100 出行大家帮下午版 Travel everyone help afternoon edition
1100-1200 电影之旅 Movie tour
1200-1300 嗨玩之旅 Play Tour
1300-1400 乐来疯Party Mix Party Mix
1400-1600 音乐 Music
1600-1630* 背包心情 Backpack mood

Only 6035kHz
1630-1700* 越语星空 Vietnamese starry sky

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