Timestamp1) Have you had any experience in searching for data online? 2) Which tools have you used in the past to search for data, if any?4) How did you know how to go about it? 3) What prompted you to search for data online? 5a) What data (set) did you want to find?
5c) What particular attributes / characteristics did you want the data set to have?
5d) What steps did you take to find the data? Are you able to show us?
5e) Were you successful in finding the data (including the attributes listed in #c)?
5f) What information did you need to decide this was / was not the right data set for your purpose?
5g) What information would you have liked to be contained in the metadata?
5h) What worked / did not work? What would you have preferred to do?
5i) What functionality would you have liked / did you like?
6) Where do you get your research data from?
7a) What data (set) do you want to find? What do you want to use it for?
7b) What particular attributes / characteristics should the data set have?
7c) What steps would you like to take to find the data?
7d) What information would you need to decide this is the right data set for your purpose?
7e) How would you like to discover data online?
8) Have you used RDA to search for data (sets)?
9a) If yes, what do you think RDA can help you do?
10) What did you like about RDA as a tool for this task?
11) What did you not like about RDA as a tool for this task?
12) What would you like different? What functionality would you like RDA to have?13) Any other comments?Task Notes
Terminology used during tasks
Barriers / issues encountered during task
9b) If no, give interviewee ~5 mins to explore RDA.
2c) What functions attract yout to these tools?
2b) Ask the user to show us how they would conduct a typical search on their favourite data portal. Capture any behaviour not already on the form
5b) What did you want to use the data for?
6/26/2014 13:29:58YesABS website
Australian Data Archinves
Discovered releavant data through publications
Supervisors were reusers of data
Peer networks drive data search approach
Supervisors were reusers of data
Research required data that was nationwide. Unable to collect herself.
Used national survey for health and wellbeing from the Australian Data Archives
Used for exploratory analysis and papers published from this.
First characteristic was the content. Needed sample from across australia. Min needed to included measures of mental health and disorders and recording of peoples use of health services. (description)
Particular software format.
Already understood some of what was in the dataset from other related publications
Spoke with peers and colleges
First found out about the data through a conference.
Discovered through ABS reports.
Looked on ABS first then found Aus Data Archives

Search by term. Phrase "Mental disorder"
Look through titles and abstract
Looked at creator and title
year of collection imptant.
Then looked at abstract

User ok with and used to having to register to obtain access to data

Tends to go strait for advanced search features
YesDescription in ADA includes the topics surveyed.
Techinical docs related to dataset. Available from ABS.
Other parts not discovered until data accessed
None. Just wanted the data.YesIdentify data that was more wide spread than other portals.
Other portals havent covered the whole domain.
Identify datasets from particular people/researcher. (not overly successful when attempted in RDA though)
RDA includes grant information and can link to data.
Liked the right hand column in the the view pages.
Liked Access top right.
Unable to easily narrow down once in a category or spatial filter. (browse by subjects and confusing spatial map)
Home page terminology is confusing (collections, parties, etc)
Boolean searching needs to allow more complex queries. Two terms to do a search then wants to add "and" to narrow down by another term in the results.
Drop down list of subjects/category in advanced search
Search box being center focus
Expect RDA to be similar to other scholarly portals
One sentence about what RDA is. E.g. Figshare. What can the user do.
Task 1:
Browse by subjects.
Discovered. Yes.
Unable to search/refine within catagory in browse by subjects.
Going to try using search box "green head"
Didn't click on all collections. Stuck on all tab

Likes access heading at the top.
Used the Access link.

Task 2:
Selected browse by map coverage first up
Read instructions on map before attempting task
No issue opening record from map.
Creator for (author)could not refine browse by subject

People under connections and names didn't suggest to being creator.
Assumed the creator might be Jane as she couldn't find the creator in the main section of the record.

Unsure what connections heading means.

Task 2:

Expected to resize corner after first go at drawing on map.
Got the drawing right on the 2nd attempt.
Confused to why points are outside. No idea (suggested related or comparing to the points inside drawn rectangle). 1st reaction is user error.
Had to pompt user to discover highlighted region associated with map pin.
Map zoom issues encountered.
No idea how to refine. Thinking a text search will give search results and not refine. Looking through facets. Thought that it would do the same action as a search from browse by subject as that resulted in a whole new search.
Would like a search box within facets section.

Advance search button closed map and resulted in search results.
Would like a list of results with the map.
Weather data
Does no work in a specific discipline so no domain portals etc..
Depends on type of data looking for.
Google used to discover sites which offer relevant data.
Looking for Data that researchers could actually access for training sessions.Historical weather data. Sourced from BOM.
Uses the site pretty often. Knew what was available.

Used for training courses.
Format was key. Good example of csv to pull into excel for training sessons.
Long term availability into the future was important.
Ease of access. Click to download type access.
A lot of browsing. Org data holdings can be difficult to navigate. (levels of access, terminology, licensing, learning new interface and what can be obtained)

Barely use search on an actual website. More browse.
Yes. Try to get data first then read the metadata later. Accessing and viewing the data more important than the attributes.
BOM has excellent metadata about weather stations and recordings so was confident the metadata would be available.

Using BOM service. Discovered by browsing through BOM site.
Clearer licensing information to understand what could be done with the data.Clarity on what you could extract data wise.
Internal knowledge required for some aspects of the data. (simpler interface would be nice but maybe not possible with data complexities??)

Ability to filter by format , direct download (access).
YesIntroduces users as part of Intersect training.

Keep an eye on his institutions and see what they have contributed/published.

Good source of materials for training courses.
Gotten better with time. Interface is vastly improved.
Search responsiveness.
Nice icons which give a clear metaphor (australia on button).
Colour scheme, use of white space and layout.
Facets are nice.
Language which does not make sense to users.ISO names are not intuitive for end users.
Reserachers think in terms of unis and researchers and individuals.
Descriptions of actual class types is closer to what users would like.
Shopping cart functionality. Investigate more or download later.
Maybe a bit of workflow to searching. Simple keyword then user advance and map to filter down first.
Simple workflow to help users search. Indicate sequence of events to users to get to their goal.
Institutions float to the top of parties browse list so users know contributor has provided x many records to explore.
Question. Are parties the same as contributors?
Direct download and licence faceting. Want to know whats direct download.
Users need for data was for examples as part of training courses.
Example given for searching for data was more around extracting data from the BOM service. Not quite searching for data in a portal.
Task 1
Straight to collection browse > facet by subject.
Searched green head (non exact phrase used)
Straight to access and found download.
Download from landing page or repository button for access to data from landing page.

Task 2.
Icon with Australia explains geospatial tool metaphor to user.
Drew on map without any issues. (Prior knowledge of the tool noted)
Task 1

Category used for facet.
Download with down arrow icon for download data on view page.
Task 1
Looking in main section of record for the creator.
Imagine its the people in the connections. Clicked on Jane and found the relationship.
Expecting name right under the title.
Under connections implies some sort of relationship but not a significant relationship.

Task 2:
Thought the blue flags were imos stations which were based out of Tasmania. And related back to Tasmania.
Map zoom issues with bounding box visibility.
Expect to select things completely enclosed within search area.
Why cant user draw region without clicking icon first. Click to enable draw button would be nice. (Explanation is the action to enable tool)
Some defaults which only include items within search area. Giving a small set of records with then the option to include records which intersect.
Looked in facets for a way to find walls of Jerusalem.
Feeling he could use the search box but worried it would loose his steps..
Lost map search when user started typing in the serach box and selected existing search suggestion from dropdown.
Wanted to see the size of the results. Not listed anywhere expect by adding up by facets.
Tried to do an exact phrase search and got a list of results instead of finding record on map.
6/30/2014 15:56:33YesGoogle, pubmed, for both data and publication

use metlab search for data as well
For research
We have model, we need a data to validate data,
We started with Google, typing keywords,
clinical data
Model: we have data collected in hospital about premature birth (before 7 weeks).
As long as I can get it. Very difficult to find. Sometimes I find it, it is not easy to re-use. Column missing, not understand about units.
Start with a publication first, then chase for data. Publication is more useful than metadata.
two approaches
1) through network, most sufficient way to go. It is quite successful. Data quality is good, and can follow up with people.

2) Google. less sufficient, less useful, mainly about data quality 2a) sometime find data seems useful but not willing to share, 2b) someone wiling to share data, but data is not re-useable.

It would be helpful if you find someone to answer questions about data
80/20 each method talked about.time series about data is more useful. prov information would be goodeasy to get data, quality guaranteed. Have someone to follow up.

as long as including people in co-authorship, people are willing to share their data
It would be nice to preview data (vis data), again this is about data quality. No
7/9/2014 12:09:57YesWeb of Science
Google Scolar
(Doing a Lit review at the moment. Interested more on the side of publications)
AgEcon (distributes reports of scholarly research in the field of agricultural economics.)
Searches it a little bit. Economists Dean works with reference it a lot.
Data isn't always available. Sometimes just report or summary.

Atlas of Living Australia. Not using it a lot but aware of it. Colleges use it a lot.
TERN datasets.
Research towards PHD.
Working in an area with a lot of grey lit which possibly have data behind it. Would like data for PHD
Mainly using google without much luck.
Supplementary data attached to papers. Usually too big to be published to journals.
May contain costs of respiration.

Next would be the grey literature data. Backing up grey lit.
Permissions ( mediated, rights, acknowledgements,etc)
Contact information
If it has been published already?
Method of collection (comparing apples with apples)
Temporal informtaion.
Currency ($$) of the data.
Where it was done and when.
Who funded the data. Gov or private etc.
Google search. Has since dropped it for his lit review because there are too many results.
Using google for grey lit.

Now using Scopus and Web of Science to conduct a search then export everything to EndNote for filterring and review.
Yes mainly publications.
Once they have been published to a Journal the metadata is quite good. Many times there is just a summary of the data though.

Used contact details to requested updated figures for data.

Data and publications link critical for Dean's work.
Predetermined criteria for types of studies in lit review. Linked to research question. Tiered system.
1st pass - Is this study relevant to subject. (title and abstract read)
2nd pass - on subject but with public investment. Required to read the actual methods/details of article.
Possibly more controlled use of keywords/subjects. Sometimes keywords attached to articles which have slight if any relation1 single search point for literature. Large overlaps in Web of Science and Scopus.
Knowing how to use Google Scholar more effectively to get more refined.

Not always clear on how to use search constructors on search sites. (Scopus willing to help out with how to do it).

** Save search really important. Need to rerun at the last minute to check nothing has been published since last study.
Functionality to give just updated results since saved search would be good..

Find duplicates function in EndNote good.
NoBrowse by subject stands out and go to straight away.

Uncluttered interface.
Clear on where to go.
Not always sure if he was searching withing an existing search, map search or subject filter.
Not always sure what the icons were for. Although discovered the hover over text.

People connections not clear.
Linking to publications. (explained we do have some publication informaiton for collections)

Activity completion date would be nice if exists. (**check if we get this in ARC NHMRC data)
Task 1
Strait to browse by collection.
Filtered by subject.
Didnt use exact phrase search in Adv Search even know he opened advanced search.
Tried using single quotes instead of double. Had to prompt him.
Struggled to find the creator. Had to explain.
Found access and download no problem.

Task 2.
Investigated normal search briefly before discovering map.
Struggled to draw on map multiple times.
No sure what blue icons were outside. Possibly related to activities in Tasmania or related funding.
(issues with RDA prevented user from finishing task)
Browse by subject.Not doing much analysis of data more summary required to use as supporting material.

Looking to extend and compare studies conducted for PHD.
7/22/2014 10:42:40YesUsed all ANU System.
ANU Library Systems (Literature databases, incl. Web of Science)
Google Scholar
Grey and Black Literature
Not used consistently or efficiently.
ANU Library System is not intuitive. Doesnt understand difference between search options.

Data Research:
Need to know reasearcher in field and engineer search that way.
Or find a journal article and have a look at references and reverse engineer the data search that way.
Difficult to get the data behind a lot of journal articles. Need access to get to the granularity of the data.
Some researchers reluctant to give away how they have gathered data. Questions the science behind the research.
Web of science
Google Search
CCE (uk website on environmental research)
Global Protected Area Network under IUCN - map overlay of protected areas and endangered species is very useful for Rick's research

Asked him about ALA: has used, but doesn't like it. Noted that sourcing of ALA data is outsourced, and collectiong interest groups have their own bias - need to assess the veracity of the data through this lens.
Doesn't want to have to read instructions on how to use a website/portal/database - he won't do this. Should be intuitive straight away. Should be presented with a simple search box and options. Otherwise the search tool is rejected.

Resuse, interegation and to inform his methodology.
Getting a feel for what can and cant be done with the available data for his PHD.
See what the data is, how it can be interegated, whats its limitations how it was gathered etc.
And what was relevant to Rick.
1) Threatened species that occur on a military training area (internationally)
2) Area of military training areas in a country. (Number in hectares good. Map tiles would be fantastic) 3) Trying to answer the question: How much of the world's terrestrial environment is dedicated to military training?
Hoping to get geographic areas with environmental values and features.
Were the areas commonwealth owned or leased?
To get an understanding of environmental values, need to talk to someone in Environmental Directorate - this information not open. Species information was obtained from the Department of the Environment and Dept of Defence's endangered species database.
All data access was mediated. Needed to understand mediation access before data could be located on the web.
Data needs to be current and relevant and the veracity of that data should be asserted.
Internet searches (time-consuming) or mediated contacts. Some data in this field is just not available online.

For international data Rick has contacts with US and Canadian Military. So approached them.
Then coroborated data with what Rick could find online so that he didn't compremise his research.

Google search - multiple search terms. 'Military training areas'
Would then work his way down search results filtering.
Yes for Australia but difficult for other countries.
Important to get OS data for Rick's research.
Uses knowledge of the databases and literature to make an assessment of how good the data is likely to be. Uses publications as a way to filter the most likely best set of datasets.

Currency of data.
Veracity of data
Executive summary and description.
Who collected/generated the data. Provenance

A lot of the tradional filters that could be used. E.g. Authors and Publishers not applicatble to land areas.
Geo area with attributes
Ecological communities
Tenure to see if area was commonwealth leased or freehold
Primary uses of area.
What the landscape is in terms of

Breakdowns of data. Categorization of land forms related to data.

Population centers.
Governance boundaries.
Who owns what.
What occurs at the site.

Can't always get to the raw data
Can't necessarily always rely on the integrity/veracity of the data, depending on where it is sourced from.
Limitations of usefulness search tools and filtering for his research purposes
Frustration with overly complex or unintuitive search interfaces
Ability to have your search sitting on the side. Retain and print search criteria.
Later session you can get back to where you were. In terms of publishing you need to say how you searched and what you searched for.
Ability to search for papers which are government endorsed or peer reviewed etc. To avoid getting grey literature and newspaper articles etc.
NoAssist in veracity of Rick's research.
Guessing its Australian centric.
Because Australian data is more easily obtainable for rick, he could use RDA to discover what data is available and what can be done with it before moving to an overseas model.
Search buttons across top.
Browse by subject good and something Rick would be drawn to use..
Wouldn't use browse by map coverage even though he is searching for military training areas.

"topic" and "subject" used as terms referring to subjects.
Likes the breakdown (tree) structure of the ANZSRC codes in the Browse By Subject.
"Themes" are good.
Easy to explore main functions.
Rick would question how much data is in RDA when he couldn't find something relevant. Then would go elsewhere.

Parties, Activities, Services labels don't resonate with user.

Skips over text and anything else on home page and goes straight to search buttons.

Map selection tool a bit difficult to use at first - requires a bit of experimentation.

Would like to go direct to the data download without intermediary pages.
Provenance. Who had a role in the data and what their role was.

Personalisation: Remembered searches. A log sitting there of previous searches and what dates.

Permutations of searches that user has conducted..
Not a fan of the XXX website. Needs to be intuitive. If Rick can't get an understanding in the first 5 minutes he loses interest. Not intereseted in reading a lot of text on "how to" up front

Rick mentioned that he really doesn't like the Web of Science. Didn't work for him

The perfect search engine has a search box and a what do you want to search by filter. ANU Library and Google Scholar (once you go in) has this.

Top menu in RDA (black bar) he expected to find descriptions (text) of what this is about or what to expect to find here ("About" type pages), rather than a link to an object-filtered search results page. So, expected to find out who provided data etc under 'Collections' top menu. (Although, he wouldn't usually read these anyway).

Icons not initially clear. But made more sense after looking at it for 30 seconds and discovering hover over text.

When browsing by subject Rick noticed that there were a number of top reserachers (parties) missing from the list for specific subject areas.

When browsing by map area, collections he expected to find there were not there - big turn-off and undermines trust in RDA.

"Services" read as services provided by RDA. Maybe use "tools"
"Activities" maybe use "Projects"
"Parties" maybe use "contacts" or "researchers"

"Themes" useful and makes sense

Overall. Likes it. Intuitive. Existence of RDA not well publicised.
Useful that its data only.

When looking at the search box. Rick had a question about what "research data" was. Refering to placeholder text in search box.

Was unclear what ANDS logo was for in top right corner, and clicking on this link did not clear this up at all.

When showing us his general search on RDA. There were results in the list which didn't quite match his keywords "military training area". Exact phrase not used. Probably matching on a single word "Area"

Spatial areas described for data are often not at a fine enough detail. Need to analyse the data to determine.
Task 1:
- Browse by subject area
- Found number easily.
- Advanced search used green head.
- Didn't see that you needed to filter by Earth Sciences on RHS (filter not carried across in next search). Wasn't obvious that you had to click on the filter text to activate.
- Eventually found creator of collection. Looked on LHS first.
- Didn't find "Access", looking for "Download"

Task 2:
- Prompted to use map. Read instructions.
- Quick to learn how tool worked after initial issues.
- Exploring map via hover and click.
- Lost map selection when clicking on Advanced Search
- Used exact phrase to filter map
- Download found but user was prompted earlier to use the Access section.
- Would like a direct download link instead of landing on a metadata page. User would go straight for the download file link.
Categories for ANZSRC subject
Access - More about accessing a portal etc.
Download might be better
Task 1 :

- Filtering searches down by lower level ANZSRC subjects difficult on search results page.
- Could not filter from browse by subjects for search terms.
- Had to explain to user on how to filter down.
- Had trouble finding creator. Looking in the main section of the page. Eventually found in Connections.
- clicked on export to find download link. Looking for 'Download'
- Tried clicking outside Export popout to close it.

Task 2:
- Trouble drawing on map.
- Unable to view map coverage for clustered points.
- Map zooming an issue.
- Blue flags outside of region drawn confusing and not what user would be looking for.
- Issues with reproducing search in task. Autocomplete for search terms clears map if participant selects it.
Wanted a number. How much of the worlds terestrial environment is dedicated to military training.

Overlay the number/area with the global protected area network. How much of the worlds protected ecosystems are under governmental control.
7/23/2014 14:47:47NoMuseum specimens - Access them measure them and take pictures. Damien is provided with a list of places where he can access specimens.
Generates his own data.
Has also searched a site called the GeneBank.
CT Scans of animals skulls.Geographic reference.
Reviewed by experts - Atlas of Living Australia have a lot of errors because its too open. Good and Bad.
Who uploaded
Who Created
Where it has been used. Related publications
When data was collected
Advanced search with option to add lots of filters -complex search.
Category filters. - Species, family, taxonomy, geo location
Accurate description with good level of granularity to determine the records are right for use.NoSimple not too many links.
No advertising.
Like the class boxes with counts and the clean layout of home page.
Not overwhelming and friendly.
RDA bit more intuitive after exploring a little bit.
Terminology not clear. Not sure what parties means.

Parties maybe collaborators
Activities would be more familiar as Projects.
Services and collections are fine.
Filter by format of data.
Both a direct link and a link to the landing page for the record.
Make the RDA title bigger. Lot of space around it.
Lot of empty space. Don't fill with advertising though
Task 1:
- Search for Earth sciences.
- User prompted to use filters.
- No problem opening record.

- searching in text box for 'Tasmania.
- Prompted to draw region.
-No problem zooming map. Expected behavior.
- Good to start with items that fall wholly within search area. Still good as he can see the ones that fall within box.
- Filtered using text box without too much exploration of page.
- Found and accessed record no problem.
- Download via access.
Task 1:
- Hit block on filtering by search on Browse by subjects.
- Looking in main section for creator. Found in right hand column. Assumed because party was listed first then they were the creator.
- Not clear what connections means. Expect to see uploaded by or created by.
- Difficult to find role of people.
- Thought the export button was for downloading the data.

Task 2:
- Flags outside might contain words containing tasmania. Promted to the intersect fact.
- Happy to bounce to providers page to download. Possibly more info available.
Searched for single term and discoverd a few collections of interest from QFAB
7/24/2014 11:46:22Yes
7/29/2014 12:50:20NoTalking to people
Literature review
Public transport schedule from Government (quantative data)
Wanted to see how changes had improved things. E.g. Showing to a student a simulation on how changing something has an effect on something else.
Cleaned data so it can be easily reused.
Open data is best not not crucial.
Contact informartion for data.
Google or mediation processGet the data and have a look, then make a judgement.
Description (most important to Shahla)
Licence/access restrictions
Subject tags are good
Associated with previous research or outputs (publications)
Likes to find everything on Google. Rather than going to another website. Can define good filters to narrow down results.A few timesSearch for and retrieve data and information about contributing researchersBased on research areas.
Gives numbers of records on home page.
Fonts big and clear.
Can find data and researchers
Some functionality not that intuitiveIn general, make functionality more intuitive (particularly facets, map browse)
Improve search engine.
Had difficulty finding facets to refine search. Would prefer in the middle of the page.
Was OK with the use of intermediary landing pages to access dataTask 1:
- Used Browse by Subject Area
- Used search box
- Prompted to add quotation marks
- Prompted to filter by Earth Sciences, but went back to "Browse by Subject" on home page and even when prompted to refine by subject on RHS could not find it at all. User reflected that the location of the facets on the RHS was not intuitive, and she expected them to be more centrally placed.
- Found "Access" to download

Task 2:
- Had trouble locating Browse by Map Coverage button (or perhaps didn't recognise relevance or language)
- Had trouble using selection tool
- Wasn't sure why the blue flagged locations outside of Tasmania were displayed
- User feedback was that she needed more information about what happens when you click on the map (i.e. map controls like hover, zoom, etc). Could do everything, but only when provided with additional instruction beyond that currently provided in the page. But searching by location is not so relevant to her research.
Task 1:
- Difficulty locating and using the RHS facets

Task 2:
- Difficulty with using map controls and knowing what they were for
- Confused by blue flags outside bounded region
7/29/2014 11:40:22YesGoogle and various discipline specific sites - Language archive hosted by Netherland
Australia National corpus portal
Will use ALVEO in future
When I had a postdoc position in Netherlands about 15 years, I was involved in a job about DB. As a result, I was in an environment talking to people how to make data available.
Known ALVEO through project collaboration
Pass on knowledge to colleagues and students, get students registered to ALVEO.
Data to address some research questions and also on teaching purpose. Looked ALVEO to see what data is relevant to a teaching course.I worked on two separate things.
1) Australia corpus - look at historical data of Irish language influence on Australia English
2) - spoken language data in National corpus. with a purpose to search the corpus.
depend on what data set to look on.
Eg. if I look data from Australia language archive, which gives some credibility, who created data. Currency is not an issue for my work, unless I am looking at twitter.

In terms of reliability, we have knowledge of major corpus portal .

If I look at new source, I would apply some rules to assess data reliability, track people, level of documentation (history of how data is handled)

do search straight away

look for swearing in early English, browse to a collection
try to get multiple collections. Would like to have auslit

Maybe want to create a collections - explore a while, find a way to do it

search bugger, select data to a collection list, make another search, add more items to list (would like to be able to select multiple collections to the list)
data is easy to find, find interesting stuff from data is challenging.know data set is appropriate, need search for more specific information in the data, if there is tag for a part of search might be useful.

Need tools to analyses data

facet of search I used is about metadata
CAWI? It would be useful to access to information about creator's Irish origin.

Information about speakers and writes are important - how old was speaker, what the speaker's education background.
Sometimes I use interface to open language archive collection. They provide metadata through various places - it is metadata harvester. No dead links, well curated. Need to use Google search as a complementary tool.
Find something exist, but no way to access it. Send email to someone, but the person is not available anymore.
there is a function from ALVEO to share saved list with collaborators. Some one can use it and add more.

Export function would be useful - export references
Creating a customised list and export them or selected ones.
Literature reviews or government survey dataWant public transport quantitative data to use for a simulation activity for studentsClean data, in a form ready for use or re-use, maybe .csv. Not necessarily open.Would go through a mediation process to find data - look for contact detailsAssesses content of dataset.
Looks at metadata description, tags, keywords.
Looks at any links to previous research.
Source is less important.
Currency is less important.
Would like to go to Google to find dataNomap coverage is cool, subject area is useful - to look at resources not specific things

At a time, I am not sure what to do next - that might be with familiarity.
It would be good for the advance search to explore what Boolean relationship clearer.

It is useful to tell people if they can do regular expression search.
Go to map is not immediately how to use it. Put search results onto a map.

Information about the relationship between a collection and a person is not easy to see.

Layout is easy to follow.
Well designed interface, feel comfortable to use it. Give it a longer to play around, may get data/info I want to. browse subject area - > earth science - 30427

Advanced Search -> find four collections from earch science.
confused with subtype collection and collection

Dr. Jane Formont is only person listed, check Jane's record but not much information about Jane. Believed Jane was creator

tried to find people who are associated with collection from full description but didn't find

Confused with Export first - export metadata or actual data.
turn to Access link and get the landing page.
search "ambon" - none of them interesting, Browse subject area - find AUSLAN interesting, for research
7/29/2014 15:00:49YesAODN Website
CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (CMAR)
AODN portal used as exchange spot.
Verbal communication between agencies and researchers on where and how to find it.
Know its there. Placed in deposit for communal access.
Exchange or share mechanism.
Used to support projects Neville is working on.
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) data. Help to generate and work with.Spatially tagged. So if there are 50 sampling points you can see where the samples were taken from.
What was undertaken at particular site: how it was sourced/sampled (methods).
Conditions on data.
Contact person to find out more.
Search on AODN portal to find data.
Start with map layers as he understands whats available and where to look.
Not all data on AODN is spatial.
Aware of the limitations of coverage of AODN data.
CSIRO looking to develop a Data Trawler to display spatial data.
YesRight location at the right depth off the coast.
Rich description
Which mission and what it was about.
What campaign
Who was involved in the data collection, subsequent analysis and publication. (Marries this information up with his own knowledge to establish trustworthiness).
Methodology of data collection. Needs to be backed up in other parts of the metadata.
Related information linked to the metadata.NoTool summarising data across all fields.Not intuitive. Would probably get it after a while.
Hard to search within a subject.
Map tool needs refinement.
Map zooming and discovering what each flag represents very difficult.
Zooming into map would show you available collections in the area without having to conduct a search.
If data is older and contact has moved on it would be nice to have a link to a report/more info about the data.
Task 1:
- Found in search results 1st attempt.
- searched green head without quotes

Task 2:
- Very familiar with map searching. Straight to search by map.
- Understood what blue markers outside were for.
- A list of results to go with map would be easier (alternative to hovering over map points)
- No issue accessing data.
- Doesnt mind accessing data via landing page. As long as things are available.
Task 1:
- Tried using browse by subjects to filter and couldnt.
- Expected search box and browse by subject buttons would be linked so you could search within a subject.
- Had to prompt user to use refine by subjects. Even when this was done, couldn't see that the subject facet was active/had been selected. Again referred to a linked subjects dropdown and search box. Similar to
- Could not find creator on RDA so opened the landing page for data and discovered there.

Task 2:
Even after doing a successful map search earlier. Could not work out how to do the map search. Had to prompt user to draw region.
- Assumed when zoomed in you would see results without having to draw a region.
- Looking in facets panel for a place to refine by term. Worried a text search would take him away from map search.
- Issues with zoom. User thought they were doing something wrong.
- Ended up doing a standard search for walls of Jerusalem but none of the results appeared to be relevant. (Maybe we need to be stricter with our search)
- (Noted in a number of interviews that users are drawn to the facets first rather than the selection tools - maybe these stand out more? or is it location on the page? CB)
Biodiversity pattens can be studied from underwater images from AUV.
8/1/2014 13:07:36Yes
She later wanted to confirm what we meant by 'data'. She assumed data was anything information related.
Google Scholar
Geothermal DBs (But better results from Google)
Other people had mentioned Google Scholar
Not aware of tool for Jo's specific domain.
Chose to model something which hadn't been done before. Easier to find through Google Scholar and Google instead of trying to piece info together from a wide range of domain tools which weren't entirely relevant.
Only way to search for data.
Needed temperature and price data for thermodynamics research.
Only used 2 data sets.
Temperature data BOM
Price data (publicly avail in month sets)

Needed a whole lot of thermodynamic data but this actually comes from fundamental mathematical equations which are built into a tool called Refprop.
Refprop produced by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Reputable source
Integrates with Mathlab
File format
Used by other researchers. Cited in publications and discovered that sites selling thermo data were using Refprop as the underlying source of the data.
Searching Google for 'thermodynamic data for mathlab code'
Reading search results.
YesTop few lines of description in Google.
Investigating results and reviewing descriptions.
website url with .gov indicates reliability. instead of some code submitted by users.
Time period
Terminology clarity
When data is recorded (time intervals)
Finding of the data was fine. Required fairly common data produced from Gov Agencies.NoLooks pretty.
Things on it are free. As in data available is free??
Subject areas are useful.
Cant go back to home page from map after opeing. Strange map behavior preventing user from being able to click on home page link. Page kept repositioning. (also occured in another interview where user could not click on collection title popout on map. Kept moving away from cursor.)
Alpha order on subjects in browse by subjects.
How would you know to come to RDA to look for data.
Browse by map confusing and not intuitive.
Search within a search subject.
Layout of ebay is more natural. Whatever your searching for is on the right with facets on the left.
All collections from party 'x'
'All earth science collections from a math department'
Need to know RDA was there.
Webpage looks clean and crisp but once in search its a little confusing. Can't search within subjects.
Task 1:
- Conducted standard text search for 'Earth Sciences'
- Then tried browse by subjects
- Eventually did text search for "green head" without using advanced search. Then used the refine by subjects almost instantly.
- Assuming creator is listed in citation information.
- Found access link but confused by landing page. Horrible layout on landing page.
Home page accessed easily via logo link.

Task 2:
- Discovered map tool.
- Read instructions and was able to draw box quite quickly.
- Reading instructions to determine why blue flags are outside. Assuming there should be another option.
Task 1:
- Subjects not in alpha order on browse by subjects.
- No search 'within field' functionality
- Trouble finding creator. Expect to find at top with title.
- Nice download button would be good.
- Not sure what landing page for data is.
- Thought export might be download access for data.
- Export to Bibtex would be really good. Mathematical sciences use it.

Task 2:
- Dots everywhere not what Jo wanted.
- Map too big for screen resolution. Had to scroll each time to search Tasmania.
- Licence in map facets should have a c not an S
- Earth sciences reselected after clearing it then doing a term search.
- Need to be able to search within section or browse. Like ebay.
- Nothing to link map to search box. How would user know when a new search is going to occur when typing in search box.
- Zoom issue then records went missing from map after opening a single record then returning to map.
Wanted to model power generation by modeling the rankine cycle. Can only be done by using thermodynamic states at each stage of the cycle.

Multiple iterations of the code to evaluate it at may different points.
Refprop integrates with Mathlab.
8/4/2014 18:04:29YesOnline databases - there are a couple of data bases in the US used by the XAS community; He searches for input / modeling data. Other types of data come from papers. journal data bases (eg searching via Google).Peter has been in the field for a long time - learnt about them 10-15 years ago, probably by word of mouth (very important). These repositories have since evolved. In the XAS community, people know where to look, and would introduce new students to these data bases.1) Primarily to resolve scientific / research questions, eg an XAS spectrum - want to model or analyze it. He may need a reference spectrum to compare. This may come from a database, or a figure in a paper.
2) Want to model some aspect of raw or preprocessed data - may want raw / input parameter - can get these fom databases. "Stuff I can use to model own understanding"
Rough example (possible, but hasn't happened like this): Heavier metal, want to know the chemical structure. Example: Cobalt + catalyst (e.g. silicia). How is Co interacting with the catalyst?

XAS yields a spectrum. How to interpret? How do I find specific pieces of modelling data to interpret?
When using Google look for qualitative data - what paper with image(s) can I find that others have published. Peter may use data thief ( to reverse engineer a spectrum, and use its ASCII output. However, this is for qualitative information!

Attributes: Provenance is crucial. Need to be able to see that data is a) valid and b) of good quality.
To judge validity, need to know where and when the data was measured, and the basic experimental and instrumental parameters. These are more important than eg who created the data. To assess the validity of the data, look at repository / paper, then look at the data first to see if it makes sense.

To judge quality of data, need to look at signal-to-noise ratio on data set (need to resolve spectral features).
Licensing is not an issue in the XAS community, as people share.

Generally speaking, published data (eg as figures in a paper) should be good.

Modelling data set - need to know eg what crystal structure was used - provenance is really important for validity. The "person" is not so crucial, need to look at the data first.
1) Google Cobalt + silica (search terms: exafs Co sio2 catalyst). Went straight to images, and scanned those. Found image with paper linked (from, which had Al, not silica - weird. (However, learned something about Co vs CoO, anyway (peaks are different).)

Then would go to journal search engine to find paper reference.
Image search is useful (no need to look at the abstracts, just look at the images - faster), if it's not too confusing (eg why Al?) and the information (paper etc) is available.

Can reuse data only if data has been created in similar experimental conditions - otherwise too different to be useful in a quantitative setting. In that case, need to create data. However, images can often be used for qualitative rather than quantitative analysis.

2) Via database: Search path: -> Databases -> Atoms.inp -> Choose Co (27) from periodic table -> Pick one from the list, eg an Olivine -> Get atoms.inp. Result: This is a 1974 file - would not even need to look at paper, as this is a reputable journal (and people knew what they were doing in the 70s). Would copy / paste and save as an ASCII file, then run modelling on the file.

Could also have searched for Olivine in the database, but that yields a lot of stuff that has no Cobalt - need to search via the element, rather than the catalyst.
YesSee 5d)1) Database has everything required. Community has evolved so that things are as needed. Could get paper to check (though ftp link does not work). Having a paper with a DOI link would be good here.

2) Google search: As the data came out of a paper, this should be OK, the experimental setting should be described in enough detail. This should be enough for qualitative and semi-quantitative use. However, the link to the paper is necessary.
Sometimes, the modelling data is not available, as nobody has modelled the substance yet - can do model himself, need paper to describe.
Sometimes the image / data is in a paper that is not accessible (or that Peter does not have access to) - copyright is a hurdle. However, more seems to be available these days (papers, journals).
If peter can't access the data, he can create the model himself (takes a few hours if he has the skills) or contact someone. This has yielded positive responses before. He has asked about the data and experimental conditions - may only use the data for qualitative analysis.
In Google: The image search function - "I know what kind of image I'm looking for". Image tagging, thumbnails are very useful. Also having search keywords highlighted in the results speeds up the "vetting", as Peter is only looking for brief snippets of text with the right keywords. This is a very visual process.NoReasonably intuitive, a contemporary way of laying out the search functionality - when exploring, deliberately ignored browsing by map / subject.
Liked (brief) map instructions; searching within box by using the search box when bounding box active. This should all be quite intuitive - standard search functionality.
Also liked refining search categories on the right.
- List of collections - very long, how do you find your way in there, confusing.
- End up with a lot of records by browsing through this - got lost.
- Help pages, linked to directly from within RDA, would be good. The "?" button has been useful. Some help for a self-guided tour would ne goood.
Would need to browse RDA in more detail to be able to comment. Often provenance information is needed - link as many records / data sets to publications that can be downloaded as possible.
Looks good ;-)
NoneComments during exploring:
- Exporting to EndNote useful.
- Theme pages useful, as RDA has "an awful lot of information" and just looking at the list of collections is not good. Need a clear mission what to look for, otherwise one gets lost.
- Deliberately ignored the search button to start with
Task 1:
Earth Sci - refine - #25680 - search for "green" on page (no result) - filter by "green head" using adv search - 3 results.
Comment: Are there any instructions on the syntax?
Not clear if Jane Fromont is the creator - Peter looked at the description, concluded "WA Museum" was high-level creator - not sure about Jane, but he would contact her if he needed this data.
Downloading data not a problem.
Task 2: Try to attempt by type - not successful. Search for Tasmania - not so great (tried to use adv search). Prompted to look at map search; drew box around TAS; blue "beacons" outside of area - not sure why (looking at one data set outside, its coverage intersects with the bounding box). In any case, Peter would ignore the ones outside the box.
Zoom out, then try to find "walls of jerusalem" - first attempt to refine by type (does not work), then type "walls of jerusalem" into earch box, "hoping it will search only in the box". 4 data sets returned; hover over one and fine "geophysical..." data set. No problems finding dta to download on resulting landing page.
- Identifying creator
- Drawing bounding box centers map around Alice Springs (bug)
- Understanding if / when the search is restricted to bounding box
- Refining by subject (FOR code) - too many options
Peter has used RDA only for testing purposes, not for real dataDatabase yields structures + structural parameters + model about Co + catalyst. Result: parameters + input files to be used in modelling software (can be done on a desktop computer, son't need MASSIVE, as data is reasonably small and modelling not compute-intensive).
8/5/2014 17:50:03YesGoogle, library databases, asking people within own discipline (economy / econometrics), and from other disciplines, such as geography, civil engineering. Uses GISs.Worked as a research assistant - learned from other people in the group. World development indicators (wdi).Empirical studies - to do research at all.Population, GDP, infrastructure measures, election outcomes, district boundaries,...Consistency: Same methods of collection constant over space and time. Can verify via data provider. Data eg found through publications (and those via library databases). Ideal: Based on spatial - what data is available for this region.Search: noaa light data - Earth Observation Group. Knew about the publication in Quarterly Journal of Economics (hence the noaa).Yes, but the data was in tiff format - not ideal, no rasterThis was the only freely available light data. (Had to take it, despite limitations.)Coordinate system - these are always different for geospatial data. Noaa data is just a picture, need this information in metadata + how to import / convert the data to a standard geo file.Another example: data from journal, wanted to extend the temporal scope - not yet succeeded. Data on chemical producers for chemical industry (how many producers are there?) - prices missing.Tags / categorize what you are looking for; eg Klaus always needs data over time (not point-in-time); data format and what to do with it. Question: filtering? Not really relevant.

For quality of journals: OK for economics journals (can reference). Have to be careful with different fields, there is a distrust between disciplines. Supervisor would not trust a low-tier journal from another area (eg geography).
Yes(Tried RDA out after the invitation to the interview). Map search - but it does not work, the interface is strange. Should not show results outside the bounding box; should show results in box (not just when you zoom in); should show information on each result when hovering; should colour code number of hits if there are many close together.Would like it if map search worked...Map search did not workWould like to know what data is available for the whole country (or regions); maybe could colour-code hits to identify coverage. Example: household survey - what area does it cover?

The Victorian government data portal is not curated at all; data is just dumped there. How should it be organised? By subject? - that is an issue; would prefer type of data (time, space, time/space; data format, etc)
How does data get into RDA? Only conducted task 1 (had done map search similar to task 2 when exploring). a) found 25680 very quickly, b) searched without quotes - not successful (though green head appeared at the top); prompted to use quotes - 3 results, c) easy, d) looked in description - expectation to contain creator, similar to author in a journal article; pointed to WA Museum. Prompted to look at right side. Not sure if the "people" associated listed the creator, e) easyCreator (unclear from relationship if the person is the creator; would expect creator in abstract)

Map search (during exploring, see above): does not work; bounding box around Victoria only shows hits outside of box - need to zoom in to see hits in Victoria (very counter-intuitive).
Searched for tele infrastructure; second search: phone infrastructure - > 10,000 results. expectation: results contain both terms - however, RDA returns results containing either term.For econometric modelling (quantitative modelling)
8/7/2014 10:27:16YesGoogle (search engines)
GIS data (spatial data) from a numnber of DBs - NSW Gov data. State Forests in particular. - Need to sign a licence before use.
Threaten Species Data on the Wildlife Atlas of NSW
Catchment Management Authorities (NSW based data)
Forestry Corporation in Tumut
Web of Science
Google to find spatial data and see what was available. Land and Property Information NSW
Wildlife Atlas known from past work.
Asking colleagues and people in the field.
Other students. Peer group.
Past experience working in gov areas using similar data.
Need to fill in scientific licence applications. Need an understanding of threatened species in study area.

Inform study. Understand whats available to drive and design study.

General education on species an vegetation types.

Aid in species identification.
Bat calls of NSW.
Bird calls of NSW
Boundaries of state forrests (GIS)
Vegetation Types (GIS)
Trusting the source. Some sort of verification. What was used to verify data. Tend to trust the Wildlife Atlas as records submitted are vetted.
Free to use is always good for students. If it wasn't free to use would need a good reason to get it and would expect much more from it.
Temporal - When it was collected or the time period it covers.
Location (source of data)
If there are any checks to verify data. E.g Species identification
Conditions of use. Licence agreement if going to use in a project
Format is useable or understand how to convert it. Easier to use the better.
(As explained earlier).
When planning her project. Contacted people she knew who managed certain data to see if they had what she needed,how difficult it would be to get and what else was available.
Yes. Learning as she goes on where to get data, techniques and who to talk to.Need to download it look at spatial data to see if its going to work for you.Probably wouldn't start with Google again when doing a search for data. The more time consuming process to filter down. If she had more time and wanted to find 'what is out there' would do that kind of research through Google.

Looking more at supplementary material to find out about research method etc.
Having required data all in one space would be great. E.g. All data about a part of the world she's interested in.
Discovering if new stuff was out there in an easy way. Without having to go through the whole research process again. (similar to alerts through library DB searches)

Some of the Catchment Management Areas contain a lot of data that is probably relevant but theres too much to filter through and thoroughly understand it.
No Like map tool. Because it seems like quick way to find something that geographically located.

Browse by subject is good.
Want to be able to search within Browse by SubjectA way to exclude map results which intersect with search area.
Need some instructions for map.
Need to be able to refine by a search with a search.
Search within subject.
Instructions on how to use search operators and what can be used.
More complex advanced search with boolean operators. Used to using Scopus and Web of Science with boolean operators.
Wants a search which returns results which map both her search terms not just one or more.
Saving searches. Bookmarking.
Would be looking at collections instead of parties as parties could be seen from the collection page.

Would use RDA for - Keyword searches, looking at collections and then maybe parties associated with a collection to get in touch with them about data.

Wendy would be mostly looking at collections as the other party information is available through the collection page.Probably wouldn't look for people to find data.

Uses ResearchGate to follow researchers and get notifications on when things are published.
Task 1:
- Browse by Subject. Then tried it via browsing by collection and refine by subject.
- No issue opening collection.
- Found access link and download button on landing page without issue.

- Read instructions for map and drew successfully.
- Drew area on map
- Not sure why blue locations are outside. Maybe have a connection to Tasmania. Maybe results inside search area have a relationship to the ones outside.
- Not too fussed about going to a landing page to get data but it depends on what happens (broken link, difficult to access, etc)
Contributed By clearer than Connections/PeopleTask 1:
- Assuming she was in Earth Sciences once she had selected it in facets.Appeared to be looking under search box for an indication.
- Worried the advanced search and standard search was not going to be restricted to her selected subject. Looking for a 'search within' refinement.
- Expected to go to advanced search to search within subject. E.g. Library database allows you to narrow where you are searching.
- Skimmed right over people when asked who creator was. Wasn't sure if Connections was just people who had some connection to the dataset. Connections/People doesn't immediately say author/creator.
- Missed relationships in popout (quite transparent).
- Word 'Connections' is what is throwing Wendy

Task 2:
- Issues with map zoom and being relocated to central Australia.
- Not sure if map would work based on her first experience.
- Couldn't work out how to close Advanced Search drop down.
- If we were not with Wendy she would have assumed she had done something wrong when the blue locations were shown outside her search area.
- Couldnt see the blue extent of a location when she was zoomed in so hard to tell it intersected with her drawn region.
- Blue extent of a location shown on single flags but not multiple. Not sure why.
- Wants an on hover popout for blue flags to tell the user what it is.
- Need instructions for map.
- Looking in facets to be able to search within map results. Worried top search will research the whole of RDA
- Hit bug with advanced search which does not search within map and instead fires a new search.
Quick search on 'bird'. Search did not default to collections so people etc came up. Then read About RDA. Explored site and investigated icons for each class.Use in bird and bat surveys.
Compare bird calls to confirm her identification was correct.
Understand what was available to inform and design study.
8/7/2014 12:06:11NoPrimary data collection. Conduct a survey. Uses her own data instead of reusing other researchers.
Has resused some publicly open data from longitudinal studies. But has known people to contact.

In X case she was evaluating a specific program which was fairly new and hadn't been looked at before. So no research data was available.

Still some fear amoungst researchers about sharing their data. Worried others could still publish on it.
Data sharing not big in her area.

Not sure how her current director would feel about her making her PHD data public. Sensitive data would need some data cleaning (anonymity) before it could be made open. And would need to make it clear in survey up front.
Evaluation data.
Research publications, conference papers, peer reviewed papers, education material for schools

Evidence for funding. Track record for fellowships.
Collect pilot data to support a bigger project.

Secondary analysis.
Who collected data. Reputable uni or gov agency. Indicate quality of data. Org level rather than individual. Then look at people. Was it an honors student or a professor.

What measures used. Methodology. How it was collected and what measures. Valid and reliable method of measuring. E.g depression.

Would want measures up front to determine quickly that a dataset was right.

If she didn't recognise the measure she would do some research to find out what it was.

Assumed that if data was published on RDA that it would be verified or quality checked. Would still do some checks but would assume that if it was published it was quality.

Not too fused on format. Would find out a way to convert it or find someone who could.

As long as its coded in an intuitive way for reuse (e.g. clear variable names in the data). Making sure they will make sense to others. Otherwise takes to long to decode it for reuse.

Would be good to see who ran the activity in the search results. Then more about what the data is. (maybe update crosswalk to add this information first in grants??)

Completion year for activity. (trial in progress via trial complete and data available)

Contact details important to find out more.
Haven't thought about it before. Only way she has thought about reuse is through contact with other people. Might be because of culture in domain. Overview of methodology. Some of the variables and measures.

Who the population for a survey were.

Would mostly use text search. Used to searching DBs with key terms.
Wonder if it works in a similar way to other DBs with Boolean operators.
Would use Advanced search but didn't see it earlier.
RDA a good starting point to discover whats available.
Subjects useful to narrow down search.
No idea what Activity would be.
Too much text to read. Dot points about the record would be nicer. Dont need so much background info
Guide or brief explanation on how to search. If you came in and couldn't find the data. Don't automatically assume its not there. Would then look for help to see if there is a different way of searching.

Something showing the data coverage of RDA.

Bookmarking or saving things to list of potentially relevant records.
Saving a search. Has experienced on other DBs. Have to login to do this in most cases. Some times its stored in cookies and don't need login.

Having as much detail as possible on search results so Alison doesn't have to click into each record to review before determining it was relevant.

Alert on new data. Whether by subject or by researcher.

Expect to be able to use Boolean operators straight in search box.

For activites it would be good to see the status of the project in the search results. E.g. "In Progress", "Data Available"
When thinking of data she thinks of a data set of numbers.
Collection more relevant for images or specimens etc.

Surveys and trials are registered on the Aus & NZ Clinical Trials Registry. So people can discover them.
Could find unpublished data there. Then contact people to see if they have relevant data.
- Browse by subject.
- Exact phrase quotes used. Expected it to work like other DBs.
- Opened record without issue.

Task 2:
- Assumed map was the right place to search for geo spatial data. Doesn't use and hasn't used map tool for search.
- Blue locations shown because they are in proximity to search area.
- Found and accessed record without issue.
- Wondering how to search within Earth Sciences. Thinking if they searched up top it would not search within subject. Still general search.
- When scrolling page got stuck zooming map half way down.
- Thought People in Connections are associated but not necessarily the creator. If the data was in her domain she may recognise the people in the connections area and determine they were the creator.
- Not sure Access is what she was looking for to download but selected it anyway.

Task 2:
- Prompted to read map instructions. Eventually found box tool.
- Not sure a search in the top box would just search the entire sit.
- Hit bug with map zooming to center of Australia.
- Assuming the licence icon on page meant you would need to fill something out to access/use data.
quick search for area of research 'suicide'. Then look through results for relevant ones.
8/7/2014 15:43:21NoIntend to use data she already knows about as part of a longitudinal study.
Intend to access data held by Dept of Defence which she knows about.
In both cases she will be conducting secondary analysis.
Collect herself.

Application to get data from defence goes through committee. Need to tell them how you are going to use the data before they releaes it.
Survey data to conduct analysis about mental health outcomes.
Intends to use a epidemiological framework to understand population health levels.
Question at this stage for Matine is "What have other people found fit to collect?"

Lineage or rational behind collection data to make comparisons to other datasets.

Type of data: E.g Survey data. Longitudinal data.

Subject area



Data which has the potential to be linked to other data or where links have been made already.

Source or provenance. Assumed that some vetting had occurred for RDA data to verify credibility.

Condition dataset was in. Has it been cleaned. Missing data been fixed. Reuse information.
Has supports beind it. Structured and maintained.
Ask colleagues and supervisors.
Would want a point of contact who understood what was available.
Easily confused by tangents online.
Google search get an idea of what was available.

Need to fit yourself to site concept and if that doesn't happen it wont work. Need additional support (e.g. CBA concierge. Filters the question. GIve it anything and it will direct you).
Don't always know specific questions to ask.
Linked publications
Who collected
How old
Who owns it
Process to get a hold of the data.
Contact details
Characteristics of the data
Almost habitual to go to Google to find thigns.
Getting into a websites that are secure is hell for Matine.
A search engine that helps you narrow results from the get go instead of scrolling lists.
Things that force parameters E.g. Dates selection, research selection, measures selection.
NoLike the idea of it but not the site.
Language and right hand column on view page.
Would just take her some time to learn how to use things.
Records which don't have any details in search result. Just title.
Spacing of elements on home page inconsistent.
Don't like colours. Not appealing.
Matine mentioned she didnt know what licenced data was.

Wanted to know what the Spotlight was for. Then asked if we anticipate that people would come onto the site to get updates from the spotlight.

After landing on the home page Martine would want to read the About page as shes not sure what 'Research Data Australia' provided. It's stripped down its a little hard to handle.

Didnt notice little icons and meaning at first but said she probably would over time.

Clicking on connection to a grant record from a party page showed the preview popout but had no description for the grant just the title. When she clicked through to the grant there was a description.
- Straight to browse by collections then filter by Earth Sciences
- Used quotes to do exact search without using advanced search.
- Using wild card in search.
- Looking in main section for creator. Eventually explored connections and people.
- Looked at Export option to download.
- Looking for download button. Or Access.
- Right hand column not intuitive.
- Found Access eventually.
- Would want to see Access and Author with technical info on right. "Call it download and put it on the left"

- Looking for a way to filter collections by "geo spatail".
- Attempted to conduct a text search. geospatial and tasmania
- Assumed she has done something wrong because she has more results with geospatial tasmania than just geospatial. Tried 'and' as a an operator to search for all these words.
- Would be nice to click on the map to find data around area.
- Prompted to map help.
- Drew easily.
- No idea why blue dots outside. Maybe because authors are from Tasmania and these are information sites.
- Would like a little box with instructions. Blue bar not effective on getting users attention on how to use tool.
- Blue area on hover still not indicating why they are outside.
- Looking in facets to refine search by 'Walls of J....'. Looking for something like name or title to type.
- Getting annoyed with map zooming when mouse scrolled.
- Eventually used search box to filter.
- Would like hover instead of click on flags.
- Prepared to click through to landing page.
- Explored home page to get an understanding of site content.
- Browsed by parties. ("So if I knew of a researcher who had collected data...")
- Acronyms don't make sense in search results.
- Records with very little information not helpful.
- Discovered tabs to filter by types.
- Is there an A-Z to scroll straight to the right page of search results.
- Wasnt sure if the search box at the top was what you used to filter.
- Wanted to know how representative RDA was of Australian data. Looking for "path" data
- For example something interesting to note when looking at collection: If you have 3 universities psychology depts which have contributed collections on studies related to depression how comparable are they. Can I see something about them that let me say well maybe they are 3 datasets I would like to bring together to answer a question. Like sample sizes and power and what can I understand about that.
- Looks like RDA contains qualitative data as well.
- Asked if Activities were publications when looking at them on a party record which was extracted from grant info for NHMRC.
8/8/2014 14:10:34YesResearch Data Australia, Google, Wed of ScienceTrial and error.

There is no specific portal for computational chemistry. People have tried in the past to create disc. specific portals, but have failed.

There is a structural data base which is tun by Cambridge, for chemical structures.
A lot easier than finding it any other wayOnly ever searched twice.

One time was searching for own data to see if it was publicly available and discoverable.

Searching structural database from Cambridge -
Coordinates for atoms within a structure. R-factor, a number that shows a good fit between known structures and computational models. (specific to computational chemistry)Searching based on text, r-factor and visual structure. Yes, in that results which are not found give an indication as to what research is missing in the field of computation chemistry. Visual structure of the moleculePublication it came from, metadata around the experiment etc.

All this information comes from CSD
Searching by structure - draw a 2d structure of the molecule you want to search.

Smiles (textual representation of structure) - gives you a 2d picture of the chemistry, this is how current tools do the comparison matching of structures.

Not from RDA, as there is not much data in there from computational chemistry.
YesCould be a useful tool for finding data relevant to current research. Not a lot of data is actually made available for download.More data for computational chemistry, and more data for download. Not a lot of data for computational chemistry, which is andrew's field of research.Searching for "green head was not instinctive". Using searching, with facets was not instinctive. Eventually worked out how to use facets with searching....

Having 'All' tab selected as default gives a lot of noise to the search results, when just looking for collections.

No indication of who the creator of the record was - confused between creator and related people. The people links showed no indication of what the people were there for, what was their role?

Bluenet MEST not very user friendly, when trying to work out how to download data - could not find where to download. Not something you would use unless you really really wanted the data. Not conducive to casual browsing.

Absolutely would like to see a link to data download.

Absolutely would like to be able to search for items where there is data to download - not show results that have no data.

Confused that searching in tasmania gave results outside of tasmania. Pitting pins in the middle of a coverage to represent the coverage is a bad idea and confusing - don't do that.

Was confused that could not do a keyword search with the map view.
Did not know what ANZSRC codes were from earth sciencesBug in browse by subject areaPrimary reason from a modeling perspective is that you want to check if your modeling is sensible, and that it aligns with experimental results.
8/12/2014 11:42:07Yesthe data I use often is crystal structure, PubCam, ZiNC, chEBML, some discipline oriented tools
Not much about Google
some wellknown protein database
Chat with chemist for some database
also from published articles
looking for experimental data as a start pointlook for a known component for a particular protein, but is hard to find information about each compound, if cited before will give more confidence

currency of data is important (then talking about citation not really about currency)

For this particular data set, contributor is not that important

Text format is great, SQL is not easy for me to use
use several databases, each database provides different identify for a compound

try ZINC - not easy to browse
clicked Target, then use Ctr-F for a particular compound
use by experience, whenever find one saved it for later reference, because it is not easy to find it again

If there already exists a subset, it would be useful

trying another database: IUPHAR, navigate a lot because I know this website

I don't use search tool, always navigate because its category is clear

Not easy to save a data from IUPHAR
mostly successful

some information about compound is missing, not sure if the data is not available or just incomplete.

Thomas eventually collect data and his own set to fill some gaps
title is good, a bit information about data format, who made and post-processing information would be betterhow a data is processed. Have to go to publication to find out this information. most information is at landing page

who has used data

comment section would be good - hard to implement, there are so much competition there
it's very complicated to browse ZINC website - constantly updated as well

Subsets is improving but still not easy
try search - it is horrible to search

try ChEMBL search - it is easier, then again there are different entities
easier way to get data, don't want to have a username/password to access data, a few clicks to download data would be good

clearly identify in which search stage I am at

it is important to have different URL for different dataset

RDA: it is not to do two searches (but forget what it is)
would like to open a few records simultaneously
Yesafter Julia contacted, didn't know about RDA beforeem ... I didn't look for anything I would like to find.

It is easy to find when what you want is there

Don't what else to say

click on pin, with information is useful, but would be good if no click is required
opening anything with TAB is great,

those little pins are not clear

Not sure about terms Collections, Parties, Activities, Services - would not click on them, will directly go to Collections

It is good to select several categories, my subject is across several categories
don't know - I have mentioned a few things

there are a lot of specific international databases I will go to.

Search RDA only would not meet my need, because it has data only from Australia
Task 1: Collections -> Earth Sciences

search for "green head" -> Earth Sciences -> search for "green head" as a phrase

open the collection - trying to find creator from description - then find Connections (is not sure about what connections means)
Joel prompted Thomas to open People's record to see relationship

Look for access through Description - Obviously RDA is not database for data but provide a tool to find data

Access is clear enough but I didn't pay attention, I am looking for Export or Download

Task 2:
Collection -> looking for Geo Science category (didn't find any) -> go to Map (after Joel prompted to do so)
typed in "Tasmania" in search box

see blue bar (after Joel prompt) -> tred selection box

blue locations are about ocean etc., don't know much about it

pointing to location Tasman Sea according to Joel's instruction

when see three things -> think they are three datasets (didn't realise that is several), have a number would be good

search for "walls of jerusalem" as a phrase, Joel prompted not to use quotas -> click on Tasmania on map -> mouse over each locations -> zoom in and out -> find the collection; didn't know click on a location gives more information
for molecular modelling, training model fromo data to rank components, so that modelling data is corresponding to experimental data