《 Outfit 》tie a button down shirt into a top

This is my first outfit post with my new hairstyle.

I've got to admit that I've had a bit of buyer's remorse since I gave my hair the chop but since then I've been getting lots of compliments from all my friends, readers and even strangers on the streets. This makes me feel a bit more confident with this sudden change and I just want to take a minute and thank everyone for for all the kind words and I hope that you all will like the outfit that I'm sharing today.

I would also like to take some time and introduce you to this awesome girl that I've known for quite some time  Ariel Tźu-Chi Lin.

She is Taiwanese and resides in San Francisco and a total perfectionist. She's a professional photographer & style blogger, and naturally because of this background she is always striving to make everything she shoots look perfect. Every minute detail of every photo she takes from the angle of the light to the composition of the frame has to be perfect, even on a selfie.

You can easily get a taste of her unique fashion sense by checking out her instagram or blog. She is someone whose photos consistently piques my interest as her fresh eye is always introducing me to some really intriguing style trends, creative designs and interesting news. Spend some time on her blog or instagram and I bet you will be going back for more.

The other day, we met for bunch in the West Village and coincidentally we both ended up carrying red bucket bags (no wonder we became friends). We spent some time exploring the neighborhood, snapped some photos, and chatted away for the entire afternoon.

About the outfit - The top is actually a striped button down shirt that I've tied into a top.  I paired it with a bucket bag from Mansur Gavriel and lace-up sandals. It’s really easy to employ and perfect for the summer.

-------- Chinese ------
今天的穿搭是第一次以新髮型出現耶, 新髮型真的受到好多好多朋友和觀眾還有一堆路人的喜愛, 讓我覺得很開心, 所以也希望妳們會喜歡今天的穿搭風格囉~

今天除了要和大家分享穿搭之外, 也要和大家分享一個超棒的女孩 Ariel Tźu-Chi Lin
Ariel是居住在舊金山的台灣女孩, 是一位專業的攝影師, 也是 Fak3shion 部落格的主理人, 認識她已經有一段小時間了, 而讓我一直不斷的注意她的最大一點是, 她是很嚴重的偏執狂完美主義者,(笑), 這麼說是誇獎的意思喔~

身為一個專業攝影師和風格部落客的她, 堅持每一個細節,每一張照片,每一個光線,都要盡善盡美. 除了以專業的角度去呈現她的每一張作品之外, 她的時尚品味也非常獨到,
在亞洲許許多多的部落格中, 真的很少數像她一樣, 堅持做自己. 希望把最好最獨特的分享給大家, 而這樣的堅持更需要受到肯定和推廣.
如果妳,花一點時間流覽看看她的部落格與文字照片, 妳就會完全體會到我所說的,然後愛上她.

Follow her FB: www.facebook.com/fak3shion
閱讀部落格: fak3shion.com

我們一起到West Village 我最愛的 buvette 吃 brunch, 兩個人不約而同的提了紅色的水桶包 ,(默契~) 兩人吃完大聊之後, 就在West Village走走逛逛, 一看到適合拍照的角落, 兩個人就開始不管路人有多少,大辣辣的拍起照.

今天穿搭的上半身, 是ㄧ件用條文襯衫綁出來的平口上衣, 其實這綁法很簡單, 想要寬鬆一點的,可以用男朋友的襯衫,

當天出門老公一直說, 妳要不要多帶件 T-shirt 換啊? 襯衫這樣綁掉下來怎麼辦?
我說: 天才啊~這是件襯衫啊, 要真的會掉下來, 就把它好好的穿回原本的樣子就好了啊~(昏倒)


------- What I wore or similar ----------

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