ruler tabletop
Karl Juengel/Studio D

Try to get a variety of colors, but be sure they're all the same thickness. (For a 19- by 17-inch table like this one, you'll need about 16 yardsticks.)

STEP 1: To figure out how best to align the sticks, create a template of the tabletop by tracing it onto a sheet of paper. Arrange the rulers on the template, marking where you'll need to cut so they fit the width and length of the table.

STEP 2: Once you know where each ruler segment will go, make the cuts with a hacksaw or small electric saw. Smooth out any rough edges with medium-grit sandpaper.

STEP 3: Starting at one corner, attach one of the ruler segments to the top of the table lengthwise by hammering a flat-head nail in at each end. Repeat in rows until the entire surface is covered. You can stagger the sticks as shown, but line them up carefully to avoid gaps.

STEP 4: Apply several layers of Zinsser clear shellac ($4.79; over the yardsticks with a wide brush, according to the can's directions. Allow ample time for drying between coats. Once you're done, let the table dry for another 48 hours before putting anything on its surface.