Creating Your Online Store With Shopify

1.jpgThe old way of marketing involved print ads in magazines or newspaper or radio commercials. What you might be missing out on are the new ways of online marketing. While there are countless ways to advertise your company online, these are rarely used.

In order to effectively market to the younger generation, you need to make online marketing a priority. Here are a few simple strategies that you can start using right away. You’ll see how they function and how to use them on your own.

What is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing is a new form of marketing that uses influential people advertise.

A simple example is if you were an app developer and had a celebrity gamer play it for their audience. They would not only give you important feedback but also give you exposure to a wide audience.

In doing this, you are using the consumer’s trust in a person market your product. While some things lend themselves to a specific audience, other items are more versatile. Understand that these people are going to be honest with their feedback since they have to worry about remaining credible with their own audience. Prior to going out, your product needs to be on point.

How does Chatbot Marketing work?

Are you searching for a way to reach a younger audience? Do you want to meet them on their terms, in a form that they’ll be able to use and understand? Chatbot marketing is a great way to reach out to people on social media, both on computers and on phone apps. These automated systems are built to speak with your consumer in a way that suits your needs, all via the intended programs chatting system.

An example would be a food delivery service using Twitter to confirm orders. It’s a simple idea, but it’s reached out and made the younger generation more likely to order, as it’s literally integrated into their daily routine.

Makeup companies will often use automated Messengers to communicate with their customers and have conversations. These systems can help you have customers feedback or advice and help them purchase products.

This marketing style allows for a lot of variation, and creates a personal touch for the consumer, even if it’s via an automated system.

Marketing using your livestream

Live streaming is a real time video feed. Right now this is heavily used among the gaming community. Content creators for the gaming community use this method extensively as a way to interact with their fans.

The biggest appeal of Live Streaming is the ability to directly interact with the audience. Of course, games aren’t the only thing being livestreamed currently.

Twitch is probably the biggest live stream platform, and as part of their campaign to promote their addition of non-gaming categories for people to live stream in they hosted a marathon of Bob Ross episodes. This was a huge success, but only because of the format. While Bob Ross obviously was not there it did get a lot of people talking across various social media platforms. This promotion really got people talking. This strategy paid off tremendously well for Twitch.

For a more traditional company though, a live stream campaign people may remember was when Arby’s held a 13 hour long live stream of their new brisket being cooked. The campaign didn’t have the fan interaction in a convenient chatroom, essentially it was a 13 hour commercial. They had prizes though, and with their unique twist on commercials in general they were able to catch a lot of attention.

Read more about successful Shopify stores.

Making Ephemeral work for you

Ephemeral content is a way to use non permanent images for marketing, using fast and interesting content, this strategy can be used with an already-established program or app.

Stories on Instagram, and Snapchat as a whole, are built around having content that shares what someone is doing or thinking in the moment, without having a longstanding or permanent lifespan within their phones, or any other data storage.

Thanks to smartphones we take a lot more pictures. Most of these sit around in people’s phones, never to be seen again unless they’re looking to delete something. This is because they aren’t used to create memories, rather they’re used to share what someone is experiencing at the time.

This is a great tool to use an existing marketing strategy. Some even use this to hold contests. It’s a great way to interact with the younger generation in a form they understand.

What is native advertising?

Native advertising is simply matching your ad to the form that a particular medium has for its users. For example if you were to use Twitter your add would be 140 characters or if you were to use Facebook you adapted in a similar fashion. Changing the geography of the add is also another example of this.

This, of course, could be done on your own, converting your desired ad to match the different media forms. There are companies though that’ll do this for you, such as Taboola or Outbrain. These businesses will take a basic idea and change it to match multiple social media Outlets. This will allow you to get a much wider audience from your basic marketing strategy.

The uses of Whiteboard Explainer Videos

Using whiteboard explainer videos is a great way to catch people’s attention since you’re not just showing them random images while talking to them. Whiteboard explainer videos will feature your desired audio, and then the image of a whiteboard (sometimes with a hand and pen also visible) being drawn on to match what the viewer is being told.These videos not only feature audio but also a white word drawing to match what the viewer is hearing.

Let’s say someone wanted to inform viewers about a charity. The first thing they would do is record audio and other background noises. Once this is done the visual components or created. Due to the time rate difference is the two cannot be recorded at the same time. For the charity they may draw an image of the people they’re trying to help, and then a few of the ways that the donated money or goods actually get to the needy people and help them.

While not the simplest to create they are some of the most effective ways of marketing.

What are Geofencing ads? How to use geofencing ads

Geofencing is an unusual mix a puzzle solving and social interaction. Having a website and app all their own, the original geofencing company laid out secrets and prizes all around the world, with clues and GPS coordinates. This company was a massive success and got people out adventure-seeking and treasure hunting. It became a popular form of social interaction where people would follow the rule to leave something behind from the next person to find. People it would also leave their names and put in dates as well.

Geofencing campaigns can be used to allow people to follow Clues and find prizes. You can also use this as part of a much larger campaign.

It is best that you in regards a contest such as this. As well, this is able to go dangerously wrong, so it’s best kept to a limited area that could be monitored to ensure no one is fighting over your prizes, or replacing them with dangerous objects. No one wants to think people would do that, but as your name is on the line it’s probably best to be a little more cautious.

Using text marketing for your business

This format allows for a very personal touch in your marketing campaign. It enables you to put your ads directly into the customer’s phone. It enables you to deliver bonuses or coupons to loyal customers. You can also use this update customers on the status of their account.

These ads will work similar to email ads, in that you can ad varying degrees of personalization depending on what information you collect from customers. Adding your customer’s name gives this a personal touch. You don’t want to get too personal that and come off as creepy or pushy.

This marketing strategy allows you to put your campaign directly into your customer’s hand instantly. Given how people rarely put their phones down anymore, you can expect they’ll look at it very soon.

Using Augmented Reality

There’s still a new technology augmented reality offers a lot of potential for marketing. It should be noted that some people experience montion sickness because of this.

This is used do you have 3D tours of a space. This technology is used by Google Maps for there street view. You’re putting someone into a space that they can’t physically be in at the moment, for any reason. People in real estate can use this to show homes to people looking from across the country. They can’t necessarily visit the potential homes, but with a 3D tour they can see the house and get an idea of the proportions and look, and whether or not it’ll be a good fit for them.

Augmented reality doesn’t necessarily need to be fully immersive, and can take place on a computer, or be used on a phone. It enables people to experience a place that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to. It’s a great way to give a behind-the-scenes tour or just tell a story.