
Leisure Grade 11 English Communication JBentley

Take five minutes to think about what you would like your life to look like in ten years. Create a vision board that considers the following aspects of your future. This list isn't exhaustive. You may add to it. You must firstly consider the sort of person you would like to be at 26. This will be your base point. Now consider what you want your life at 26 to look like.

Here is an example

What will your family look like?

What will your work life balance look like?

Will you travel and where is your priority to visit?

What work would you like to be engaged in?

Will you be part of any leisure communities or teams?

What will your home be like?

What financial plan will you have in place?

How will you express your spirituality?

How will you look after your health and fitness?

Once your vision board is complete, look at what it says of your values and interests.

What steps will you need to take to reach your current goals?

By envisioning your future, you can more easily recognise opportunities as you continue on your journey to becoming.

The next step is to consider what needs to be done to help make the vision a reality.

View the video below and consider the implications of Meg Jay's research upon your vision. Complete a paragraph reflection on your thoughts and the implications for your use of your leisure time in your onenote class notebook.


Created with images by Antranias - "boot pier rowing boat boardwalk jetty web"

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