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Nothing Manacles

Nothing Manacles are, in my opinion, a must have for a Voidwalker build. Not only do they add an extra scatter grenade charge, but they add tracking to the grenade which can be devastating in both PvE and PvP.

I don’t know the exact numbers on the tracking but I can tell you from personal experience that it is significant and does its job. If you run the correct build on your Voidwalker you can get a grenade every 8 seconds, which is ridiculously fast."


  • Tracking allows you to get more kills per grenade

  • Extra grenade charge allows for quick release of an extra grenade when you need it


  • This build can also be awesome in Challenge of Elders when grenade kills are the modifier. Having a grenade every 8 seconds can net you a lot of points.

  • Tracking grenades allows for a lot of damage to lower level enemies.

Aesthetic appeal: Uh glowing purple gauntlets? Yes please.

Equip your favorite shader and admire how good these gauntlets look haha.


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