Seller Survey

Congratulations on your sale!
Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey. We very much value your feedback!
What is your name?
Please indicate which associate(s) assisted you:
Kathy Schmidt
Sabrina Bright
Connie Braun
Tahnee Botten
Brad Bosker
Cayden Stoddart
Barb Scott
Amy Stewart
Rob DeJong
Lisa Brown
Kimberly Ouellette
Elly Vledder
Jolyn Hall
Nick Hale
Garrette McGowan
Jessica Twidale
Tanya Durrant
Marilda Moises Cuteta
Misty Jespersen
Bill Parker
Claire Barasa
Tyler Dickerson
Nancy George
For the next four questions, please read the statement and then choose the answer that best describes the extent to which you agree with the statement...
For the next four questions, please read the statement and then choose the answer that best describes the extent to which you agree with the statement...
My overall experience working with Schmidt Realty Group was exceptional
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I believe I achieved remarkable results with Schmidt Realty Group.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I will continue doing business with Schmidt Realty Group.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I will recommend Schmidt Realty Group to my friends and family.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
We could have enhanced our service to you by:
We would love to hear what made your experience with us special. Please describe in detail what part of your buying or selling experience made you the happiest, as well as the one or two most important benefits you feel you've received from working with us.
May we please use your comments and name in our advertising?
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