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Best Ping Pong Paddles & How To Choose Them

pingpongsport edited this page Jan 18, 2018 · 6 revisions

Table tennis, or ping pong, is one of the most popular sports around the globe. It is a fascinating and fast-paced game which is the main reason why people are enjoying playing it all the time. On the other hand, table tennis equipment is compact and minimalistic. Therefore, everyone can afford the table in their garage or game room with best ping pong paddle.

If you want to play ping pong, you will need three things:

• Table

• Ball

• Paddles

However, there are different types of paddles, which you can purchase and use based on your playing style, and convenience. Some of them contain various materials, for different aspects of the game. Therefore, you have to find out which best ping pong paddle is for you. You don’t have to worry because we have decided to present you thorough guide:

Step 1: Choosing a Paddle Type

The first thing that you have to determine if the style that you play because that influences your complete performance. Therefore, we recommend you to choose which type of traditional grips is the most convenient for you.

The most common one is shakehand grip which is popular in the West. It takes its name with the way you hold your paddle because you should grip a handle between thumb and forefinger, similar to a pen.

=> Find best ping pong paddle here.

We recommend you to start with a wooden or plastic paddle. That way you will be able to improve your playing. The necessary wooden paddles are affordable and cheapest ones on the market. They usually contain molded plastic with few layers of wood so that you can enjoy in their aesthetics. The second paddle can quickly teach you how to become more precise and how to return and serve.

When you think that you have improved and you want to purchase first professional paddle, we recommend you to choose those with unsophisticated surface layer and ergonomic design. However, you should have in mind that table tennis is more about technique than equipment. So, if you are excellent, you don’t have to use the most expensive paddles on the market.

Step 2: Find the best Paddle Surface

If you want to increase the control, we recommend you to use the rubberized paddle. Therefore, most ping pong paddles have a sheet of rubber which is the central part of the flat surface. That will add traction to the face and provide you more control over the ball. In case that you have a playing style that involves lots of spins to switch up the direction and speed of the ball, you should find a paddle with grippy rubber.

However, when you want to find the best ping pong paddle with the different possibility to handle the ball, you can choose those with waffling, dimples or pimples. If you are a more defensive player, you should find textured paddle because it will help you a lot. But don’t purchase deep textures in case that you love using spin techniques.

After you purchase rubber paddle, you should have in mind that after a while rubber will start to wear off. As soon as this happens, you should replace sponge and rubber or purchase new paddle. When rubber wears out, you will lose lots of grips, and that will compromise you’re playing.

Step 3: Match Paddle with Your Playing Style

There are lots of paddles with custom materials, and experienced players choose to build their paddles to make their performance more efficient. Of course, first, you have to be experienced and to know what you want to accomplish with them. For ping pong paddles, you can use different materials such as carbon fibers or compressed paper which will reduce the weight and increase the control.

Match the paddle with your grip because it is essential to find the perfect combination. You should know that all ping pong paddles have the basic shape, but you can customize design and length of the blade so that you can play specific styles.

Some players choose to purchase paddles that are specifically designed for people who favor a pen hold grip. They are more ergonomic and more substantial, and in some cases, they contain an extra layer of wood for additional security. You should also have in mind whether you want rubber on both or only one side of the paddle. It is mostly a matter of style and your individual preference. Similar to sponge and rubber will provide you the overall weight of paddle, and therefore you will have more control between backhand and forehand strokes.

=> Find the best ping pong table in the world

Final Thought

We have presented you what you should have in mind before you decide to purchase best ping pong paddle. Everything depends on what you want to do with them if you wish to play recreationally or try the competitive and professional perspective. Therefore, we recommend you to research a lot about them and to ask some people who have enough experience to teach you the difference between paddle materials, styles and their uses in the game.