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    Keks-Experte  Avatar von TazmanDevil
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    RETURNING v2.0 | Stand, Fragen & Antworten #7

    [Bild: 7cXaFhsYUntitled_1.png]

    Returning v2.0 - Eine neue Herausforderung

    Da es lange um Returning 1.1 ruhig geworden ist, hielt man den Patch v1.1 für die finale Version dieser grandiosen Modifikation. Vor einiger Zeit war zuerst die Rede einer 1.2 Version (in der der Patch 1.12.9 Einzug finden sollte), die sich mehr auf die Quests und Entscheidungen im Spiel konzentrieren und auch den Schwierigkeitsgrad etwas drosseln wollte. Da das Projekt wohl zu aufwendig gewesen ist, hörte man lange Zeit nichts mehr von den Verantwortlichen.
    Doch nun ist es soweit: seit dem 27.12.2015 ist Returning 2.0 veröffentlicht worden.
    Pünktlich zum Release hat der gute Lord Sargon einen Deutsch/Englisch-Pseudopatch erstellt.
    Die offizielle v2.0 baut auf der inoffiziellen Rebalance 2.1 von Dimmel auf.
    Website über Returning 2.0 rpgrussia.com und WoP Ru.

    Viele werden anmerken, dass Gothic dadurch nicht mehr auf schlechteren System laufen wird. Warum jetzt erst diese Angaben?
    Returning v2.0 ist nicht vanilla Gothic 2. Die Änderungen haben ihre Zeit in Tests gebraucht, die eine Menge von Highpoly Modelle (Rüstungen, Waffen, Gegenstände, etc.), eine große Anzahl von HD-Texturen und neuwertige Musik im Format DX enthält. Der Inhalt in den Welten hat stark zugenommen und dies erhöht natürlich die Belastung der CPU, Speicher, Festplatte usw. Auf alten Systemen wird v2.0 nun mal nicht funktionieren. Systeme, die diese Anforderungen nicht erfüllen, werden nur mit minimalen FPS das Spiel darstellen können, was wiederum zu anderen technischen Problemen führen kann.
    Die Stabilität der Mod wird nur gewährleistet, wenn der Testmodus (MarvinMode) inaktiv ist.


    Installationsroutinen vorheriger Versionen
    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)

    1. Gothic 2 Ordner kopieren, an einer anderen Stelle wieder einfügen, z.B. unter Dokumente
    2. All-In-One Microsoft Runtime Bibliotheken installieren (googeln)
    3. ISO-Datei ausführen (gegebenenfalls Patches mit auswählen) und dabei als Installationspfad kopierten Gothic 2 Ordner angeben. Hierführ wird ein Tool benötigt, welches ISO Dateien laden kann, z.B Daemon Tools Light
    4. Patches zu v0051 installieren https://yadi.sk/d/g7CpZecYrEPsh.
    5. PseudoDEUTSCH- oder PseudoENGLISCHpatch installieren by Lord Sargon


    1. Gothic 2 Ordner kopieren, an einer anderen Stelle wieder einfügen, z.B. unter Dokumente
    2. All-In-One Microsoft Runtime Bibliotheken installieren (googeln)
    3. ISO-Datei ausführen (gegebenenfalls Patches mit auswählen) und dabei als Installationspfad kopierten Gothic 2 Ordner angeben. Hierführ wird ein Tool benötigt, welches ISO Dateien laden kann, z.B Daemon Tools Light
    4. Patches zu v0056 installieren (File 1.6 GB).
    5. PseudoDEUTSCH- oder PseudoENGLISCHpatch installieren by Lord Sargon
    6. AST.dll nach Gothic 2/System verschieben. Für PseudoDEUTSCH, für PseudoENGLISCH

    INSTALLATIONSROUTINE v2.0060 >>Klick<<

    Technische Voraussetzungen

    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    Minimale, spielbare Mindestanforderungen (~30 fps):

    Prozessor: mindestens Intel® Core™2 Duo Prozessor 2.8 GHz
    Speicherkapazität (RAM): 2 GB für 32-Bit-Systeme (XP, Windows 7 x32), 4 GB für 64-Bit-Systeme (Win7/Win8)
    Grafikkarte: Nvidia GTX 460 oder höher
    Festplatte HDD: 15 GB freier Speicherplatz
    Betriebssystem: Windows XP mit allen Updates

    Empfohlene Anforderungen (etwa 30-60 FPS im Durchschnitt):

    Prozessor: Intel® Core™ i5 Prozessor oder leistungsstärker
    Speicherkapazität (RAM): 8 GB oder mehr
    Grafikkarte: Nvidia GTX650 TI 4 GB VRAM oder höher
    Festplatte HDD: SSD Festplatte (Solid State Disk/Drive), 15 GB freier Speicherplatz
    Betriebssystem: Windows 7 mit allen Updates

    Offizielle Versionen von Returning
    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    v1.0 Trazege & Co.
    v1.1 Trazege & Co.
    v2.0 Trazege & Co.

    Inoffizielle Versionen von Returning
    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    v1.12.9 Dimmell
    v1.12.9 Rebalance Marcello
    v1.4 Yelawolf
    Rebalance Uni Dimmel
    v1.6 Rebalance Dimmel
    v1.7 Rebalance Dimmel
    v2.0 Rebalance Dimmel
    v2.1 Rebalance Dimmel
    Balance Mod Alpha, basierend auf Rebalance 1.4 von Yelawolf, erstellt von Ksardos877, Trazege & Co.

    Aktuelle Änderungen (Google-Translator):
    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    • nur in das Spiel jetzt über 30 Standorten (davon 6 brandneuen )
    • eine große Anzahl neuer Produkte, Waffen und Rüstungen;
    • die große Mehrheit der alten Gegenstände im Spiel sind neue, qualitativ hochwertige Highpoly Modell;
    • neue und verbesserte interaktive Objekte in der Welt
    • viel neue Objekte der Umwelt;
    • neue hochwertige HD-Texturen für Objekte, Welten, Charaktere,
    • mehr als 200 neue Quests und ein paar neue Handlungsstränge;
    • neue Wendungen alte Ereignisse;
    • das Ende des Spiels komplett überarbeitet;
    • mehr als 50 neue Zeichen mit Zeichenausgearbeitet;
    • Neue Monster;
    • neue Arten von Magie;
    • ein neues System der Teleports;
    • ein neues Buchhaltungssystem Intellekt;
    • ein neuer Systemaufruf;
    • ganz neu und geändert alten Formen von Kunsthandwerk;
    • neue animierte Kampfstile für verschiedene Arten von Waffen (Schutzschilde, Lamellen, Speere, Schwerter, etc.);
    • eine leichte Anpassung und Neugestaltung der gesamten Animation im Spiel;
    • den neuen Titelsong für den alten und neuen Standorten;
    • drei Schwierigkeitsstufen;
    • eine völlig neue Gleichgewicht der Charakter-Entwicklung, die von der Komplexität des gewählten Spiels bestimmt wird;
    • und fast vollständig sehr hohe Qualität Sprach Zeichen;
    • über mehr als 100 Stunden spannendes Spiel, lassen Sie nicht eine Minute entspannen
    Geändert von TazmanDevil (22.10.2017 um 18:47 Uhr)

  2. Beiträge anzeigen #2
    Fighter Avatar von Tharr
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    Well... I already checked. Its already set to 1. Thanks anyway. Guess I'll just avoid using shields. Damn though...

    Btw, does anyone know were I can get the Heavy Militia Armor? I was really banking on that one as I'm in the Valley of Mines. Beside the fact that now it looks sick... I really need the armor against those pesky orks. I can handle 2... perhaps 3... but there a hall fuck load of them outside the castle walls as you probably know. :P

    Why doesnt Engor sell it anymore! O_o

    "Captain obvious wispers" Because a mod makes changes...
    @Landros search for that hunter in Khorinis who is selling you the tip with wolf's crawler armor, is much better than militia armor, bro'. And in VoM you will find a tip on how to improve it. But I suspect that until you don't kill the big bug who's giving me trouble now you'll not succeed in improve-it.
    ...They call me The Wanderer...

  3. Beiträge anzeigen #3
    Legende Avatar von Malak
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    If you are in the valley of mines, you have completed Jharkendar. After the main quest line, you get the heavy guard armor of Thorus which is better than both the minecrawler plate armor and the heavy militia armor.

    The heavy miltia armor is obtained by a quest from Wulfgar which is only available if one joins the militia before killing Dexter.

  4. Beiträge anzeigen #4
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    Seems buggy. sorry.

    For military armors you are a little bit at disadvantage because in Returning you got the heavy armor only if you do the secret military quest from wulfgar or engor sells a special military armor if you are playing on hard or above.
    Thanks for the info, but could I bother you to be more specific?

    What "secret" quest would that be? And could you pls tell me what the prerequisits are? What I need to do to get the quest? What chapter is it handed in? Right now, I can only train with Wulfgar.

    And Darth Malak, I did join the militia before killing Dexter. I actually killed him while wearing the reinforced militia armor :P For the King! :P I still don't have anymore quests from Wulfgar. And I do have the Raven Guard Armor, I'm actually wearing it. But the ting is... the Heavy Millitia Armor gets to be Upgraded, and it also benefits from a dedicated belt, thus I don't tink it would be a lesser option that Raven Guard armor.

    As it stands, I do have a protection belt, ore amulet/rings. But that armor looks to damned cool! Its from the Witcher, right?

    But I didn't finish Jarkendar per say... I still have to go to the other Valley you get trough the special focus after Raven skeddadles. I just find slaying orcs (even elite) far easier than killing those Stone Sentinels on steroids from that other place
    Geändert von Landros (07.09.2017 um 19:47 Uhr)

  5. Beiträge anzeigen #5
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    @Landros search for that hunter in Khorinis who is selling you the tip with wolf's crawler armor, is much better than militia armor, bro'. And in VoM you will find a tip on how to improve it. But I suspect that until you don't kill the big bug who's giving me trouble now you'll not succeed in improve-it.
    Thanks for the pointer. The guy is actually a mercenary and is your old buddy Wolf from G1. The inventor of the said armor. And regarding the crawler armor as it is... it is good against bludgeoning and piercing attacks, granted. But its weaker that the pirate armor against blades, witch the orcs use :P

  6. Beiträge anzeigen #6
    Legende Avatar von Malak
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    To be more precise, you get the quest if reading a note from the bandits in the cave near khorinis (the in the forest near Lobart's farm) and taking it to Wulfgar I think. I'm not sure about it, I missed the quest too, just read it on the russian forum. The quest is about a traitor within the militia and to solve it, you need to ask Dexter who the traitor is, that's why killing dexder before starting the quest makes it impoosible to start.

    As for the armor and belt...well, if you improve the heavy militia armor tho the maximum, it has only 5 more protection compared to heavy guard armor.
    The belt gives 10 + 10 armor I suppose? In that case, did you already learn some of the hunter armors from Falk? If you learn the hunter armors, Raff (the trader in the hunter's camp) will sell a belt for that armor. These belts are not for the hunter armors, however. These belts are pretty good by themselves. For instance, the wolf skin belt gives +20 physical armor. That is as good as the heavy miltia belt together with the armor, but works for all armors. The next belt, the warg belt, has 25 protection.

  7. Beiträge anzeigen #7
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    To be more precise, you get the quest if reading a note from the bandits in the cave near khorinis (the in the forest near Lobart's farm) and taking it to Wulfgar I think. I'm not sure about it, I missed the quest too, just read it on the russian forum. The quest is about a traitor within the militia and to solve it, you need to ask Dexter who the traitor is, that's why killing dexder before starting the quest makes it impoosible to start.

    As for the armor and belt...well, if you improve the heavy militia armor tho the maximum, it has only 5 more protection compared to heavy guard armor.
    The belt gives 10 + 10 armor I suppose? In that case, did you already learn some of the hunter armors from Falk? If you learn the hunter armors, Raff (the trader in the hunter's camp) will sell a belt for that armor. These belts are not for the hunter armors, however. These belts are pretty good by themselves. For instance, the wolf skin belt gives +20 physical armor. That is as good as the heavy miltia belt together with the armor, but works for all armors. The next belt, the warg belt, has 25 protection.
    Thanks again. One more question, and a stupid one at that. HOW do I forge the hunter armors? I've learned to, but I dont know what table to use. Is it the "cutting table" in the hunters camp? If it is, what do I need to use it? When ever I try using it, it sais I dont have what is required. I do hae a ton of skins, claws etc. I was also touht by the head hunter.

  8. Beiträge anzeigen #8
    Legende Avatar von Malak
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    Puh, I have no idea. But I suppose you are a strength charakter, right? Otherwise you couldn't wear the heavy guard armor. I ask because the hunter armors need quite a bit of dexterity to wear. You probably can't use them anyway, they are supposed to be used by Dex-Chars.
    I just told about them because the belts can be used by anyone and are quite good.

  9. Beiträge anzeigen #9
    Alter Medizinmann Avatar von Tentarr
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    @ Land
    For Wulfgars quest you need to be in first chpater and join the militar very soon to get this quest. You have to kill all bandits camp except the dexter camp as a miliatry man. Then wulfgar talk with you about a spy at the military and you have to ask Dexter about this.
    For better armor you could also improve the armor from thorus if you ask crimson the smith in the gold mine at the bandits camp.
    You also don´t have to do the second part of yarkendar at the second chapter. These quests and the new area are designed for chpater 3-4.
    To use the cutting table you need a carving knife you can buy these by several hunter traders but as malak said hunter armors are primary for dex chars.

  10. Beiträge anzeigen #10
    Fighter Avatar von Tharr
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    Thanks for the pointer. The guy is actually a mercenary and is your old buddy Wolf from G1. The inventor of the said armor. And regarding the crawler armor as it is... it is good against bludgeoning and piercing attacks, granted. But its weaker that the pirate armor against blades, witch the orcs use :P
    That's what I said, too. But you will not have a dialogue with him until you don't bring to the hunter shadowbeasts pelts, or what he wants, I don't remember exactly.
    ...They call me The Wanderer...

  11. Beiträge anzeigen #11
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    Thanks for the help guys! Gonna go upgrade my armor at Crimson, then buy myself a Warg belt. Gonna raise me up some survivability.

    EDIT: What do you guys know about the quest "The Experiment" from Ignaz. I've just beat Valentino, waited till he got up (also did it while he was lying down) and used Oblivion on him. Guess what... didn't get reported to, bur he is angry with me. Tried it on Ignaz himself. On Ignaz, the spell dosn't seem to work. I use it... and he remains mad with me, attacking me as soon as I try speaking with him.

    Damn... I really neaded that alchemy training that Ignaz provided. Besides him, theres only Sagitta before my becoming a paladin. And I can't beat a bloody Black Throll.

    EDIT 2: Ignor this... the spell simply doesnt work. I've tried it on 5 different people, eather while they where lying down, or while they had gotten up... they're still angry. Damn.
    Geändert von Landros (08.09.2017 um 06:15 Uhr)

  12. Beiträge anzeigen #12
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    Thanks for the help guys! Gonna go upgrade my armor at Crimson, then buy myself a Warg belt. Gonna raise me up some survivability.

    EDIT: What do you guys know about the quest "The Experiment" from Ignaz. I've just beat Valentino, waited till he got up (also did it while he was lying down) and used Oblivion on him. Guess what... didn't get reported to, bur he is angry with me. Tried it on Ignaz himself. On Ignaz, the spell dosn't seem to work. I use it... and he remains mad with me, attacking me as soon as I try speaking with him.

    Damn... I really neaded that alchemy training that Ignaz provided. Besides him, theres only Sagitta before my becoming a paladin. And I can't beat a bloody Black Throll.

    EDIT 2: Ignor this... the spell simply doesnt work. I've tried it on 5 different people, eather while they where lying down, or while they had gotten up... they're still angry. Damn.
    You just need to wait until they do their normal stuff again and then cast it. In every playthrough I drop my gold in a safe place and go to constantino (because he is always alone), steal some stuff and let him beat me up. After that i cast oblivion on him and he forgets about it. It works everytime. (Don't forget to pick up your gold again)
    Besides there is no need to kill the black troll for the sun aloe, you can just sneak or run in and grab it.

  13. Beiträge anzeigen #13
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    Thanks for the tip, gonna surely try a marathon around the black troll.

    What do you guys think? When should I takle the abandoned mine for the elixir of eligora (or some such)?

    Right now, I don't know what lvl I am, but I've got the upgraded (ore) guard armor, the "Cross Fate" sword, about 1700 HP and 196 STR, soon to be 206. I'm also a master of the one-handed blade. And yeah... I know that using maces works best against undead, for that, i've got the Morning Star.

    Also, with this stats, do you tink I could takle a seeker? Getting that Knight Armor early would probably help. If that part remained unchanged that is... :P

    I realize I'm somewhat over cautious... but I can still remember my first battle against a seeker in Returning 1.1... Knight armor, Blessed ore blade, died in two hits, while managing to probably get the seekers health down by a quarter O_o
    Geändert von Landros (08.09.2017 um 09:39 Uhr)

  14. Beiträge anzeigen #14
    Alter Medizinmann Avatar von Tentarr
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    You can get the elixir without killing a seeker demon.
    You only need to kill the demon to get the elemental sphere that is hidden in the mine.

    Best advice try to kill him, with enough endurance, regeneration and avoidance you can almost every enemies but it also depends on your skill and luck.

  15. Beiträge anzeigen #15
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    When I said seeker I was refering to the dark magicians (former swamp camp junkies) Beliar sends after you.

    And... yeah, I can kill them. I just beat the crap out of Dark Something... the first seeker you find at the entrance to the Pass of Khorinis. Interesting fight! Much better than Vanilla Gothic 2.

  16. Beiträge anzeigen #16
    Alter Medizinmann Avatar von Tentarr
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    Lol sorry my fault, there are also seeker demons and there is one in the abandoned mine

  17. Beiträge anzeigen #17
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    Another question. This one is regarding the consacration of the paladin armor.

    Marduk the fire mage sais that once you consacrate the armor, you cant wear any other armor or you will die.
    I consacrated the armor and tried out another one... I didnt die. I tried the guard armor, the militia armor and the ring of water armor. None killed me. O_o

    Why is it important? I seam to recall that once accepted as a Guardian of the Keepers, you get a nice armor. A good one actually. I wouldn't want to NOT be able to wear it.

    Has the killing part been removed? Or is it another of those strange bugs I've been experiencing.

    I'll hold up with the consacration of the armor for now...

  18. Beiträge anzeigen #18
    Alter Medizinmann Avatar von Tentarr
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    The killing part depends on the game difficulty and which armor you consecrate. Only the last two armors you get should kill you not the normal knight armor.
    If you hope for the guardians armor I hope you play on hard or legendary else you won't get it but there are other better armors, the best one is available for every character.

  19. Beiträge anzeigen #19
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    Wait... there are more than 2 tiers of paladin armor now? So... theres the knight armor (wich I just got), the paladin armor and then another one? Thats nice! And what about the best armor? Guessing you're gonna get it in the last chapter? In the liberation of Khorinis?

  20. Beiträge anzeigen #20
    Alter Medizinmann Avatar von Tentarr
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    there are four tiers but the last only at hard or above.

    You guess wrong. Theoretically you can get the best armor at the second chapter if you can beat the most difficult dungeon.
    You find the dungeon at the end of the adanos desert, the second part of yarkendar but it's really difficult.

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