时间: 2018年2月10日星期六 5pm
地点: 马里兰州Shady Grove中学 (地址:8100 Midcounty Highway Gaithersburg 20877)
费用:  成人10元, 6-9岁儿童和70岁以上老人5元, 5岁以下免费
赞助请联系:谭诚:202-361-5238,潘瑛:240-938-0692,张璇:301-717-9254,龙颜:240-838-6357,金英姬: 202-651-0956

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*免责声明:* By checking here, I CERTIFY THAT I am 18 years or older and I HAVE READ THIS DOCUMENT AND I FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENT. I AM AWARE THAT THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND A CONTRACT AND I SIGN IT OF MY OWN FREE WILL. I fully understands the risks involved in the activities, and fully, voluntarily and freely assume any and all risks. I understand that participant is fully responsible for all his/her activity and any consequence may occur. I acknowledge and agree that the organizer assumes no liability for any accident, illness, injury, loss or damage to personal property or any other consequences arising or resulting directly or indirectly from the participation in the event.
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