Choosing The Best Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Seattle

It can be hard on an individual and their family when something bad happens. Someone might lose out on work due to a car accident or because something fell on them while they were working. They could have been assaulted, or a doctor could have failed to do their job properly. Whatever wrong has happened in someone’s life, there may be something they can do about it to recover.

Suing someone can feel like too much work and confusion. What should you do? Where should you go? Is this a problem that someone can even be sued for? To be 100% sure that what you’re curious about is something you can sue over, you should consult a lawyer, especially when considering that different states will treat things different. The list below will help you to be better prepared before you even walk into a lawyer’s office. This list isn’t going to speak about every possible lawsuit. The main point is that you’ll be better informed, and hopefully prepared, should your problem fall under one of the categories below.


Accidents on the Road

1When you’re in a car accident there will likely be a copious amount of panicked thoughts running through your mind. Is anyone hurt? Are the vehicles okay? What will this cost? What about work? There are many pains and problems that a car accident can cause, even what appears to be a minor one. It’s best to be prepared ahead of time with an emergency plan. This involves everything from having your I.C.E. (In Case of Emergency) contact information ready and available to others, to knowing how to act after the accident. You’ll need to remain calm, contact the authorities whenever possible, and never admit guilt, in any way. The words “I’m sorry” are enough of an admission of guilt for some judges to rule against you. Some people may believe they’re the ones to blame, but after the authorities investigate they find the other person was the culprit in the case. To help yourself and your lawyer you should be careful in your actions, and don’t speak unless you need to.

Information is vital for your lawyer. Chances are they’re going to want copies of the police report, photos, and bills or estimates for damage repair, lost wages, and hospitalization. Your lawyer can use your information to answer any remaining questions about what you’ll be able to include in a lawsuit.

Workplace Injury

It’s your fault if you get hurt at work though, right? No, of course not. You should speak with a lawyer before you take the blame, and the financial hit.

Workplace injuries are all too common, and many people don’t make any type of report on them, making it all the more difficult for them to get the help they need when they need it. Some of the possible injuries you could sustain would be objects falling on you, equipment failing and harming you, or you slipping and falling.

You need to report your injuries, and get medical help for them. Chances are you’re going to have to give a written statement and fill out a few reports. You should feel intimidated. You should document what happened as soon as possible, so the details don’t get hazy with time. On top of this, be sure that you don’t sign anything unless you’ve read it first. It’s important to know your company isn’t having you sign away your rights when it comes to injury.

Even if what occurs is an accident, as it almost always will be, it may still be the fault of the company you work for. For starters, if they know that something on the ceiling in a building may pose a risk to health then they should be taking care of this problem right away. If they aren’t taking care of the facility then the injuries that result from this neglect are soley on their shoulders. Another problem would be a lack of needed or proper equipment, something which can cause lasting injuries.

Make sure your lawyer is aware of everything your company said they’d expect from you, what they said they’d provide you, and how this is different from what actually happened. As well, ensure you retain the written statement and can hand a copy to your lawyer. There’s a good chance that by the time you’re able to contact someone you’ll already have forgotten some details, so it’s best to be prepared. Knowledge is power for a lawyer.

Read more about the best Seattle lawyers motorcycle accident.

Slipping and Falling

There are high risks that come with a fall, no matter the cause. As dirt, mud, and spills occur, a business will need to mop their floor, and in fact they may have a regular routine that involves mopping at certain times or after certain other activities. They might even not gotten to a spill at all, and you’ll find yourself unaware and soon on the floor. As well, a store may be restocking and an employee might carelessly leave a box, equipment, or tools lying on the floor for you to trip over. Whatever happened to cause your fall, you should act fast, and never apologize or admit any kind of fault in regards to the incident.

If you can, before you ever leave the scene or it’s disturbed, try to take photographs to show what the space looked like at the time of your fall. You need to see your doctor as soon as possible, and get copies of your medical records, as well as any proofs or statements that indicate the injury is a result of the fall. As with most cases, you’ll be better off if you can write down your viewpoint on what happened, as your lawyer may be able to use the details you’d otherwise forget, or any opposition will be forced to accept that your current testimony is true since it matches your old one.

Recalled Products

You may be able to receive compensation if you’ve had your items recalled, including clothes and medication. When a recall occurs on something you own or have been using, make sure to contact a lawyer early on, especially if you have any signs of a problem that might have been caused by the recalled product.

Depending on the product, you may need to visit a doctor and have them give you a check up. Make sure your doctor is aware of what’s going on, so that they have a better idea of what to look for and where any problems might be. You’ll need to document all damage, so if a doctors visit isn’t needed then you have to do it another way. Some proofs you’ll want to include are photographs, written statements, and any type of dated record which shows that what was damaged was in a certain, healthy condition, and was harmed by the recalled product.

What if there is no recall yet, but there should be? If you’re convinced that a product can cause damage then you’ll follow similar steps, including visiting a doctor (as relevant), gather the types of documentations mentioned above, and speaking with a lawyer right away. The lawyer will do a better job instructing you on what you need and what you need to do to prove that there’s a problem with the product. No only will you likely receive compensation, but by getting the product recalled you could be saving a number of other people from being harmed by it. Don’t fear speaking up, as the sooner the problem is discovered, the fewer people will be harmed by it. Now, you should NEVER slander a company or product. The spreading of malicious lies or misinformation could come back to bite you. Speak with a lawyer as soon as possible, and work with them to solve the issue.

Cases of Assault

There’s an underlying pain that comes with being assaulted. You might only have some surface level cuts or scars, or you might have intense pains and long term injuries. Mentally though, the scars could be life altering. If you’ve been assaulted, speak with authorities and go to a hospital immediately. Never hesitate, because you, as well as others, are likely to still be at risk.

It probably won’t be easy, but you need to be able to recall details that could allow police to easily identify your assailant(s). The first thing you want to tell police is about any unique features, things like scars, marks on their skin, hair color, strange clothes, or anything else that will allow the cops to say “this must be the person”. If they had a vehicle, or mentioned a place, name, or any later plans, that information can allow police to better track the individual down.

Even after the police have the assailant(s) in custody, you shouldn’t think your work is done. You’ll want to contact a lawyer as soon as you’re able to. Your suffering isn’t a joke, and your pain, mentally and physically, is valid, so ask them questions if you have any. Provide your lawyer with information, updates, records, reports, and any future treatment plans, for both your physical and mental health and safety. Another proof that your judge, and lawyer, will love to have is photographic evidence of the injuries. If you don’t know if something is relevant to your case then you can simply ask your lawyer. Your lawyer is more detached and experienced in these matters, so they’ll be able to see the value of information that you might not be able to notice.

Doctor Malpractice

Doctors should be trustworthy. They have the power over your health to cause some serious damage, or to save your life. What do you do when they make the wrong decision? You should contact a lawyer.

Patients being neglected by their doctor are far too common. There may be a doctor who doesn’t take all the necessary precautions before they work with you. Others may come into work that day unprepared, or in a bad way physically or mentally and are knowingly unable to properly perform their job, but attempt it anyways. It doesn’t matter why, if you’re hurt by your doctor then you can’t just let it go.

You should know that your lawyer is probably going to tell you that you have to visit another doctor to diagnose your newfound problem and firm it was caused by malpractice. People may not like it, especially if they’ve been left with scars by the malpractice, but this is necessary, not only to document the problem for the lawsuit, but to ensure that the patient is kept safe and healthy, and is able to recover from the past and new injuries. It’s possible the malpractice can result in permanent injury. People have even died, in which case the loved ones are the ones that must contact a lawyer on behalf of the wronged party. Documentation of the even and injuries are an absolute necessity, no matter what. It doesn’t sound pleasant, but for those operating on the behalf of a deceased loved one you’re going to need their body examined by a medical examiner. Only you will lose if you don’t act fast and get the proof you need to convict the doctor in question. Having to get proof from the body can take time, and sure it might hurt for you to have to hold off on their funeral, and your goodbyes. That pain will pale in comparison to what you’re likely to feel if the doctor is allowed to go free and cause more harm to others.

Get in Touch with a Lawyer

Whatever the reason for your potential lawsuit, you should always remember to document anything that could be possibly related, and to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. Hesitation can lead to downfall, and many lawyers will at least hear you out and tell you whether or not you might have a case before they charge you anything.

Remember, do not admit fault or apologize, at all. People may blame themselves, but too often they’re actually the victim, and they just couldn’t see it from their perspective. As well, don’t slander people or groups. Never tell a lie, exaggerate the truth, or really make any claim that isn’t lawyer approved. Not only could your case be thrown out for this, but you may find yourself owing for damages done to the other party. Never make yourself the problem, never say you’re the problem, and reach out to the proper authorities and help as soon as you’re able to. Time is hard to be friends with, especially here, but at the least you can work to keep it from ever becoming your enemy.