WTMO Words Turn Me On's Reviews > Lucian

Lucian by Bethany-Kris
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it was amazing

Filthy Marcellos: Lucian by Bethany Kris

Lucian Marcello wasn’t always his name, but that was a long time ago when he had nothing and no one, until his father’s best friend found him, took him in and made him the man he is today.

Jordyn’s mom took her away from her father when she was a toddler and died of an over dose when Jordyn was a teenager, leaving her in the care of the MC they had become involved with. Life’s not easy when the president doesn’t like you and it only gets worse when he makes you club property. Jordyn has no hope for survival.

Ok, first I want to start off by saying, being raised in an Italian home, I was taught to call the close friends of my grandmother Goomah, the term of respect, the word for godmother. Imagine my surprise when, while reading this book, the term was used to indicate a mistress. Wow, what a shock, gotta love dialect!

“I know, but if someone really wants to kill me, sweetheart, bulletproof glass isn’t going to save me.” Jordyn frowned. “Thanks for the reassurance.”

I loved this book, absolutely LOVED this book. Again, being of Italian descent, this book reminded me of my childhood with the big Sunday meals and the tons of extended family, the closeness of us all. No, my family is not a part of La Costra Nostra or the Mafioso, but Italian is Italian. Lucian is a hot blooded Italian man, full of passion. My iPad screen was steaming up because of him, mmm mmm mmm. Jordyn has absolutely no idea what she is getting herself into, but she never falters. One life is the fire and the other the frying pan and believe me when I say, she can handle the heat. She is one strong woman!! I cannot wait until the next book in this series is released. I give this book 5 stars and 4 hands down the pants!!

~Bookaholic Mama

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April 30, 2015 – Shelved

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