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10k canvas print listings available for Teespring’s boosted network

Last week you helped us add 10k new pillow listings to the new Boosted Network and we’re happy to report several sellers are already seeing new pillow sales come in. Based on the success of this last request we’re turning our focus to the next product…canvas prints!

We’re aiming to add 10,000 canvas prints to the Boosted Network next week so this is a great opportunity to get your designs added first!

Follow these steps:

  1. Launch a new canvas print campaign or update an existing campaign. Keep in mind we’re especially interested in fresh new designs, so you can update past winners, but definitely consider creating new designs too.
  2. Add the hashtag #BoostedCanvas in your campaign description. We will prioritize tagged campaigns first as we add new product listings.

Ready to start selling canvas prints?


As you create new canvas prints and update past campaigns it’s important to keep the Boosted Network Design Guidelines in mind—we can’t use any designs that do not comply with these content policies. If you need help getting started with canvas prints check out our design and niche tips below:



4 responses to “10k canvas print listings available for Teespring’s boosted network

  1. Jason Dobb says:

    How do I transfer existing tee shirt campaign to canvas?

    1. Kate Shoaf says:

      You can add a canvas print to an existing campaign – learn more here.

  2. Monica says:

    How do you get your Canvas Print artwork to wrap around the sides of the canvas?
    Is the Grey area the sides of the canvas? If so how do you wrap your art, or add a color that matches the artwork on the cover?
    If your image is not large enough to wrap around the sides of the canvas can you select a color to print on the sides?

    1. Erica Bickel says:

      Hi Monica – yes, the grey area represents the sides of the canvas. To wrap your art, expand it so that it covers the grey area and arrange it to your liking. If you don’t want to wrap your art or your image is too small, the background color will print instead.

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