Upcoming SET events

SET members, to view and register for upcoming member-only SET webinars and events, please login. Once you have logged in, any member-only events will be shown below.

Non-members will need to join as a SET member to access SET member only events.

The Events open to all section below lists events open to both members and non-members. 

Events open to all:

Early Career Teachers webinar series

7 June, 12-1PM: Outstanding Teaching Made Simple, with Richard Moore

The aim of this session is to strip away some of the educational theory and thinking behind concepts of what makes for great teaching and learning and to give new teachers in Further Education settings, or those who have only recently started teaching in the sector, a ‘down to earth’ perspective of what outstanding teaching really looks like at the ‘coal face’.   

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21 June, 12-1PM: A New Teacher’s Guide to working successfully with learners with neurodiverse needs with Siobhan Dawson MSET

This webinar will cover ways to better work with neurodiverse learners including recognising neurodiverse needs, how to amend lesson plan to support inclusive practice and how to employ practical strategies which support adaptive teaching. 

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5 July, 12-1PM: Making Progress in Your FE and Skills Career, with Martine Ellis FSET plus panel guests Vanessa Mee MSET and Berta Miguez-Lorenzo

Join us for “Making Progress in Your FE and Skills Career”, a webinar chaired by Martine Ellis and joined by panel guests, Vanessa Mee MSET, Berta Miguez-Lorenzo and Elaine Wilkie. 

Experienced FE professionals will share their career stories and explore key topics in this session. Learn about career progression opportunities in FE, potential challenges and how to navigate them. We'll also demystify professional development acronyms and explore the benefits of having a mentor. If you are an ambitious new teacher who wants to make the most of their FE career, this webinar offers the insights you need. 

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Previous SET events

Some of our recent previous member-only events have included: