Minta akses pengeditan
Social Network Analytics for Data Science
Training Certificates on Social Network Analytics for Data Science (1 and half days workshop)
Date to be announced
Venue : Data Science Lab, Level 3, S45 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
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Full Name *
Email Address *
Races *
Wajib diisi
Phone Number (Valid for call) *
Status *
Name of company/institutions *
Education Background *
Employment Background *
Experience In Analysis *
Registration Fee (included 6% gst) *
Mode Of Payment (All payment should be made payable to "GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT SDN BHD" with account number as detailed : CIMB BANK : 8006057477) *
Proof Of Payment (Registration will only be confirmed after the payment is made and proof of payment are included)
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