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All Group Reviews

  • Montreal Backgammon Club Meetup

     Great group nice people As much as I have played Backgammon I have a lot to learn. I hope I can visit with all when it is safe I often go to Montreal. We are all luck to have the fun to play via the internet. 

    Lee W. on Jul 30, 2021.

  • Montreal Backgammon Club Meetup

     What a friendly group! I am so thankful that they shared their joy and fun with me, today. Looking forward for the September 28th! 

    Ahmad on Sep 14, 2018.

  • Montreal Backgammon Club Meetup

     J’aime bien 

    Gala P. on May 11, 2018.

  • Montreal Backgammon Club Meetup

     So far I've only been to two meetups, and already feel really comfortable with these guys. If you're a beginner, everyone is happy to talk you through it and give advice. If you're more experienced, everyone is happy to (try to) beat you! A lot of fun - don't be shy - Come out to play a few rounds. 

    Kim S on Jan 29, 2018.

  • Montreal Backgammon Club Meetup

     Everyone is warm and friendly and open to give advice and so forth. Thank you. 

    Sarah K. on Dec 8, 2017.

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