GRASS Pedagogical Rubric
ACCategory of Soft SkillSpecific Soft SkillImportance StatementPedagogical ApproachTask/ContextAssessment Process (Attitudes, Skills, Knowledge)
In this column we identify the category of soft skill that we wish to develop through student engagement in the learning task. Members may wish to develop soft skills from a range of categories with the same task. It should be noted that skills from different categories may need different pedagogical approaches and be assessed in different ways within the same task.Here you identify the specific soft skill that you wish to develop in this learning task. We are proposing that members only have one specific soft skill in this cell. If there are other soft skills from this category that they wish to develop in the same task they should create a new row for this skill as the pedagogical approach and assessment may differ for each skill. Shown in the table below are examples of these skills... this is not an exhaustive list, we may wish to add to this initially and then refine it based on what the members identify as being important to them.In this column we ask members to articulate what is important in the learning activity. This is like a set of objectives for the task. It can also make reference to other skills being developed e.g. developing a particular soft skill(s) while also learning how to conduct a land survey using specific equipment...In this colum we would like the members to outline the pedagogical approach that they envisage using to achieve their ends. In the case of each of the categories of soft skill we have given some possible direction to members. However we woulod like to try and capture the variety of pedagogical approaches /experiences that are within the group through this instrument that will help us to analyse the needs across all groups.In this column members should describe the learning task that they will create that will provide the opportunity for the student to develop the soft skill identified. Try and be specific about that aspect of the task that you feel will create the opportunity for this to happen. Below we have outlined some examples of tasks that align with the soft skill category. Please add as necessary.In this column we ask that members present their descriptors of what is important in terms of assessement. This may also include discriminators between levels of skills where appropriate. This will span the areas of Attitudes, knowledge and skills relating to the domain and soft skills. Members should also outline how they envisage this type of evidence will be made explicit by the student for the assessor. (How will they capture the data that is suggestive of attaining the proposed soft skill). When we have this data we should then be able to begin to build an assessment architecture that will facilitate the needs of the group and the selected soft skill(s). This will need much discussion and debate among the group so that we have both a valid and reliable assessment instrument for the project approach.
Ways of working (Intra – Personal Development)enthusiasm, positive attitude, inquisitive, persistence, self-regulatory, professionalAn importance statement describes the purpose of the activity. It must clearly outline the objectives of the task and the soft skills that the activity intends to foster and develop are stated here. The proposed soft skills that need to be captured during the activity will impact on the pedagogical approach taken to the task. An imprtance statement should also be suggestive of the tasks aims and objectives.Pedagogical approaches tend to be designed to provide the students with some dilemma or perplexity as a result of an authentic problem (based on an actual event or events) and generally includes the following components as necessary to achieve higher thinking patterns: (1) arguments, discussions, debates, (2) conceptual conflicts and dilemmas, (3) sharing ideas with others, (4) materials and measures targeted toward solutions, (5) reflections and concept investigation, (6) meeting student needs, and (7) making meaning, real-life examples. These strategies need to be well structured, have clearly defined parameters (i.e. roles, responsibilities), and be focused in a specific direction.Tasks which engage students in, abstract concepts, shared problem solving, self and task based reflection, while targeting the developmental stage of the students. Participative concrete tasks, which engage students in real-life problem-solving allowing students to explore the complexities of the task. Kolbs Learning Cycle is an appropiate guide for outlining the task/ learning context. (Please suggest others)Will your assessments be continuous over a long period of time or will they be test based at the end of a learning activity? Will it be an essay style assessment, a product, a performance, multiple choice assessment etc.Please enter how you think this soft skill can be best measured e.g. live observation by teacher/peer, retrospective analysis by self/peer/teacher, level of engagement (eg number of interactions on a forum…), data analytics??
Ways of Working with others (Inter – Social Participation)collaboration, communication, negotiation, conflict resolution, teamwork, networking, managing divergence, leadership, emotional awarenessPedagogical approachs designed around continuous assessment, where students are assessed by topics throughout a semester, is considered preferable to an emphasis on examinations. A more or less substantial part of the grading process may rest on project work, class participation, or other activities that allow students to bring to bear a wide range of perspectives and understandings on particular assessment tasks. Oral presentations within classes may form part of assessable work; oral examinations, allowing for some interaction between assessor, candidate and collaborator, are a permissible variant in some fields.Tasks which present students with an opportuinity for shared responsibility in task outcomes. The task genre may include oral presentation, group project work, classroom discussions/ debates. Tasks which allow students to explore the complexities of working with others.
Ways of thinking (Intra – Personal Development)problem solving, critical thinking, synthesis, evaluation, divergent and lateral thinking, strategic thinking, analysingPedagogical approaches in which students are encouraged, individually or in small numbers, to put forward their own ideas in the form of written learning logs, digital portfolios or verbal presentations. The emphasis is on open-ended discussion and debate through lessons and content remain central to learning objectives. A unique feature of soft skills is the tendency to include the contributions of experienced practitioners as a significant component in the teaching process. These practices can be seen to relate to the reiterative, open-ended nature of soft skills, with its scope for individualistic interpretation. So too can presentational techniques, which may involve visual illustration, recordings or digital representation, but content summaries, handouts or overheads are rare.Task Genre: Group or individual tasks which afford students the capacity to explore, conceptualise, experiment, reflect, assimilate, and present evidence of their thinking and learning.
Ways of Thinking with others  (Inter – Social Participation):creating, refining and negotiating meaning, confidence to be different, differentiation of contributions, exploration, cumulative discourse, disputational judgementPedagogical approaches designed to test out the students’ level of sophistication; to indicate their degree of understanding of a complex qualitative domain; and to elicit their own judgements on debatable issues. Not only do essays, short answer papers and project-based assessments predominate, but peer and self-assessment tasks are more common, the intention being to improve self-reflection and practical skills. In these settings, guidelines for marking and grading are typically ambiguous, because many of the practical skills students are expected to demonstrate are inexplicit and difficult to specify in precise terms. There is, therefore, more need for constructive, informative feedback on assessment tasks.More il-defined learning tasks. Tasks which engage students in collaborative problem-solving, group-discussions, group proejct work, self-reflection, self-auditing, peer and self-assessment.