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Dreamcatchers #3

Lover Behind Enemy Lines (3)

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New York Times best-selling mystery writer Bay Whitman leads the life of a celebrity—at least on the surface. In public he’s self-assured and in control. Women hang on his every word, while men envy his confidence and swagger. But in reality, Bay is a loner. He’s shy and introverted, and his life consists of sitting in a dimly lit room writing his famous Jack Robbins mystery novels. His one vice—gambling. Winning an escort in a poker game will change Bay’s life in ways he never imagined.
Matthew “King” Slater is one of the hottest tickets in gay porn. He spends his days in front of the camera and his nights as a highly paid escort to the rich and famous. Deep down, he craves romance and a real connection, but his past makes it hard to separate the needs of his body from those of his heart. For now, it’s easier to think of sex as just a job. But while doing a shoot in Vegas, King is hired for a tryst at a famous hotel and casino, and his handsome client might blur the line between work and play.

214 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published July 3, 2018

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About the author

Liv Olteano

9 books74 followers
Voracious reader, music lover, and coffee addict extraordinaire. And occasional geek. Okay, more than occasional.

Lover of diversity and quirky character, spamificating the world via https://twitter.com/LiviaOlteano and https://www.facebook.com/LiviaOlteano .
Be afraid, be very afraid. :D

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,339 reviews485 followers
November 10, 2021
3 Stars

A fitting end, this all played out nice and neat!

The storyline has been building and culminates here as the team of Dreamcatchers is close to discovering who’s creating more and more powerful energy sucking minions to do their bidding. Said witch is upsetting the balance, and it seems she just might be unstoppable.

However, when the witch’s brother Nathan breaks into the team’s house, Claw immediately and instinctively knows there’s a very intimate connection between them, a connection that just might put a wrench in all he stands for. The thing is, will Claw denounce everything to be with the man who completes his very soul, who just might be working with his sister for world domination?

Where this Beyond trilogy shines are the couple dynamics and the power each new “mate” brings to the table. I enjoyed watching them all work together to track down and defeat their latest enemy.

Less on the action with this last installment, Olteano focuses on past lives, destiny, and reincarnation, consistently bringing a spiritual side to the paranormal magical fight against evil. Again, an apt conclusion, leaving me satisfied that love prevails and will ultimately win the war.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,270 reviews560 followers
September 3, 2021
4 Stars

Lover Behind Enemy Lines serves as a solid conclusion to Olteano’s supernaturally-charged M/M romance series.

In this third and final installment, we get a satisfying wind-up to the escalating threat our Dreamcatcher MCs have been facing all series, in the form of caster (witch) Vivian, whose dark magic tendencies have been wreaking havoc across Seattle for months.

I still absolutely love the whole premise surrounding the mythos of the Dreamcatchers themselves, who are immortal warriors that fight off soul-sucking spaga demons by night and put a stop of nefarious casters like Vivian once and for all.

Each book has followed a member of Seattle’s Dreamcatcher Team 32 as they meet (or re-meet, as the case may be) the love of their lives—their twin soul or soulmate, if you will. In this final chapter, we get to see team leader Claw, as he comes face to face with his soul mate, Nathan, who just happens to be the brother evil-doer Vivian, which obviously poses many an emotional roadblock in their grasp for everlasting love.

I must say, this installment held me in rapt attention from the first page, quickly reading the entire 200-page story in just over a day (which is fast for me, as I’m a notoriously slow-paced reader). As I said, I just love the Dreamcatcher premise, and I’m admit that the kind of soulmate connection that is experienced in this series, with epic soul bonds and reincarnation, just makes me all warm and gooey and desperate for more.

All of these couples were quick to fall in love and pronounce forever, but I didn’t care one bit because of the soulmate stuff, which was explained in great detail so you could really grasp the depth of what such a connection would mean for these men.

There was a lot of thought put into this one—the whole series really—and I appreciated how Olteano went to great lengths to make her Dreamcatchers and the supernatural world they inhabited feel rich and complex.

Mostly, this was about the relationship building and the friendship bonds between the characters across the series. There was a like exciting action towards the end, with the showdown with Vivian, but mostly, this was about the Nathan and Claw finding each other and becoming whole (again).

I thoroughly enjoyed this series, feeling that each subsequent book became stronger and more engrossing, and I look forward to trying more of Olteano’s works in the future.
Profile Image for Ula'ndi Hart.
920 reviews15 followers
January 2, 2019
Overall book rating: 3.8
Audio Book:
Book Cover: 3.8

I might be in a good mood here but I enjoyed this one. So I’m giving it a 3.8.

I’m always a sucker for a porn star story and colour me purple with yellow dots but this one was a pleasant read in my state of mind.

I found it a fun read.

Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,039 reviews465 followers
July 3, 2018
A Joyfully Jay review.

3 stars

I enjoyed the author’s note at the beginning of this book regarding writing about issues of bullying and sex addiction, and was interested in the story of a lonely, successful author and an equally lonely porn star. While on paper it had potential, this book and characters never gelled with me. It was a fun set up as Bay “wins” King as part of his poker earnings, but the rest read as rather bland to me.

The entire book was slow for me. There were a lot of stereotypes as part of the story for both characters, but neither one of them rose to the level of intriguing me. I figured out what the end game of the book would be really early on and then it was just the matter of watching the men get there.

Read Michelle's review in its entirety here.

Profile Image for Melissa.
1,286 reviews81 followers
February 9, 2019
DNF. This story was too confusing and off for me. I didn't connect to either MC, their relationship with each other was strange (they are strangers way too invested from minute one). I hit pause on the audio and never wanted to hit play again. The narration was good and totally not the problem for me. It was the story plain and simple that wasn't working.
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
April 14, 2019
In the dreamcatchers’ world evil creatures of various abilities launch brutal attacks on the life force of unsuspecting people. Several secret teams of fighters with a variety of abilities oppose them with the help of a range of sacred weapons originating with the ruling body of ancestors. Team 32 operates in Seattle and this third story in the series is not just about Claw, the team leader, finding his mate, but it also brings the threads developed in earlier books together very nicely. Add a few surprises, some revelations, and the usual level of action as Team 32 fights the bad guys, and you’ve got a fantastic adventure added to Claw and Nathan’s touching romance.

Please find my full review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Alexandria.
252 reviews1 follower
July 17, 2018
Come dice l’autore stesso, Scotty Cade, Da Jack a King è un romanzo leggero contemporaneo che si propone di toccare brevemente due temi piuttosto seri, il bullismo e la cosiddetta dipendenza da sesso.
Cade è consapevole della serietà degli argomenti che vuole trattare, e cerca di affrontarli nel libro unendo alle parole l’esperienza sua e del marito, vittime entrambi di bullismo da adolescenti, per quanto riguarda il primo punto, e mettendo a frutto lo studio, supportato anche dal parere di esperti del campo, per la dipendenza da sesso.
Il risultato è un libro che coniuga esperienze di vita e apprendimento in una storia intrigante e originale, molto piacevole da leggere.

Bay Whitman è uno scrittore di gialli il cui protagonista è considerato idolo di uomini e donne per il suo charme e per la sua intelligenza, Jack Robbins.
In molti credono che Jack non sia altro che la trasposizione letteraria di Bay, dal momento che lo scrittore si presenta come un uomo elegante e pieno di fascino, dall’aspetto sicuro e seducente, “un vero uomo, con la spavalderia combinata di Tom Cruise, James Bond e George Clooney”.
In realtà, Bay Whitman fisicamente non somiglia per niente al suo personaggio:
“Jack era estremamente bello, con il suo metro e novanta per circa cento chili di peso, muscoloso e con occhi nocciola (screziati di verde smeraldo), barba molto corta e capelli castano chiaro con riflessi biondi”.
Niente a che vedere con Jack che è, invece, un uomo profondamente insicuro, timido e imbranato.
“Per questo Bay aveva creato Jack Robbins bello e forte come lui avrebbe desiderato essere, e come voleva essere.”
In pubblico, Bay si trasforma diventando la sua creatura, Jack, lui che normalmente viveva nascosto nel suo appartamento di New York, poteva continuare a celarsi dietro le spalle muscolose di Jack, senza sentirsi inadeguato e insignificante.

Per Bay, Jack era diventato una maschera, una seconda pelle che celava il suo vero io, un uomo alto, magro e goffo, che a scuola era stato sempre preso di mira dai bulli. Il ragazzino che fuggiva dalla realtà tuffandosi nei libri e nei telefilm.
La vita mondana di Bay, che si limitava alla promozione dei suoi libri, si svolgeva pacatamente tra una sessione di firmacopie e una partita a poker con personaggi di spicco della mondanità, finché proprio in una di queste partite, Bay vince un escort e la sua vincita si presenta alla porta della camera della sua suite.
|Ma checazzo sta succedendo? Jack? Jack Robbins? L’uomo dall’altra parte della soglia era l’immagine sputata del personaggio che Bay aveva creato. Era appoggiato al muro di fronte alla suite, con un completo nero alla moda, le braccia conserte e i piedi incrociati alle caviglie, e sfoggiava un sorriso da un milione di dollari. Deve essere uno scherzo. Jack non è reale.|

In realtà, quello che Bay si ritrova davanti è King Slater, un attore porno che arrotonda lo stipendio offrendo il suo corpo e la sua compagnia per denaro, e non certo a buon mercato.

Mentre Jack Robbins era un prodotto dell’immaginazione di Bay, la vista reale di King Slater, così simile al suo personaggio nell’aspetto, fa scattare una molla nel cervello di Bay: sebbene lui non sia gay, anche se il sesso nella sua vita non ha mai rivestito molta importanza, la conoscenza più approfondita dell’uomo avrebbe potuto portare ad ampliare le sfaccettature di Jack Robbins, così da farlo diventare un personaggio sempre più completo.

King Slater, dal canto suo, prova per Bay dei sentimenti discordanti.
Con Bay si trova a condividere le stesse esperienze adolescenziali, bulleggiato anche lui da ragazzino, ma in campo sessuale tra i due c’è una voragine.
Nel suo lavoro King è sempre riuscito a scindere l’amore dal sesso, temendo non il sesso quanto l’amore, e proprio questa connessione intima con Bay lo mette in guardia su di lui:
|Perché m’importa così tanto? Forse perché siamo cresciuti allo stesso modo. Siamo stati entrambi presi di mira dai bulli, e quell’esperienza ci ha lasciato dei segni. Forse mi dispiace per lui? No. Andiamo, King, lui ti piace.
Quella presa di coscienza gli fece scattare un allarme nella testa. Un allarme che lo metteva in guardia. È un innesco. Non farti coinvolgere.|

Scritto in un linguaggio accattivante e semplice, con personaggi ben caratterizzati, la storia di Bay e King si legge d’un fiato e catapulta il lettore in un ambiente quasi cinematografico: le scene dei film girate da King, le partite eleganti a poker di Bay, le suite degli alberghi, le cene lussuose.
E’ anche un libro che trae spunto dal bullismo e dalla patologia della dipendenza da sesso per raccontare il percorso di crescita di due persone che alla fine ce l’hanno fatta, sconfiggendo i propri demoni e riuscendo a vivere se stessi al meglio delle proprie possibilità.
Profile Image for ~BookNeeds~.
703 reviews15 followers
February 19, 2021
No, just no. Neither characters are endearing or even likable. I’m done.
Profile Image for Ruthie Taylor.
3,681 reviews38 followers
July 3, 2018
~~I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads ~~

This is my first Scotty Cade book, but will not be my last. I enjoyed the story, and the writing style very much.

Even though these two men were so different on the surface, they had some shared histories, and a clear connection. It was fascinating watching Bay grow into himself, and also allow King to reign in his persona and be Matthew. It is a very sensual read, with a building tension between them as Bay comes to realise that his feelings for King bring into question his assumed sexuality. His innocence was refreshing without being naivety.

It was fun to be immersed in a variety of worlds; from the glamour of Vegas poker games, to the porn shoot, the book signings, we had a glimpse of the outside, but also the quiet times were important too. A satisfying read with some big issues dealt with in a sensitive and informative way, as well as a hot and romantic story.

Wicked Reads Review Team
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,457 reviews30 followers
July 2, 2018
I was given a copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads.

This is such a fun story! When famous author Bay wins a night with a porn star escort, he doesn’t expect a male porn star and he really doesn’t expect the porn star to look exactly like his most famous character.

King and Bay are an unlikely couple but they are both brilliant characters who bring out the best in each other. With King’s help, Bay slowly develops his self confidence and with Bay’s support, King finds himself able to manage a relationship for the first time. The slow burn chemistry between these two is very sexy.

This isn’t a terribly plausible book but it is a highly entertaining read. From high stakes gambling in Vegas to sex addiction treatment in New York, the book avoids most porn star romance cliches and kept me guessing with imaginative twists and turns. I couldn’t help but love both King and Bay.
Profile Image for Lidia.
2,436 reviews25 followers
July 6, 2018
Sure there are much more in the story than what the plot portrake, more deepness especially in the character' psychology. Bay and King are so similar as different. Their teen years bring them a differnt life and job choose but in the end they are affine spirits that the fate makes meet. After Bay won King at a poker game everything depend by their desire to know the other. Bay see in King the fintional character Jack that he have create in his books and in the start all what wants King is seduce Bay. I liked very much the first part of the book , that in Las Vegas, a little less than that in New York because everything became easy , for exsemple like for Bay to pass from ethero sex to that gay as a champ, without any thought, And I confess , I not completaly understand as a sex addict can work in that line of job as King do, but this is my bad because I don't know very well this type of addiction. So overall I liked the story but I think that the story haven't keep costant the intensity and deepness from start to ending.
Profile Image for Ali.
2,024 reviews15 followers
February 18, 2019
A Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words Review An Alisa Audiobook Review:

Rating: 3 stars out of 5

Oh, I really wanted to love this story but I felt there was so much left unsaid and jumping to conclusions that for the most part I was left frustrated. Bay prefers to be alone and has to build up the courage to be in public to promote his books. King has shut himself off for years and his first instinct is to run when his heart starts to open up to Bay.

I liked that once these two realized how they felt then they took their time for the most part. I understood King’s issues but didn’t like how he skimmed over it when it was talked about. I was glad that Bay fully supported him no matter what but King’s presence was the best support Bay needed to not feel he had to put up a false front.

Kenneth Obi did a nice job narrating this story. I was able to easily keep track of the story with the voices he used for each character.

Cover art by Paul Richmond is nice and gives visuals of the characters.
Profile Image for Amy Dufera - Amy's MM Romance Reviews.
2,698 reviews132 followers
July 5, 2018
Going into From a Jack to a King, I wasn’t sure what to expect as this is my first time reading one of Scotty Cade’s books. And what a fantastic surprise it turned out to be. It is loaded with so much material and takes you on an emotional journey.

Bay is a famous author, and a recluse. He is shy, insecure and a completely non-social introvert. When Bay first created his character Jack Robbins, he made Jack into the man he wished he could be. Now that Jack is famous, and Bay has to deal with fans, he takes on Jack’s character to hide behind a “mask.” Even though he can appear to be confident and worthy of respect, Jack is not the true Bay.

King is a porn star and an escort. When Bay wins King’s services in a poker game, he knows he isn’t the type to use an escort. Heck, Bay can’t even remember the last time he had sex. It has never been a big part of his life. Then he sees King in his hotel doorway, and is absolutely amazed and in shock. Yes, the man is beautiful, but also King completely resembles the character of Jack.

It is heartbreaking to see the real-life effects bullying can have on people. Scotty Cade does a fantastic job of entwining this issue into every part of Bay’s life.

King is everything Bay has always wanted to be. He appears to have a ton of confidence, and he is handsome, witty, sexy and charming. Of course, the fact that he finds King sexy confuses him. He has never noticed guys before.

Bay doesn’t tell King he resembles Jack, an imaginary character. By deciding to use King as further inspiration for Jack, Bay puts King in an awkward position for a multitude of reasons. King is unprepared when Bay’s fans recognize him as Jack.

When King realizes Bay doesn’t want to have sex with him, he feels slighted. He is used to people paying big bucks for him. Meanwhile, Bay becomes more and more confused about his attraction to King and isn’t sure if he wants to be with King, but knows he wants them to be friends. Here is where the real story begins.

These two men may appear to have nothing in common, but in fact share a lot. They are both completely dysfunctional, totally insecure, and use a created persona to hide their true selves from the world.

A prominent theme in From a Jack to a King is the effect bullying can have on people. Bay sees himself as the awkward, persecuted school kid called “Bayfairy.” This part is extremely well developed and well written. It is heartbreaking to see the real-life effects bullying can have on people. Scotty Cade does a fantastic job of entwining this issue into every part of Bay’s life.

Another brilliant theme is sex addiction. We learn King’s history with sex, what lead him to his addiction, his recovery efforts, and why he is okay with being a sex addict who has sex for money. This part is so damn touching as the author weaves the information into the story. It definitely makes King the complex man he is today.

These two men may appear to have nothing in common, but in fact share a lot. They are both completely dysfunctional, totally insecure, and use a created persona to hide their true selves from the world. By doing so, both men appear self-assured and confident. As time goes on, and they open up more to each other, their relationship slowly develops and helps them to get through their issues.

Bay and King should resonate with readers very well. I am elated to have discovered Cade’s work and can guarantee I will be reading more by him. If you are looking for a deep, complicated story, I highly recommend From a Jack to a King. It is a journey of two survivors finding strength and love in one another. Scotty Cade couldn’t have done any better.
Profile Image for Ulysses Dietz.
Author 13 books682 followers
September 26, 2018
From a Jack to a King (Une Main Gagnante—French edition)
By Scotty Cade
Dreamspinner Press, 2018
Four stars

Scotty Cade writes fairly classic gay romances. I thought it would be fun to try the French translation of this one – “From a Jack to a King.” The French title translates to “A Winning Hand,” and is no more or less meaningful, but also refers to the triggering moment that sets the story on its path.

The constant quest for new romantic set-ups does lead to what seems to me to be a rather contrived premise – a desperately introverted loner, who’s also a best-selling author of action adventures, inadvertently wins a gay escort in Las Vegas at a high-stake poker game. Not only does Bay Whitman have no clue of his own good looks, but his entire public persona is based on the central character of his novels. He adopts the persona of his macho, skirt-chasing hero when he meets his fans, and apparently when he plays millionaire’s poker with the guys in Vegas.

King Slate, on the other hand, is not only a very expensive male escort, which is to say hooker; but he’s also a famous gay porn star (with that name, of course he is). King is instantly taken with Bay, only to realize that Bay doesn’t seem to think he’s gay.

I am always troubled by this notion that you can be thirty-something and never have considered your own sexuality enough to know whether or not you’re attracted to men. It’s a great plot point, but it always seems forced in this context. But I give Cade great credit for NOT turning this into a “gay for you” trope. Bay is indeed deeply introverted, and only through his celebrity (and his unacknowledged beauty) has he ever even slept with women. Slate is a shock to him; Slate is also a dead-ringer for Jack Robbins, Bay’s imaginary money-making hero.

King, on the other hand, knows who he is, perhaps all too well. Here the forced plot arc is that he is not only an escort and a porn star, but also a recovering sex addict, who somehow makes his career work within the boundaries of his twelve-step program. As twisted as this is, I confess I really liked this aspect of the book. In fact, I really liked this book in spite of my qualms.

Cade, for all his plot gymnastics, gives us two men who are really sympathetic. Their characters are drawn lovingly and carefully. Both Bay and King were big, awkward children and were mercilessly bullied. This is just one of the bonds that draws them to each other. Each man sees in the other, once he gets past the obvious barriers, a potential way forward to happiness. There is awkwardness, but there is none of the idiotic non-communication that sometimes complicates romantic narrative. These guys are honest with each other ALMOST from the start. The honesty matters. The author carries us through the absurdity into the genuine emotional healing that transforms these two heart-broken loners.

I confess that reading sex scenes in French is a lot less sexy. I guess that wouldn’t be true if you were French. I found it refreshing, and I’ve learned a lot of new words.
Profile Image for Romance.
1,052 reviews9 followers
March 29, 2020
This has potential spoilers...

ok but not much of a romance. It’s more about pushing an agenda. The HFN/HEA happens early enough to realize that the true HEA is more about King, a porn star and male escort, to be in a more acceptable line of work. Which I found ironic because the author is pushing acceptance of sexuality.

I liked the premise, Bay, a lonely author of action adventure novels wins his fantasy man, King (a gay porn star and escort) in a poker game. King in appearance is everything Bay wants to be. But in reality King has his own demons. He has a sex addiction and that is the reason he’s in porn. Why can’t he just be a porn star? This felt judgy. And I found it interesting that Bay plays poker a lot in the story...like he’s a pro. And bay appears shy and sweet but in the end he pushes his agenda...the way it comes about, it felt manipulative to pressure King into the acting role which legitimizes him for Bay.

And romance? I didn’t see it. It was about sex. Seriously, I can’t imagine that King would’ve been in the headspace to be immediately romantically interested when he’s being an escort. Then add in the porn scene and ...that wasn’t hot that was awkward...I can’t imagine that watching someone you are attracted to and who causes you to question your sexual identity have sex with someone else is going to be anything but uncomfortable and awkward.

So great premise but poor execution. Blah.
Profile Image for Jessie G..
Author 23 books261 followers
July 5, 2018
3.5 stars rounded up
The setup of a lonely, introverted author and a out and proud porn star looking for love is one I couldn’t pass up. Bay writes the Jack Robbins mystery novels and he adopts Jack’s personality in order to go on book tours. It’s the complete antithesis of how he sees himself, but as we learn, it’s not so far from reality after all. His one big enjoyment in life besides writing is poker and while on a book stomp in Vegas, he takes part in several high stakes games. The first of which nets him a prize he could have never predicted. King Slater...porn star and a real Jack Robbins come to life.

I swooned right along with Bay, but that early meet cute didn’t hold the rest of the book. Both men have a lot to work through individually and the immediate attraction they feel for one another leaves them floundering and what transpires is at times awkward and sweet, strange and romantic, and then kind of iffy. For two men with so many personal demons, there were a lot of unnecessary outside influences, and the big misunderstanding was blown way out of proportion.

But...I wanted the boy to get the boy, just as Scotty promises, and I’m not sorry I took the journey with them.

I was given an ARC of From a Jack to a King from the publisher in return for an honest review
Profile Image for Cathy Brockman.
Author 5 books92 followers
January 27, 2019
Audio review
Bay is an author that likes to Gamble. In a high stakes poker game, he wins a hooker for two hours and is surprised when the exact likeness of his main character is standing at his hotel room door.
Bay is shy but when he has to make public appearances he channels his inner Jack.
King is a famous porn star and a high price escort. He enjoys his job and makes good money. he has a secret too though and that keeps him from having a relationship.
Bay is a challenge to him. He wants to prove to Bay that he isn't as straight as he thinks he is.
This story is enjoyable. The characters are interesting, the storylines are fun.
I liked the narration and thought it brought the story to life.
968 reviews3 followers
July 11, 2018
After the author's note, I was expecting more about bullying and about sex addiction.

In the last third of the book, there was more about sex addiction and how King manages his jobs and his recovery. I kept reading about some former relationship but it wasn't clear why that was important to his addiction, his jobs, or his relationship with Bay.

Bay mentions being bullied and how miserable his life was in high school, but I didn't see the impact on his life today.

I expected more about bullying and sex addiction,. Otherwise, I enjoyed the story about the personas and masks we put on in order to get through our lives.
Profile Image for Shelly.
Author 3 books7 followers
January 15, 2019
I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this book. Usually when one of the characters is a porn star it isn't one of my favorites but this was really well done. It took two interesting characters who were flawed and pulled them together. I liked both Bay and King. What surprised me thought was that Bays addiction was not gambling. I like the concept of the games but still amazes me how people can throw away so much money. It is good to have Mr. Cade back.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
423 reviews
June 2, 2021
Super hot couple meet when one wins at poker. It gets cutesie, and the story line was a little convoluted. Still enjoyed the book.
Profile Image for DebbieReadsBooks.
2,525 reviews43 followers
January 31, 2019
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted both the ebook AND audio version of this book.

First half of this review is from when I READ it, the second half is the audio bit.

Oh it's been a while since I had my Scotty Cade fix, and this proper hit THAT spot!

Bay is, by his own words, pretty much a recluse. Save for promoting his latest book and getting his gambling hit, he doesn't get out much. And when he DOES, he uses his character Jack as his alter ego. Winning escort King in a card game, and coming face to face with the spitting image of Jack knocks Bay off his axis. Just as meeting Bay knocks King off of his. King doesn't see Jack, he sees BAY. He also sees that Bay might be the one to halt his recovery.

I will be honest here, cos ya'll know I'm all about sharing, and tell you, I walked into this one a little wary. I've read a couple of other porn star books and had pretty much decided that I didn't like that particular troupe, and I wouldn't read any more. But this came up, and, I mean, its' Scotty Cade for heaven's sake! So I signed up and I was so very NOT disappointed!

What this one did, what made it stand out, was there was very little "work" time for King, once he and Bay had met. There is a scene before, and one after. But the one after is a huge part of the story; a necessary and integral part.

I loved that it's nearly to the end of the book before Bay and King come together properly. Loved that Bay put his research skills to good use; both for helping King with his recovery and watching all those videos to further his relationship with King.

Loved that while previously only ever having been with women, Bay didn't seem overly perturbed by his attraction to King. OH, he questioned his sexuality, many many times, but he wasn't particularly bothered by it!

There are some difficult topics dealt with here. Bullying and how that effects Bay as an adult. Sex addiction and how that makes King so very wary of what he feels for Bay so very VERY early on. Both topics are dealt with well and with sensitivity, but some readers may struggle with them.

I have just one teeny tiny niggle, but it doesn't affect my rating or my overall enjoyment of this book. It's just ME, being a little bit picky!

I would have liked, just once, while Bay and King are up close and personal, for Bay to have used King's given name, and not his "stage" name. That's all! Told you it was me being picky!

Mr Cade has a particular knack of writing with emotion; of being able to make you cry in really random places along with his characters; of being able to grab at your heart strings, tug them, snap them and put them back together again! And I bloody loved this book for that!!

I read this in one sitting, stayed up way past my bedtime to finish this! Loved it!!

5 full and shiny stars!


Kenneth Obi narrates. And Mr Obi is growing on me for several reasons. As I see more and more books narrated by him, I can see his skill set growing. A quick search shows far more books that I expected, but the oldest is only November 2017, so he is still fairly new at this, and in the time since I listened to the other one he narrated that is in my library, I can hear a difference.

Obi's voice for Bay was. . . unexpected. I've no idea WHY, but that was my first thought. He sounds almost too young, but as I listened, I realised it fit Bay, PERFECTLY, it really did. I LOVED Bay's voice, I really did.

Obi's reading voice is clear and even, his voices for ALL the characters are clear and distinct enough for my crappy hearing to make them out. It was my only real criticism in the last book I listened to of his work, the voices were too similar for my crappy hearing to keep up. NOT so here.

The scenes for King and Bay getting up close and personal came over way more. . .what's the word. . . whats. . . .the. . .word. . . intense? maybe? I dunno, can't find that right word, and I hate not being able to do that, but they came across all kinds of different to when I read it. An AMAZING different though, cos Obi got out all the emotions that you don't always pick up when reading. The hitches and dips in the voices, the little noises, they don't always come across well on paper but HEARING them?? Oh yes Sir, intense is the right word!

I stand by what I said in my read review though! I would have liked, just once, while Bay and King are up close and personal, for Bay to have used King's given name, and not his "stage" name. That's all!

Watch out for Mr Obi, he's now firmly on my list!!

5 stars for the book
5 stars for the narration
5 stars overall.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Profile Image for Amber.
1,491 reviews4 followers
June 4, 2019
Full review available at: https://optimumm.blog/2018/12/04/revi...

Lover Behind Enemy Lines is the third book in the Dreamcatchers series and the thirty-third book in the Dreamspun Beyond series. I was a little disappointed in the second book in the series Star-Crossed Lover but this book definitely made up for it. I didn’t find the plot confusing like I did the second book. And I liked the backstory we got about Nathan and his family.

I liked the internal struggle that Claw goes through trying to figure out to do about Nathan. Whether or not he was his mate and if he was his first love reincarnated and if Nathan was going to side with his sister and Claw was going to follow his mate and betray his fellow dreamcatchers. But luckily Nathan is afraid of the person that his sister has become and breaks into the dreamcatchers’ house after witnessing an altercation between his sister and some of the dreamcatchers. Nathan decides to follow the guys back to their house to see if they can help him, but instead, he finds himself their captive. With the use of a spell that can show whether Claw or Nathan are lying when asked a question, they start to build a relationship based on trust and lots of chemistry.

I liked Nathan. He is the complete opposite of what other witches are like. He isn’t obsessed with gathering power or what his status is in the coven. He misses his sister who disappeared a while ago, and he’s been searching for her ever since. His sister, as a baby, had powerful powers and could siphon the energy from the people around her. Usually, such children are killed or put with a non-magical family to be raised. But his sister ran away from the family she was placed with and has become obsessed with gaining as much power as possible. It has corrupted her. And Nathan is desperate to find somebody to stop her before she can kill somebody. He didn’t expect the powerful attraction that he feels for the leader of the dreamcatchers or how much they would distrust him.

I really liked the ending of the book, and I can’t wait for the next book to come out.

***The ARC was provided by Dreamspinner Press. My review is an honest opinion of the book ***
Profile Image for Morgan  Skye.
2,784 reviews27 followers
December 5, 2018
These stories in this series are just so…. Almost there for me – LOL. I love the blurb. I love the premise. I love the magic/paranormal stuff – but the romance always leaves me a little empty.

Claw has SUCH potential – he’s old, powerful, pining for a lost love… he meets a guy who shares an incarnation with his previous lover – this should be a slam dunk! But… he waffles and wavers and honestly Nathan is braver than Claw and far less ridiculous.

I didn’t find Nathan’s motivations to be always logical given his family history and I found Claw to be tedious in his reluctance to explore what is obviously there with Nathan.

The Spaga continue to be a mystery – both easy and hard to defeat – and the big boss at the end – way too easy… but still enjoyable as side stories go.

I give this a solid 3.5 stars – more than average but not terrific.

Recommended for fans of the author/series. I’d not read these as standalones – I think you need to read them all in order.
3.5 stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews

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