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When the bandwagon players all quit

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u/nahxela avatar

You gotta outline your text if you're going to do light colored text on light colored background.

u/iberg226 avatar

Minor text fix needed


u/WINterested avatar

And fix major shitposting issue!

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Noted, I'll tell the guy I stole this from on facebook

u/SaintsXD avatar

Tell him by posting angry face


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what is this reverse soflo-sorcery?

u/Oracularsoapbox avatar

it's ok, 9gag and facebook will steal it right back with no text fixes

u/nahxela avatar


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u/Exovedate avatar

If you don't like how outlined text looks, adding a shadow/glow also works as long as it's the right colour.

That would help, if OP was the person who actually made this. But they didn't, this is a repost.

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u/LachedUpGames avatar

I walk my dog around town every night, the park is always super empty, then Pokemon Go came out and it was FLOODED with people for two weeks.

It's back to being completely empty now.

u/Drumbas avatar

I mean without tracking the game loses its purpose in trying to find Pokemon. Right now its more of a casual game you play while doing something else like walking your dog or going to school/work.

Even if you still could track pokemon with the same efficiency as when the game first came out I highly doubt parks would still have a lot of people walking around looking for pokemon. With games like this people play when the game is hyped up but get bored after a while and stop playing. It's been 3 months, the player base was going to die down regardless.

It always was like that

u/iamtallerthanyou avatar

No it wasn't. You used to actively walk around looking for pokemon.

This is where we are at. Tracking has been broken so long that people don't even know it used to work properly.

And you still can and plenty do

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I stopped playing too. It was when the game was getting repetitive and when I reached lvl 30. Also, where I lived almost everyone was mystic so fighting gyms had no point.

Sold my account for $100 and regret nothing.

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u/ayuxusw avatar

The game is now dead in our town. Not because no one is a fan but because there are no Pokestops here.

thats gotta be the worst =[

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u/Hologram01 avatar

I'll be honest, I had never played Pokémon before nor have watched the anime and started playing Pokémon GO because of the hype, but I still enjoy it even though all the ''hype is gone''.

u/awfulsome avatar

Same here. And there are still a lot of people playing it. I get a kick out of some of my friends chiming in when a few of us are talking about.

"who still plays pokemon"

"only a few million people....."

u/I_Could_Be_Higher avatar

Same here, I had some cards when I was younger but I didn't play the gameboy games nor watch the show. I hardley knew any pokemon names besides the starters but I really enjoy pokemon GO, it's a little extra motivation to go for bike rides into town and get some pokestops. I just wish they would be a little quicker about fixing all the bugs in the game as I've had some dissapointing 'errors'

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Accurate. This is the exact reason why I'd get so mad at people that played the game because it was popular. Im called a faggot in July, cool guy in August cause I know so much about Pokemon, month later..back to being a "faggot".

u/w000dland avatar

Time to stop talking to whoever still uses faggot as an insult.


The entirety of iFunny.

u/BlueLegion avatar

A place to stay away from, then.

u/79rettuc avatar

Tbh I didn't know ifunny still had a following

I didn't know what ifunny was until someone used it to threaten the high school here a couple of weeks ago.


I downloaded it again to peruse the features...vicious vicious place.

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u/StarManta avatar

And nothing of value was lost.

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u/LtSlow avatar

I think pretty much everyone I know uses faggot as an insult

Maybe its a British thing


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u/LtSlow avatar

We don't use that word here, it offends people who need to wash their anus with bags of water due to disability

We use the word wanker, much better

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u/chikcaant avatar

Defo not a British thing, don't know anyone who uses it here

u/RollingandJabbing avatar

No one I know uses it as an insult. It was maybe used when I was 13, but after then, nope.

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I'm American and I use faggot as an insult all the time

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u/darthluigi36 avatar

I always just think of Louis CK when it comes to using faggot as an insult. NSFW if you didn't guess.


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u/Chumunga64 avatar

Judging by your username, you laugh every time you look at a mirror.

I freakin' hate it when I can't see a comment with lots of downvotes, cuz it got deleted...

u/dylzen avatar
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u/NonZeroChance avatar

That comeback made me sad.


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Its not like they were complaining

If that isn't a complaint to you I don't know what is.

They were just explaining the reality of the situation.


Exactly. I dont care what i'm called, I love Pokémon and if that makes me something I'm not? Mofos can believe that. Not complaining. Explaining.

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I no longer go out of my way to play it, but figure why not keep playing it since I walk the dogs about an hour or more a day. Better than staring into space while I walk them and make more productivity from it.

u/DudeFace1621 avatar

honestly, i didn't stop playing because i'm a bandwagoneer. i stopped playing because the games quality stooped unbelievably below the standard i set for it. i just don't like the game and honestly half the people i see playing now are the bandwagoneers.

u/FeiLongWins avatar

Yeah I quit because the game sucked. Which is unfortunate because had it been done properly it could have been an awesome combination of gaming and physical activity.

u/SupportAlcoholism avatar

Whilst I havn't fully put the game down yet and still play on and off whilst I'm walking to uni or my dog I feel that a key issue was that it was a little awkward playing whilst doing physical activity.

If they had released the game along side the poketool (the wristband thing that lets you walk and hatch pokemon and stuff) or even a built in step counter I believe it would have aged better, if only in a very small way. One major complaint from myself was that the game had to be open and on your screen for anything to register which made it awkward to participate whilst doing anything other than a leisurely stroll, if I could ride my bike, my skateboard, go for a run or even just whilst I'm at work have it just chugging away in the background I would certainly be using it more, instead of being burnt out on the game.

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Same here. Still have it installed, hoping it'll get better with updates. But for now I've gone back to X/Y and ORAS ony 3DS.

Yeah, none of the people I know who actually like pokemon are still playing it.

However, The people I see playing things like candy crush are still playing it.

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u/nkthellios avatar

I quit cuz there's nothing new and impossible without using maps. Also impossible to hold gym for more than 10 mins here

That's why I'm trying to complete the Pokedex instead.

Holding gyms is getting more bearable where I live. Trying to hit the random ones far away and if I see one on my team I always prestige it up right away and drop a mon in. Once I figured out how to effectively prestige a gym my play has changed drastically

u/nkthellios avatar

Not here :( people have 3k+ cp Dragonites and Snorlaxes and yet they cant hold it either. I just have 1.8k stuff already maxed out for level 25.. Rip

I mean I don't hold any gyms for more than a day but if you find a good row of a few gyms in a row it should be doable to snag at least 2-3 male 5 if you are lucky and find ones that are the same as your team to prestige up first.

I collected on 5 gyms for the first time ever this weekend. Finally starting to make progress. I'm level 26 an my highest cp mon is only like 2200

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u/nkthellios avatar

Sure. The buddy feature is awesome. But removing footsteps and having no alternative for it still and not fixing speed for lightning Pokemon really sucks.

I think at least half the people that played quit? The bangdwagoners are gone, you'd think its time to re-implement the 3 footsteps cuz resources are free'd up. Then Gengar and Alakazam aren't worth a shit

u/-PanamaJack- avatar

To be fair, the tracker has been working great in my experience -- without the footsteps. I just use the triangulation method in a very rough way and tracked down the wanted Pokemon ca. 80% of the time.

u/neanderthalman avatar

For us it's 'hey X just showed up on the radar. Bet it's at the same spot as every other interesting spawn. Let's go.'

u/-PanamaJack- avatar

Fair enough. I haven't had the same experience :) (Plus, I'll never understand downvotes for sharing one's experience...)

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One of the perks about having aged well beyond the "cool kids" range is that I no longer give one solitary fuck about what people think about how I spend my free time.

I have a mortgage, kids to raise, and adult relationships to maintain. If you're still guzzling from Red Solo cups, your opinion of me is irrelevant.

"I don't give a fuck what you think of me but I'm gonna judge the hell out of what you do"

u/w000dland avatar

Yep. That's basically 95% of adults.

u/Legionx37 avatar

He didn't judge it, he used it as a broad identifier of age/maturity.

But sure, smart-aleck-y misquotes are a way to go, too, I guess.

u/MyNameIsCandain avatar

So he judges people?

u/Legionx37 avatar

That's not judging, that's quantifying.

u/MyNameIsCandain avatar

A cup is used to level someone's maturity? Got it

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u/moistcheese avatar

Aww did his comment hurt your feelings?

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u/EL_BEARD avatar

I hate the feeling of metal and glass so I only use solo cups and plastic utensils.

u/tega234 avatar

*tips fedora *

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not a bandwaggoner. dumped a lot of money into the game but once they wouldn't allow rooted devices and were banning accounts for using PokeAdvisor I realized the game wasn't worth my time. i had no interest in being in a technological arms race with a company that made it clear they didn't want me around.


Its not bandwagon, its common sense. People will not play this game just because its pokemon. You give them a new feature, they will come and stay for a while. However lack of updates and broken tracking will not make them stay forever.

u/angermngment avatar

Its not even "playing" anymore.

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"Bandwagon player" is something that can't be put on a lot of people tho. Yes, there were a lot of them. But people like my friends and I simply quit because the game got boring as hell.

The spawns in my town and nearby towns were horrible, in order to catch something decent, we had to travel for hours and even then, we never got anything special.

The features in the game have been utter shit. Only thing new is a damn pokemon buddy which basically does fuck all, other features aren't even worth mentioning.

u/Infarlock avatar

Because this game basically doesn't receive any needed updates, only fixes, I am surprised this community is still big.

edit: I find it funny how it had 23 upvotes few hours ago and now it has 5, 90% of the players who quit- left the game because of that same reason I wrote, and this game's community will slowly fade if they won't release any good update.

u/cXs808 avatar

It's hilarious that they're rolling out new content and we still don't have a way to track Pokémon legitimately. The whole purpose of this game was to hunt down Pokémon. Not sit at lures for hours. Oh well..

u/robotzor avatar

And the new content is all superficial. Now I can see where all those eevees I hatched come from

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You mean when people get sick of playing a broken game?

Not to mention a game that's shallow and lacking in features, and updates barely do anything to extend its lifespan.

When battling and more Gens come in I expect more people to return, but as it stands right now, there's very little reason to still play it after the sheer amount of time most of us have already sunk in.

My thoughts exactly! I was so pumped for launch, and played for a solid two months or so, but the lack of features and the pure state of the game means that it's sat there on my phone, gathering whatever the electronic equivalent of dust is.

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u/OKJMaster44 avatar

Since graduating from high school, I have yet to meet a SINGLE person who mocked me in real life for playing Pokemon. At most they'll say they never played it. In fact yesterday, while gym hunting in Townson, I ran into a family where the wife helped me train up a gym and put a 2445 CP Exeggutor. Just because everyone and their dog isn't playing anymore doesn't mean it's no longer popular. In fact if anything all these bandwagoners leaving is a good thing. Keeping the servers in a (semi) functional state should be much easier now and as the game leaves the mainstream eyes, Niantic can worry less about media watchdogs and more about making the game worth for its dedicated (and paying) audience.

u/ChocolateMilkExpert avatar

God damn I can barely read this vomit colored picture god damn I can't read shit I can't see! Fuck!

change font please.

Thought I was on r/cringeanarchy for a minute. People actually give a shit about what other random people play or think of your hobby? And bandwagon? Maybe people got bored of the lack of content or sick of the crippling bugs and constant crashes?

Bandwagon players..

People with basic standards..



u/casemodsalt avatar

I've never experienced any of this at all.

I stopped playing because root block.


i stopped playing because the quality of the game went down with time, it was actually pretty fun with pokevision, because i don't have shitton of time on my hands to run around and triangulate pokemons and realise it disapeared by the time i got to it. I would check the map from time to time and run to the pokemon with my younger brother to catch it before the timer runs out. Now that the radar isn't working it's not fun anymore for me, there is just no reason for me to waste my time on it, lots of people I know feel the same.

u/RavenRequiem avatar

My first reaction to any player is almost the same: "You still play Pokémon Go? Did they finally added some fun updates? ... oh."


That fluoride stare

u/zSaintX avatar

"You still play Pokémon?"

"Yes, I had a wonderful childhood as well, tyvm for asking."

u/Robin_Gr avatar

It was nice for a while, easy conversation with quite a lot of people I would have otherwise been fairly awkward around. Now its getting back to square one again.

u/Mielinen avatar

Playing pokemon go was cool for the first few days

u/BeastlyDecks avatar

Lesson: Other people's opinion should mean very little to you in general.

Fuck em, more fun for the rest of us

u/Wf2968 avatar

Y'all are missing the fact that this bitch in the black dress look like nick cage

u/LoveAndDoubt avatar

💯 this comment lit af fam 💯

u/Wf2968 avatar

Thanks fam 💯

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u/Fat_Pixel avatar

Still playing pokemon AND can't meme. May god have mercy on your soul.

u/kaptenhefty avatar

Human not a drone.

u/Smigg_e avatar

It just got boring. I'm all for cool shit and don't get me wrong it was fun for awhile until it just turned into the same thing, over and over again. I can't respect people who are still into it though.

u/Cucco-Master avatar

If those girls were staring at me like that, I would just stare at them with even more disgust. "You still discriminate people for the games they play? Ugh, how childish!"

u/LoveAndDoubt avatar

That girl's name? Albert Einstein.

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Cute girl hit on, and wanted to go home with me last night, but she mocked me for playing Pokemon. Told her I had a girlfriend, when she asked, named Sarah Parker and got interrogated pretty hard. Call me a loser, but I dislike people that can't comprehend hobbies.

u/CreamOnMyNipples avatar

Did you use google translate to change each word into English to create this story?



Don't feed into those people. If you are being mocked, you don't need to be around those people anyway.

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