Crazy for Young Adult Books discussion

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ARCHIVES > August Battle of the Book Nominations

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message 1: by Trisha, lives on coffee (new)

Trisha | 30284 comments Please leave suggestions for August Battle of the Books below.

Theme: Psychological thriller

* Only young adult books will be accepted.
** Books that do not fit the theme will not be included in the poll.
*** Check group bookshelf before making any suggestions. Only books that are not already on the shelf will be included in the poll. | Group Bookshelf

You may nominate more than one pair.

This thread will be closed on 7/22 or as soon as we reach 10 pairs.


message 2: by Trisha, lives on coffee (new)

message 4: by Beatrice (new)

Beatrice (beatricemasalunga) Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas vs Ruthless by Carolyn Lee Adams

message 5: by Ashlyn (new)

Ashlyn | 1842 comments Panic by Sharon M. Draper vs Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway

message 7: by Katriann (new)

Katriann (annelisreadingroom) | 2175 comments The Leaving by Tara Altebrando vs Wink Poppy Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke

message 8: by Kikijanika (new)

Kikijanika | 3043 comments Burning by Danielle Rollins vs Frozen Charlotte by Alex Bell

message 9: by Alyson (new)

Alyson Stone (alysonserenastone) | 300 comments The Darkest Corners by Kara Thomas vs Frozen Charlotte by Alex Bell

message 10: by Trisha, lives on coffee (new)

Trisha | 30284 comments Yay! that's 7 pairs!
Just 3 more and I'll open voting!

(which will be tough! these are some great choices!)

message 11: by Vicki (new)

Vicki (goodreadscomboobooper49) | 31156 comments The Cellar (The Cellar #1) by Natasha Preston vs. Abduction! by Peg Kehret

message 12: by peyton (new)

peyton | 24 comments This is how it ends vs. one of us is lying

message 13: by peyton (new)

peyton | 24 comments Sorry I commented wrong

message 14: by Trisha, lives on coffee (new)

Trisha | 30284 comments peyton wrote: "This is how it ends vs. one of us is lying"

This Is How It Ends by Jen Nadol vs One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus

You did great!

I'll add these Thank you!

message 15: by Trisha, lives on coffee (new)

Trisha | 30284 comments One Was Lost by Natalie D. Richards vs Take The Fall by Emily Hainsworth

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