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Bitmark Release 17.04

WitchDoctor-Six edited this page Apr 22, 2017 · 4 revisions

Bitmark Storage 17.04 Released and What’s Next

The developers of Bitmark are proud to announce our latest release 17.04. For the first time it will now be possible to host your own decentralized content and also create your own passport as part of a web of reputation.

What is Released

Over the passed few years Bitmark has been a project that has generated many ideas, but has lacked a stable roadmap, release cycle, and documentation. Based on feedback, we decided to release code based on a 6 months cadence in line with volunteer contributions. This cycle was intentionally a smallish release focusing on achievable deliverables. 17.04 marks the release of two items, Bitmark storage and Bitmark passport.

The system can be installed on any web server or even a home laptop.

Bitmark Storage

Many people have been interested in marking content, however, content needs some place to live. It is possible to mark content on the traditional web, or even decentralized stores such as IPFS, but now there is another decentralized option, “Bitmark Storage”. Bitmark Storage is based on the solid framework. I am happy to announce, Bitmark Storage is the first fully working and tested version of the solid framework.

Bitmark Passport

Bitmark Storage includes “Bitmark Passport” which is based on the WebID protocol. It allows decentralized identity, which can accrue reputation over time.


Instructions for downloading and Bitmark Storage in English are beneath.

The future of Bitmark

The next 6 month cycle will now start. It will be interesting to see the new SUPERnet implementation Bbitmark. We will have an online summit and decide next work items. These will look at exchange, the mining eco system, grounding reputation on the block chain via chainpoint, possibly including segwit, a desktop Bitmark App (currently in development), rolling out Bitmark to new communities, off-block API via WebCredits and a “Marking Chatbot (klaranet) that can be deployed to slack, irc and other chat rooms.
