Focus on Coherent Control of Complex Quantum Systems

Figure. Coherently controlled preparation of non-classical Fock states in microwave superconducting cavity using quantum feedback to reverse decoherence-induced quantum jumps. The lower panel shows the resulting programmed sequence of Fock states. Reproduced with permission from Xhou et al 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 243602. Copyright 2012 by the American Physical Society.

K Birgitta Whaley, University of California—Berkeley, USA
Gerard Milburn, University of Queensland, Australia

Open access
Focus on coherent control of complex quantum systems

Birgitta Whaley and Gerard Milburn 2015 New J. Phys. 17 100202

The rapid growth of quantum information sciences over the past few decades has fueled a corresponding rise in high profile applications in fields such as metrology, sensors, spintronics, and attosecond dynamics, in addition to quantum information processing. Realizing this potential of today's quantum science and the novel technologies based on this requires a high degree of coherent control of quantum systems. While early efforts in systematizing methods for high fidelity quantum control focused on isolated or closed quantum systems, recent advances in experimental design, measurement and monitoring, have stimulated both need and interest in the control of complex or large scale quantum systems that may also be coupled to an interactive environment or reservoir. This focus issue brings together new theoretical and experimental work addressing the formulation and implementation of quantum control for a broad range of applications in quantum science and technology today.

Control of complex quantum systems is central to the study of the fundamental science of atomic, molecular and bulk materials; to the development of paradigm-breaking technology such as quantum information processors; and to the exploration of novel biomimetic systems such as quantum sensors. Rapid theoretical and experimental advances have led to important additions to the quantum control 'toolbox' in recent years; with optimal control tools now available for the design of both unitary and non-unitary dynamics, for the implementation of quantum-limited measurements and for new experimental capabilities in quantum control of solid state, atomic, molecular and photonic qubit systems. Recognizing this rapid progress, the current focus issue contains selected papers addressing the following topics:

  • Quantum control theory in both closed- and open-quantum systems context
  • Control of quantum many-body systems via quantum simulation and quantum reservoir engineering
  • Quantum control for high fidelity and fault tolerant quantum information processing
  • Quantum-limited measurements and feedback, tomography, and quantum sensors
  • Coherent control of attosecond dynamics in physics and chemistry
  • Coherent control of quantum states in superconducting circuits, ultracold molecules, and hybrid quantum devices
  • Application and study of quantum coherence in biological systems

The articles listed below form the complete collection.

Open access
Design of coherent quantum observers for linear quantum systems

Shanon L Vuglar and Hadis Amini 2014 New J. Phys. 16 125005

Quantum versions of control problems are often more difficult than their classical counterparts because of the additional constraints imposed by quantum dynamics. For example, the quantum LQG and quantum ${{H}^{\infty }}$ optimal control problems remain open. To make further progress, new, systematic and tractable methods need to be developed. This paper gives three algorithms for designing coherent quantum observers, i.e., quantum systems that are connected to a quantum plant and their outputs provide information about the internal state of the plant. Importantly, coherent quantum observers avoid measurements of the plant outputs. We compare our coherent quantum observers with a classical (measurement-based) observer by way of an example involving an optical cavity with thermal and vacuum noises as inputs.

Open access
Assessment of optimal control mechanism complexity by experimental landscape Hessian analysis: fragmentation of CH2BrI

Xi Xing et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 125004

Optimally shaped femtosecond laser pulses can often be effectively identified in adaptive feedback quantum control experiments, but elucidating the underlying control mechanism can be a difficult task requiring significant additional analysis. We introduce landscape Hessian analysis (LHA) as a practical experimental tool to aid in elucidating control mechanism insights. This technique is applied to the dissociative ionization of CH2BrI using shaped fs laser pulses for optimization of the absolute yields of ionic fragments as well as their ratios for the competing processes of breaking the C–Br and C–I bonds. The experimental results suggest that these nominally complex problems can be reduced to a low-dimensional control space with insights into the control mechanisms. While the optimal yield for some fragments is dominated by a non-resonant intensity-driven process, the optimal generation of other fragments maa difficult task requiring significant additionaly be explained by a non-resonant process coupled to few level resonant dynamics. Theoretical analysis and modeling is consistent with the experimental observations.

Open access
Concurrently optimized cooperative pulses in robust quantum control: application to broadband Ramsey-type pulse sequence elements

Michael Braun and Steffen J Glaser 2014 New J. Phys. 16 115002

A general approach is introduced for the efficient simultaneous optimization of pulses that compensate each otherʼs imperfections within the same scan. This is applied to Ramsey-type experiments for a broad range of frequency offsets and scalings of the pulse amplitude, resulting in pulses with significantly shorter duration compared to individually optimized broadband pulses. The advantage of the cooperative pulse approach is demonstrated experimentally for the case of two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy. In addition to the general approach, a symmetry-adapted analysis of the optimization of Ramsey sequences is presented. Furthermore, the numerical results led to the disovery of a powerful class of pulses with a special symmetry property, which results in excellent performance in Ramsey-type experiments. A significantly different scaling of pulse sequence performance as a function of pulse duration is found for characteristic pulse families, which is explained in terms of the different numbers of available degrees of freedom in the offset dependence of the associated Euler angles.

Open access
Photonic circuits for iterative decoding of a class of low-density parity-check codes

Dmitri S Pavlichin and Hideo Mabuchi 2014 New J. Phys. 16 105017

Photonic circuits in which stateful components are coupled via guided electromagnetic fields are natural candidates for resource-efficient implementation of iterative stochastic algorithms based on propagation of information around a graph. Conversely, such message=passing algorithms suggest novel circuit architectures for signal processing and computation that are well matched to nanophotonic device physics. Here, we construct and analyze a quantum optical model of a photonic circuit for iterative decoding of a class of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes called expander codes. Our circuit can be understood as an open quantum system whose autonomous dynamics map straightforwardly onto the subroutines of an LDPC decoding scheme, with several attractive features: it can operate in the ultra-low power regime of photonics in which quantum fluctuations become significant, it is robust to noise and component imperfections, it achieves comparable performance to known iterative algorithms for this class of codes, and it provides an instructive example of how nanophotonic cavity quantum electrodynamic components can enable useful new information technology even if the solid-state qubits on which they are based are heavily dephased and cannot support large-scale entanglement.

Open access
Reduced coupling with global pulses in quantum registers

Haidong Yuan et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 105013

Decoupling is an important tool used to prolong the coherence time of quantum systems. However, most decoupling schemes have assumed selective controls on the system, and it is believed that with global pulses one can only decouple systems with certain coupling terms like secular dipole-dipole coupling. In this article, we show that with global pulses it is possible to reduce the coupling strength of other types of coupling, which we demonstrate with Ising coupling. The complexity of such pulses is independent of the size of the system.

Open access
Global versus local optimality in feedback-controlled qubit purification: new insights from minimizing Rényi entropies

Colin Teo et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 105010

It was first shown by Jacobs, in 2003, that the process of qubit state purification by continuous measurement of one observable can be enhanced, on average, by unitary feedback control. Here, we quantify this by the reduction in any one of the family of Rényi entropies ${{S}_{\alpha }}$, with $0\lt \alpha \lt \infty $, at some terminal time, revealing the rich structure of stochastic quantum control even for this simple problem. We generalize Jacobs' original argument, which was for the (unique) impurity measure with a linear evolution map under his protocol, by replacing linearity with convexity, thereby making it applicable to Rényi entropies ${{S}_{\alpha }}$ for α in a finite interval about one. Even with this generalization, Jacobs' argument fails to identify the surprising fact, which we prove by Bellmanʼs principle of dynamic programming, that his protocol is globally optimal for all Rényi entropies whose decrease is locally maximized by that protocol. Also surprisingly, even though there is a range of Rényi entropies whose decrease is always locally maximized by the null-control protocol, that null-control protocol cannot be shown to be globally optimal in any instance. These results highlight the non-intuitive relation between local and global optimality in stochastic quantum control.

Open access
Detecting topological entanglement entropy in a lattice of quantum harmonic oscillators

Tommaso F Demarie et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 085011

The Kitaev surface code model is the most studied example of a topologically ordered phase and typically involves four-spin interactions on a two-dimensional surface. A universal signature of this phase is topological entanglement entropy (TEE), but due to low signal to noise, it is extremely difficult to observe in these systems, and one usually resorts to measuring anyonic statistics of excitations or non-local string operators to reveal the order. We describe a continuous-variable analog to the surface code using quantum harmonic oscillators on a two-dimensional lattice, which has the distinctive property of needing only two-body nearest-neighbor interactions for its creation. Though such a model is gapless, it satisfies an area law and the ground state can be simply prepared by measurements on a finitely squeezed and gapped two-dimensional cluster-state without topological order. Asymptotically, the continuous variable surface code TEE grows linearly with the squeezing parameter and a recently discovered non-local quantity, the topological logarithmic negativity, behaves analogously. We also show that the mixed-state generalization of the TEE, the topological mutual information, is robust to some forms of state preparation error and can be detected simply using single-mode quadrature measurements. Finally, we discuss scalable implementation of these methods using optical and circuit-QED technology.

Open access
Quantum trajectories for a class of continuous matrix product input states

John E Gough et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 075008

We introduce a new class of continuous matrix product (CMP) states and establish the stochastic master equations (quantum filters) for an arbitrary quantum system probed by a bosonic input field in this class of states. We show that this class of CMP states arise naturally as outputs of a Markovian model, and that input fields in these states lead to master and filtering (quantum trajectory) equations which are matrix-valued. Furthermore, it is shown that this class of CMP states include the (continuous-mode) single photon and time-ordered multi-photon states.

Open access
Controlling the transport of an ion: classical and quantum mechanical solutions

H A Fürst et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 075007

The accurate transport of an ion over macroscopic distances represents a challenging control problem due to the different length and time scales that enter and the experimental limitations on the controls that need to be accounted for. Here, we investigate the performance of different control techniques for ion transport in state-of-the-art segmented miniaturized ion traps. We employ numerical optimization of classical trajectories and quantum wavepacket propagation as well as analytical solutions derived from invariant based inverse engineering and geometric optimal control. The applicability of each of the control methods depends on the length and time scales of the transport. Our comprehensive set of tools allows us make a number of observations. We find that accurate shuttling can be performed with operation times below the trap oscillation period. The maximum speed is limited by the maximum acceleration that can be exerted on the ion. When using controls obtained from classical dynamics for wavepacket propagation, wavepacket squeezing is the only quantum effect that comes into play for a large range of trapping parameters. We show that this can be corrected by a compensating force derived from invariant based inverse engineering, without a significant increase in the operation time.

Open access
Infrared-dressed entanglement of cold open-shell polar molecules for universal matchgate quantum computing

Felipe Herrera et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 075001

Implementing a scalable quantum information processor using polar molecules in optical lattices requires precise control over the long-range dipole–dipole interaction between molecules in selected lattice sites. We present here a scheme using trapped open-shell $^{2}\Sigma $ polar molecules that allows dipolar exchange processes between nearest and next-nearest neighbors to be controlled in order to construct a generalized transverse Ising spin Hamiltonian with tunable XX, YY and XY couplings in the rotating frame of the driving lasers. The scheme requires a moderately strong bias magnetic field together with near-infrared light to provide local tuning of the qubit energy gap, and mid-infrared pulses to perform rotational state transfer via stimulated Raman adiabatic passage. No interaction between qubits occurs in the absence of the infrared driving. We analyze the fidelity of the resulting two-qubit matchgate, and demonstrate its robustness as a function of the driving parameters. We discuss a realistic application of the system for universal matchgate quantum computing in optical lattices.

Open access
Control of open quantum systems: case study of the central spin model

Christian Arenz et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 065023

We study the controllability of a central spin guided by a classical field and interacting with a spin bath and show that the central spin is fully controllable independently of the number of bath spins. Additionally we find that for unequal system-bath couplings even the bath becomes controllable by acting on the central spin alone. We then analyze numerically how the time to implement gates on the central spin scales with the number of bath spins and conjecture that for equal system-bath couplings it reaches a saturation value. We provide evidence that sometimes noise can be effectively suppressed through control.

Open access
Optimized dynamical control of state transfer through noisy spin chains

Analia Zwick et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 065021

We propose a method of optimally controlling the tradeoff of speed and fidelity of state transfer through a noisy quantum channel (spin-chain). This process is treated as qubit state-transfer through a fermionic bath. We show that dynamical modulation of the boundary-qubits levels can ensure state transfer with the best tradeoff of speed and fidelity. This is achievable by dynamically optimizing the transmission spectrum of the channel. The resulting optimal control is robust against both static and fluctuating noise in the channelʼs spin–spin couplings. It may also facilitate transfer in the presence of diagonal disorder (on site energy noise) in the channel.

Open access
Strong-field control of the dissociative ionization of N2O with near-single-cycle pulses

M Kübel et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 065017

The dissociative ionization of N2O by near-single-cycle laser pulses is studied using phase-tagged ion–ion coincidence momentum imaging. Carrier–envelope phase (CEP) dependences are observed in the absolute ion yields and the emission direction of nearly all ionization and dissociation pathways of the triatomic molecule. We find that laser-field-driven electron recollision has a significant impact on the dissociative ionization dynamics and results in pronounced CEP modulations in the dication yields, which are observed in the product ion yields after dissociation. The results indicate that the directional emission of coincident ${{N}^{+}}$ and ${\rm N}{{{\rm O}}^{+}}$ ions in the denitrogenation of the dication can be explained by selective ionization of oriented molecules. The deoxygenation of the dication with the formation of coincident $N_{2}^{+}$ + ${{O}^{+}}$ ions exhibits an additional shift in its CEP dependence, suggesting that this channel is further influenced by laser interaction with the dissociating dication. The experimental results demonstrate how few-femtosecond dynamics can drive and steer molecular reactions taking place on (much) longer time scales.

Open access
Exploring adiabatic quantum trajectories via optimal control

Constantin Brif et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 065013

Adiabatic quantum computation employs a slow change of a time-dependent control function (or functions) to interpolate between an initial and final Hamiltonian, which helps to keep the system in the instantaneous ground state. When the evolution time is finite, the degree of adiabaticity (quantified in this work as the average ground-state population during evolution) depends on the particulars of a dynamic trajectory associated with a given set of control functions. We use quantum optimal control theory with a composite objective functional to numerically search for controls that achieve the target final state with a high fidelity while simultaneously maximizing the degree of adiabaticity. Exploring the properties of optimal adiabatic trajectories in model systems elucidates the dynamic mechanisms that suppress unwanted excitations from the ground state. Specifically, we discover that the use of multiple control functions makes it possible to access a rich set of dynamic trajectories, some of which attain a significantly improved performance (in terms of both fidelity and adiabaticity) through the increase of the energy gap during most of the evolution time.

Open access
Controlling several atoms in a cavity

Michael Keyl et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 065010

We treat control of several two-level atoms interacting with one mode of the electromagnetic field in a cavity. This provides a useful model to study pertinent aspects of quantum control in infinite dimensions via the emergence of infinite-dimensional system algebras. Hence we address problems arising with infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and those of unbounded operators. For the models considered, these problems can be solved by splitting the set of control Hamiltonians into two subsets: the first obeys an Abelian symmetry and can be treated in terms of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and strongly closed subgroups of the unitary group of the system Hilbert space. The second breaks this symmetry, and its discussion introduces new arguments. Yet, full controllability can be achieved in a strong sense: e.g., in a time dependent Jaynes–Cummings model we show that, by tuning coupling constants appropriately, every unitary of the coupled system (atoms and cavity) can be approximated with arbitrarily small error.

Open access
Rapid steady-state convergence for quantum systems using time-delayed feedback control

A L Grimsmo et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 065004

We propose a time-delayed feedback control scheme for open quantum systems that can dramatically reduce the time to reach steady state. No measurement is performed in the feedback loop, and we suggest a simple all-optical implementation for a cavity QED system. We demonstrate the potential of the scheme by applying it to a driven and dissipative Dicke model, as recently realized in a quantum gas experiment. The time to reach steady state can be reduced by two orders of magnitude for the parameters taken from the experiment, making previously inaccessible long time attractors reachable within typical experimental run times. The scheme also offers the possibility of slowing down the dynamics, as well as qualitatively changing the phase diagram of the system.

Open access
Scattering of coherent pulses on a two-level system—single-photon generation

J Lindkvist and G Johansson 2014 New J. Phys. 16 055018

In this paper, we consider a two-level system (TLS) coupled to a one-dimensional continuum of bosonic modes in a transmission line (TL). Using the master equation approach, a method for determining the photon number distribution of the scattered field is outlined. Specifically, results for the reflected field when driving the TLS with a coherent pulse are given. While the one-photon probability is enhanced compared to the incident coherent field, the system is still not a good deterministic single-photon source. Extending the system to contain two separate TLs, however, output fields with one-photon probabilities close to unity can be reached.

Open access
Optimal control theory for a unitary operation under dissipative evolution

Michael H Goerz et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 055012

We show that optimizing a quantum gate for an open quantum system requires the time evolution of only three states irrespective of the dimension of Hilbert space. This represents a significant reduction in computational resources compared to the complete basis of Liouville space that is commonly believed necessary for this task. The reduction is based on two observations: the target is not a general dynamical map but a unitary operation; and the time evolution of two properly chosen states is sufficient to distinguish any two unitaries. We illustrate gate optimization employing a reduced set of states for a controlled phasegate with trapped atoms as qubit carriers and a $\sqrt{i{\rm{S}}WAP}$ gate with superconducting qubits.

Open access
Hamiltonian quantum simulation with bounded-strength controls

Adam D Bookatz et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 045021

We propose dynamical control schemes for Hamiltonian simulation in many-body quantum systems that avoid instantaneous control operations and rely solely on realistic bounded-strength control Hamiltonians. Each simulation protocol consists of periodic repetitions of a basic control block, constructed as a modification of an 'Eulerian decoupling cycle,' that would otherwise implement a trivial (zero) target Hamiltonian. For an open quantum system coupled to an uncontrollable environment, our approach may be employed to engineer an effective evolution that simulates a target Hamiltonian on the system while suppressing unwanted decoherence to the leading order, thereby allowing for dynamically corrected simulation. We present illustrative applications to both closed- and open-system simulation settings, with emphasis on simulation of non-local (two-body) Hamiltonians using only local (one-body) controls. In particular, we provide simulation schemes applicable to Heisenberg-coupled spin chains exposed to general linear decoherence, and show how to simulate Kitaevʼs honeycomb lattice Hamiltonian starting from Ising-coupled qubits, as potentially relevant to the dynamical generation of a topologically protected quantum memory. Additional implications for quantum information processing are discussed.

Open access
Optimal tunneling enhances the quantum photovoltaic effect in double quantum dots

Chen Wang et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 045019

We investigate the quantum photovoltaic effect in double quantum dots by applying the nonequilibrium quantum master equation. A drastic suppression of the photovoltaic current is observed near the open circuit voltage, which leads to a large filling factor. We find that there always exists an optimal inter-dot tunneling that significantly enhances the photovoltaic current. Maximal output power will also be obtained around the optimal inter-dot tunneling. Moreover, the open circuit voltage behaves approximately as the product of the eigen-level gap and the Carnot efficiency. These results suggest a great potential for double quantum dots as efficient photovoltaic devices.

Open access
Dynamically protected cat-qubits: a new paradigm for universal quantum computation

Mazyar Mirrahimi et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 045014

We present a new hardware-efficient paradigm for universal quantum computation which is based on encoding, protecting and manipulating quantum information in a quantum harmonic oscillator. This proposal exploits multi-photon driven dissipative processes to encode quantum information in logical bases composed of Schrödinger cat states. More precisely, we consider two schemes. In a first scheme, a two-photon driven dissipative process is used to stabilize a logical qubit basis of two-component Schrödinger cat states. While such a scheme ensures a protection of the logical qubit against the photon dephasing errors, the prominent error channel of single-photon loss induces bit-flip type errors that cannot be corrected. Therefore, we consider a second scheme based on a four-photon driven dissipative process which leads to the choice of four-component Schrödinger cat states as the logical qubit. Such a logical qubit can be protected against single-photon loss by continuous photon number parity measurements. Next, applying some specific Hamiltonians, we provide a set of universal quantum gates on the encoded qubits of each of the two schemes. In particular, we illustrate how these operations can be rendered fault-tolerant with respect to various decoherence channels of participating quantum systems. Finally, we also propose experimental schemes based on quantum superconducting circuits and inspired by methods used in Josephson parametric amplification, which should allow one to achieve these driven dissipative processes along with the Hamiltonians ensuring the universal operations in an efficient manner.

Open access
Coherent quantum transport in disordered systems: II. Temperature dependence of carrier diffusion coefficients from the time-dependent wavepacket diffusion method

Xinxin Zhong et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 045009

The time-dependent wavepacket diffusion method for carrier quantum dynamics (Zhong and Zhao 2013 J. Chem. Phys. 138 014111), a truncated version of the stochastic Schrödinger equation/wavefunction approach that approximately satisfies the detailed balance principle and scales well with the size of the system, is applied to investigate the carrier transport in one-dimensional systems including both the static and dynamic disorders on site energies. The predicted diffusion coefficients with respect to temperature successfully bridge from band-like to hopping-type transport. As demonstrated in paper I (Moix et al 2013 New J. Phys. 15 085010), the static disorder tends to localize the carrier, whereas the dynamic disorder induces carrier dynamics. For the weak dynamic disorder, the diffusion coefficients are temperature-independent (band-like property) at low temperatures, which is consistent with the prediction from the Redfield equation, and a linear dependence of the coefficient on temperature (hopping-type property) only appears at high temperatures. In the intermediate regime of dynamic disorder, the transition from band-like to hopping-type transport can be easily observed at relatively low temperatures as the static disorder increases. When the dynamic disorder becomes strong, the carrier motion can follow the hopping-type mechanism even without static disorder. Furthermore, it is found that the memory time of dynamic disorder is an important factor in controlling the transition from the band-like to hopping-type motions.

Open access
Realistic and verifiable coherent control of excitonic states in a light-harvesting complex

Stephan Hoyer et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 045007

We explore the feasibility of the coherent control of excitonic dynamics in light-harvesting complexes, analyzing the limits imposed by the open nature of these quantum systems. We establish feasible targets for phase and phase/amplitude control of the electronically excited state populations in the Fenna–Mathews–Olson (FMO) complex and analyze the robustness of this control with respect to orientational and energetic disorder, as well as the decoherence arising from coupling to the protein environment. We further present two possible routes to verification of the control target, with simulations for the FMO complex showing that steering of the excited state is experimentally verifiable either by extending excitonic coherence or by producing novel states in a pump–probe setup. Our results provide a first step toward coherent control of these complex biological quantum systems in an ultrafast spectroscopy setup.

Open access
Max 2-SAT with up to 108 qubits

Siddhartha Santra et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 045006

We experimentally study the performance of a programmable quantum annealing processor, the D-Wave One (DW1) with up to 108 qubits, on maximum SAT problem with 2 variables per clause (MAX 2-SAT) problems. We consider ensembles of random problems characterized by a fixed clause density, an external parameter which we tune through its critical value in our experiments. We demonstrate that the DW1 is sensitive to the critical value of the clause density. The DW1 results are verified and compared with akmaxsat, an exact, state-of-the-art algorithm. We study the relative performance of the two solvers and how they correlate in terms of problem hardness. We find that the DW1 performance scales more favorably with problem size and that problem hardness correlation is essentially non-existent. We discuss the relevance and limitations of such a comparison.

Open access
Lattice scars: surviving in an open discrete billiard

Víctor Fernández-Hurtado et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 035005

We study quantum systems on a discrete bounded lattice (lattice billiards). The statistical properties of their spectra show universal features related to the regular or chaotic character of their classical continuum counterparts. However, the decay dynamics of the open systems appear very different from the continuum case, their properties being dominated by the states in the band center. We identify a class of states ('lattice scars') that survive for infinite times in dissipative systems and that are degenerate at the center of the band. We provide analytical arguments for their existence in any bipartite lattice, and give a formula to determine their number. These states should be relevant to quantum transport in discrete systems, and we discuss how to observe them using photonic waveguides, cold atoms in optical lattices, and quantum circuits.

Open access
Partial suppression of nonadiabatic transitions

Tomáš Opatrný and Klaus Mølmer 2014 New J. Phys. 16 015025

The adiabatic following of eigenstates of time-varying Hamiltonians can serve as a useful tool in preparing or manipulating quantum states. If the time variation is not sufficiently slow, however, nonadiabatic transitions to unwanted states occur. Recently, it has been shown that the adiabatic following can be perfectly restored if the original Hamiltonian is complemented with an additional term. Although there is an explicit formula for this compensating term, typically one may not always be able to construct it in an experiment. Here we present a straightforward approach for a partial suppression of the nonadiabatic transitions applicable for any set of available Hamilton operators. We illustrate the method on several examples including interacting spin systems, interacting bosons in a double-well potential, a particle in an expanding box and a system of atoms interacting via a Rydberg-blockade. Whenever suitable compensating operators are available, the system may be evolved faster or with higher fidelity along an eigenstate of the original time-dependent Hamiltonian.

Open access
Quantum control with noisy fields: computational complexity versus sensitivity to noise

S Kallush et al 2014 New J. Phys. 16 015008

A closed quantum system is defined as completely controllable if an arbitrary unitary transformation can be executed using the available controls. In practice, control fields are a source of unavoidable noise, which has to be suppressed to retain controllability. Can one design control fields such that the effect of noise is negligible on the time-scale of the transformation? This question is intimately related to the fundamental problem of a connection between the computational complexity of the control problem and the sensitivity of the controlled system to noise. The present study considers a paradigm of control, where the Lie-algebraic structure of the control Hamiltonian is fixed, while the size of the system increases with the dimension of the Hilbert space representation of the algebra. We find two types of control tasks, easy and hard. Easy tasks are characterized by a small variance of the evolving state with respect to the operators of the control operators. They are relatively immune to noise and the control field is easy to find. Hard tasks have a large variance, are sensitive to noise and the control field is hard to find. The influence of noise increases with the size of the system, which is measured by the scaling factor N of the largest weight of the representation. For fixed time and control field the ability to control degrades as O(N) for easy tasks and as O(N2) for hard tasks. As a consequence, even in the most favorable estimate, for large quantum systems, generic noise in the controls dominates for a typical class of target transformations, i.e. complete controllability is destroyed by noise.

Open access
Error suppression and error correction in adiabatic quantum computation: non-equilibrium dynamics

Mohan Sarovar and Kevin C Young 2013 New J. Phys. 15 125032

While adiabatic quantum computing (AQC) has some robustness to noise and decoherence, it is widely believed that encoding, error suppression and error correction will be required to scale AQC to large problem sizes. Previous works have established at least two different techniques for error suppression in AQC. In this paper we derive a model for describing the dynamics of encoded AQC and show that previous constructions for error suppression can be unified with this dynamical model. In addition, the model clarifies the mechanisms of error suppression and allows the identification of its weaknesses. In the second half of the paper, we utilize our description of non-equilibrium dynamics in encoded AQC to construct methods for error correction in AQC by cooling local degrees of freedom (qubits). While this is shown to be possible in principle, we also identify the key challenge to this approach: the requirement of high-weight Hamiltonians. Finally, we use our dynamical model to perform a simplified thermal stability analysis of concatenated-stabilizer-code encoded many-body systems for AQC or quantum memories. This work is a companion paper to 'Error suppression and error correction in adiabatic quantum computation: techniques and challenges (2013 Phys. Rev. X 3 041013)', which provides a quantum information perspective on the techniques and limitations of error suppression and correction in AQC. In this paper we couch the same results within a dynamical framework, which allows for a detailed analysis of the non-equilibrium dynamics of error suppression and correction in encoded AQC.

Open access
Cooling molecular vibrations with shaped laser pulses: optimal control theory exploiting the timescale separation between coherent excitation and spontaneous emission

Daniel M Reich and Christiane P Koch 2013 New J. Phys. 15 125028

Laser cooling of molecules employing broadband optical pumping involves a timescale separation between laser excitation and spontaneous emission. Here, we optimize the optical pumping step using shaped laser pulses. We derive two optimization functionals to drive population into those excited state levels that have the largest spontaneous emission rates to the target state. We show that, when using optimal control, laser cooling of molecules works even if the Franck–Condon map governing the transitions is preferential to heating rather than cooling. Our optimization functional is also applicable to the laser cooling of other degrees of freedom provided the cooling cycle consists of coherent excitation and dissipative de-excitation steps whose timescales are separated.

Open access
Estimation of classical parameters via continuous probing of complementary quantum observables

A Negretti and K Mølmer 2013 New J. Phys. 15 125002

We discuss how continuous probing of a quantum system allows estimation of unknown classical parameters embodied in the Hamiltonian of the system. We generalize the stochastic master equation associated with continuous observation processes to a Bayesian filter equation for the probability distribution of the desired parameters, and we illustrate its application by estimating the direction of a magnetic field. In our example, the field causes a ground state spin precession in a two-level atom which is detected by the polarization rotation of off-resonant optical probes, interacting with the atomic spin components.

Open access
Arbitrary quantum control of qubits in the presence of universal noise

Todd J Green et al 2013 New J. Phys. 15 095004

We address the problem of deriving analytic expressions for calculating universal decoherence-induced errors in qubits undergoing arbitrary, unitary, time-dependent quantum control protocols. We show that the fidelity of a control operation may be expressed in terms of experimentally relevant spectral characteristics of the noise and of the control, over all Cartesian directions. We formulate control matrices in the time domain to capture the effects of piecewise-constant control, and convert them to generalized Fourier-domain filter functions. These generalized filter functions may be derived for complex temporally modulated control protocols, accounting for susceptibility to rotations of the qubit state vector in three dimensions. Taken together, we show that this framework provides a computationally efficient means to calculate the effects of universal noise on arbitrary quantum control protocols, producing results comparable with those obtained via time-consuming simulations of Bloch vector evolution. As a concrete example, we apply our method to treating the problem of dynamical decoupling incorporating realistic control pulses of arbitrary duration or form, including the replacement of simple π-pulses with complex dynamically corrected gates.