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Import Delicious Bookmarks Into Evernote, Tags and All

Delicious isn't being shut down, but will likely be sold. If you're still eager to back up your tagged and dated bookmarks, one XML-crafty blogger has a custom import tool that can transfer everything into Evernote, tags intact.

Dr. Palaniraja tipped us off to his blog post, where he offers step-by-step instructions on exporting your bookmarks into an XML file, running that file through one of his custom filters, then throwing the resulting .enex file (Evernote notebook) into your desktop copy of Evernote. When the notes arrive, they come with their Delicious tags converted into Evernote tags, and their URLs just where you'd expect them.

There are a few kinks—I couldn't get my Delicious XML file from my browser in Windows, but was able to grab it just fine from a Mac and then Linux terminal command. And if you're importing into Evernote for Windows, you should make sure to read the update at the end of Palaniraja's post, where he offers another filter for bookmarks that deals with special character and other Windows-specific issues.

Be sure to check out our previous guide to importing Delicious bookmarks into your browser, along with the best services for Delicious migration, including some that already keep your Delicious tags intact.

Import Delicious bookmarks to Evernote including tags [Dr. Palaniraja]