If you received a letter from the Domain Registry of America (DROA) asking you to pay to renew your domain, disregard it. DROA is a scam company that has nothing to do with us or with your website. DROA was fined in 2003 by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). If you already paid DROA, you can get a refund.
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Don't get caught up in the Domain Registry of America scam -- here we break down common domain scams and how to avoid them.
Domain name scammers have been around for years, but the Domain Registry of America (a.k.a. Domain Service of America) is one scam that seems to persist.
May 23, 2023 · The Domain Registry of America scam is probably the most notorious of them out of the bunch. As you can see from the screenshot below, their ...
Apr 13, 2022 · Many people fall prey to a common scam in which companies send misleading invoices for domain name registration renewals.
The scammers likely found your contact information and domain registration details on a website such as Whois. Version 1 – The Phone 'Domain Name Renewal Scam'.
Domain name scams are types of Intellectual property scams or confidence scams in which unscrupulous domain name registrars attempt to generate revenue by ...
Apr 5, 2024 · They will all of a sudden “suggest that you switch to them” because they are the best, cheapest and most prestigious domain registry available.
Don't be Fooled! Domain Registry of Canada Scam. A company called "Domain Registry of Canada" sends mass volumes of postal mail directly to domain owners.
Sep 13, 2021 · It has been nearly a decade since I wrote about a scam that was circulating by a company that called itself Domain Registry of America.