William Duncan, Titus Schleyer, Alan Ruttenberg
Publication date
International Conferences On Biomedical Ontologies 2013 Proceedings
The Ontologies in Oral Health and Diseases project aims to support dental research by allowing researchers to more easily access infor-‐mation contained in electronic dental record systems. The Oral Health and Disease Ontology(OHD) is at the core of the project. This ontology contains, among others, terms for the diagnosis and treatment of den-‐tal maladies. One key area of dental research involves issues sur-‐rounding tooth restorations. In this paper, we explain the basic meth-‐odology for developing the OHD, demonstrate how an intracoronal tooth restoration is represented in the OHD, and discuss some of the ways in which the OHD enables information sharing amongst re-‐searchers.