Stop Selling Dolphin And Whale Meat

Stop Selling Dolphin And Whale Meat

March 13, 2012
Petition to
Yahoo and
Petition Closed
This petition had 169,117 supporters

Why this petition matters

Started by Sehgal Melissa

Yahoo Japan is selling whale and dolphin meat including from animals killed in Taiji, Japan! Yes, it's selling dolphins and whales killed at "The Cove."

I have been here in Taiji for the past 3 years documenting the dolphin and small whale drive hunt, captive selection and slaughter. I will never be able to forget their cries and the blood red water as killers slaughtered these intelligent, sensitive beings!, the largest online retailer in the world, stopped selling dolphin and whale meat. Why can't Yahoo put the same policy in place for all its sites around the world - including Japan?

The Humane Society International and Environmental Investigation Agency have not been able to convince Yahoo to change despite evidence of meat contaminated with high levels of mercury and sometimes from animals protected by the International Whaling Commission. I need your help, though, because I know we can do this!

Here are some links if you need proof that Yahoo is selling these products right now! (fried whale meat) (Taiji whale dinner) (Pilot whales which are dolphins)

Petition Closed

This petition had 169,117 supporters

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Decision Makers

  • Yahoo
  • Softbank
  • Softbank
  • Yahoo
  • Yahoo