Nyota Ndogo Tells Mustapha to stop using nude girls in his video

nyota ndo
nyota ndo

The fight between Mustapha and Nyota Ndogo is definitely far from over. Recently Nyota Ndogo attacked Mustapha on a National television regarding his new video ‘Dodoma Singida’ which feature semi naked vixens performing. She openly tells Mustapha to stop whatever he was doing with the young vixens.

Speaking to Larry Madowo’s show ‘The Trend,’ Nyota said whatever Mustapha is doing with the young girls in his video, was out of society’s moral and absolutely wrong.

I met him in Mombasa, and when I tried asking him why he was having semi nude girls on his video, he shrugged his shoulder and told me Nyota, let everyone mind their own business, leave me alone.

She said during the friday ‘Trend Show’

This beef began way back when Marya’s ex boyfriend Mustapha, claimed he had some exclusive bedroom pictures that would jeopardize Nyota Ndogo’s marriage. He threatened to publish them, something that did not go well with Nyota Ndogo who dared him to break the ice.

On the contrary, Mustapha has maintained that Nyota Ndogo is in love with him and just doesn’t want to open up about it. Nyota laughed it out sarcastically on the Trend show, telling Mustapha to keep dreaming if he thinks he is some sort of a Mr. handsome.

One time Nyota Ndogo questioned the sexuality of Mustapha. She believes Mustapha is a ‘Shogaa’ (gay) who cannot even afford to attend a long call. Below is a picture that irritates Nyota Ndogo on Mustapha’s news song.

Dodoma Singida Song Features vixens in this manner.
Dodoma Singida Song Features vixens in this manner.

And below is the video that causes the havoc. Be the judge!

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