Many of Cake's songs deal with cars, and in this one, a race car driver is feverishly trying to win. It could be a metaphor for straining to achieve at any ...
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"The Distance" is a song by American alternative rock band Cake. Released in August 1996, "The Distance" was the first single from the band's second album, ...
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Reluctantly crouched at the starting line. Engines pumping and thumping in time. The green light flashes, the flags go up. Churning and burning, they yearn ...
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2024/04/05 · His delusional desire for success at all costs means he can never truly be there for her. The Impact of “The Distance”. “The Distance” is Cake's ...
含まれない: sca_esv= c0af51a92c806ff3
This song is about a man that falls madly in love with a woman and convinces himself that he has to be successful to win her affection. She once loved him in ...
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「sca_esv=c0af51a92c806ff3 Cake the Distance meaning」の動画
期間: 0:50
投稿: 2023/12/13
含まれない: sca_esv= c0af51a92c806ff3
2018/03/23 · Could this also be a metaphor for ba sex, with a man so focus on 'going the distance' or thinking of someone for whom 'he still burns' he fails ...
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