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But the learning doesn't stop at JavaScript. You'll be able to apply these lessons to any language. This book is about the timeless principles of software composition and its lessons will outlast the hot languages and frameworks of today.
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... JavaScript, JCL, JEAN, Join Java, JOSS, Joule, JOVIAL, Joy, JScript, JScript ... Pure, Pure Data, Python, Q (equational programming language), Q (programming ... SiMPLE, SIMSCRIPT, Simula, Simulink, Singularity, SISAL, SLIP, SMALL ...
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This book makes JavaScript less challenging to learn for newcomers, by offering a modern view that is as consistent as possible.
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This book won’t just teach you WebGL best practices, it will give you a library of code to jumpstart your own projects.
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This book addresses today’s approach to JavaScript in detail: modern browser support, including information on Internet Explorer 7; Object-Oriented JavaScript; testing and debugging; unobtrusive JavaScript techniques using DOM Scripting; ...
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You need to understand why the directions work so that you can understand how to modify them to work properly at or beyond their original limitations. That’s where JavaScript Allongé comes in.
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This book is designed to quickly teach an existing programmer everything needed to go from "hello world" to building production applications like interactive websites, parallel web crawlers, and distributed systems in Scala.
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In The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript, Nicholas C. Zakas thoroughly explores JavaScript's object-oriented nature, revealing the language's unique implementation of inheritance and other key characteristics.
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This is the JavaScript book Web developers turn to again and again.