q=drop down from books.google.com
... Q. To get out of the boat , being down in the bottom of the boat , how did you get out of the boat ? A. Had to drop down . Q. Drop down from a hole left where one of those plates had been taken off ? A. Yes , sir ; where there was an ...
q=drop down from books.google.com
... down to 8 miles an hour ? A. We gradually dropped down to that . Q. Did you drop down to that in covering a distance of less than 100 feet ? A. What did you say ? Q. I say , you dropped down from 18 to 8 in less than 100 feet , didn't ...
q=drop down from books.google.com
496 Q. He would have no difficulty in doing that , would he ? He could do that all right ? A. I wouldn't say it would be an easy task . Q. It could be done ? A. Yes , sir . Q. And after he dropped down ... drop down . 497 Q. Drop down where ...
q=drop down from books.google.com
... down through . There was no ice in these bunkers . Q. Whose duty is it to inspect those ? A. The agent or yardmaster ... Drop right down in ? A. Yes , sir . Q. They are not fastened by hinges or anything of that sort ? A. No , sir , not ...
q=drop down from books.google.com
... dropped on you . Q. The rock did not shoot out but something dropped off and dropped down ? A. It shot out . Q. If it shot out it would drop straight down on you , would it ? A. It would not drop straight down on you . Q. You said shot ...
q=drop down from books.google.com
... Q. You want us to believe that you never noticed mortar dropping down from bricklayers at work , do you ? A. Yes , I have seen it drop . Q. Hasn't it splashed on you sometimes ? A. Well , not unless I walk under- Q. Not unless you ...
q=drop down from books.google.com
... Q. We can get along in English too . I want to know if you understood the remark which your counsel just made , a few moments ago ? A. What remark ? Q. Didn't you hear him ? A : The way it came 221 down ... drop from the fourth floor and went ...
q=drop down from books.google.com
... Q. To fill in ? -A . Yes , sir . Q. What was the occasion of that great variation from 1 to 15 feet ? Take a place ... drop down by the ton . Q. Drop down into the bottom of the tunnel ? —A . Yes , sir ; some places it would be like hard ...
q=drop down from books.google.com
... Q. To fill in -A . Yes , sir . Q. What was the occasion of that great variation from 1 to 15 feet ? Take a place ... drop down by the ton . Q. Drop down into the bottom of the tunnel ? —A . Yes , sir ; some places it would be like hard ...
q=drop down from books.google.com
... Q. To fill in ? -A . Yes , sir . Q. What was the occasion of that great variation from 1 to 15 feet ? Take a place ... drop down by the ton . Q. Drop down into the bottom of the tunnel - A . Yes , sir ; some places it would be like hard ...