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With diverse contributions from experts in local and international contexts, but always with an African perspective, this is textbook will be an invaluable resource for students, researchers and practitioners.
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This book offers an evidence-based and practical approach to the identification and remediation of medical trainees who are unable to perform to standards.
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In this book readers will find technological discussions on the existing and emerging technologies across the different stages of the big data value chain.
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The book includes an extensive bibliography and index; supplementary materials are available online. The book covers a variety of topics that are considered central to mathematical cryptography.
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This open access book provides a glimpse into the Japanese management technique known as “Kaizen,” and the ways it has been disseminated around the developing world.
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This book offers a broad overview of the field of cognitive engineering and neuroergonomics, covering emerging practices and future trends toward the harmonious integration of human operators and computational systems.
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This book explores the design of specialized residential architecture for people with mental health problems.
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The timeliness of the present volume is underlined by several significant develop ments in recent years.