q=a.klaws from books.google.com
... Q. What do you mean by the syndicate ? What was the syndicate ? A. That was the opposition , Klaw & Erlanger . Q. They were in the same character of business ? A. They were , up to the entrance of the Shuberts— had a monopoly of it . Q ...
q=a.klaws from books.google.com
... Klaw & Erlanger , except yearly state- ments . The agents on the road of the plays that were playing under our direction sent in statements every week , which went to Klaw & Erlanger . Q. And Klaw & Erlanger would make statements to you ...
q=a.klaws from books.google.com
... Klaw & Erlanger . Q. General manager , you would say , wouldn't you ? A. No , not manager . Q. You knew he signed his name " General Man- ager " ? A. I never knew he signed his name and I don't think he did never as General Manager . Q ...
q=a.klaws from books.google.com
... Klaw & Erlanger , or Mr. Klaw or Mr. Erlanger ? A. I don't believe I ever formed any for Klaw & Erlanger alone . Q. At their request or at the request of Mr. Erlanger ? A. If you mean by that- Q. I mean just what I say . Q. At the ...
q=a.klaws from books.google.com
... Klaw & Erlanger ? A. Oh , yes , I was there . Q. You know when I asked that question about Klaw & Erlanger that I referred to anybody repre- senting them , didn't you ? A. I was at Klaw & Erlanger's , but I did not have any part in ...
q=a.klaws from books.google.com
... Klaw & Erlanger ? A. Oh , yes , I was there . Q. You know when I asked that question about Klaw & Erlanger that I referred to anybody repre- senting them , didn't you ? A. I was at Klaw & Erlanger's , but I did not have any part in ...
q=a.klaws from books.google.com
... Q. Seabrooke is playing the title rôle . Later in the season Klaw & Erlanger will present the latest London musical comedy hit , " Sergeant Brue , " and in January Forbes Robertson , in Henry V. Esmond's new play , " Love and the Man ...
q=a.klaws from books.google.com
... Q. - Will you please publish a picture of William Bramwell ? A. - See our ... Klaw & Erlanger still running the free dramatic school for stage - struck ... Klaw and Erlanger put out a new musical comedy this spring ? A. - We do not know ...
q=a.klaws from books.google.com
... Q. If a proper case was presented to you as a di- rector of the Forsix Corporation showing a breach of a fiduciary ... Klaw and Erlanger , or any question came up which required a decision by someone as to a fact which might be disputed ...
q=a.klaws from books.google.com
Marc Klaw - For Plaintiff - Direct . MARC KLAW , called as a witness for the plaintiff , being duly sworn , testified as follows : Direct Examination by Mr. Fishel : Q. Mr. Klaw , you are one of the plaintiffs in this action ? A. Yes , sir ...