Cheap flights from Ireland to India – Dublin to Mumbai from €348!

Cheap flights from Ireland to India - Dublin to Mumbai Classic airline Swiss Airlines allows to book some cheap flights from Ireland to India! When departing from Dublin to Mumbai you may currently purchase the ticket from just €348! When booking the cheapest flights you would have to accept longer stop-over in Zurich during your outbound flight. This gives you great opportunity to visit this beautiful city on your way to Asia.



How to achieve the cheapest airfare

The cheapest flights is possible to book directly through Swiss Airlines web site assuming you would take the advantage of current SWISS promotion offering to purchase €300 vouchers for just €245. Using the voucher code would cause another €55 discount making it total only €348 for air ticket for a round trip flight including all taxes and fees!

You may also purchase the flights through booking agents but not taking the advantage of this voucher code. In such case you can purchase the flights from €377. (based on booking agent Tripsta and their DE offshoot). Booking sample Dublin – Mumbai for €377 to be found here.

Current tariff of Swiss Airlines allows to book the flights at this rate level till the end of March 2014. The voucher is possible to purchas till 21st of February directly with SWISS through above mentioned link.


Booking sample of a flights with Swiss Airlines from Ireland to India for €403. By taking the advantage of current promotion you may purchase voucher code giving you €55 discount. This is making total €348 for a roundtrip flight. In this case you would be leaving from Dublin to Mumbai on 2nd of March and returning back from India on 24th of March 2014.

Cheap flights from Ireland to India - Dublin to Mumbai

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