Tech Feast is Dead!  Presenting W.E. 13!
For the last few months, I have been brainstorming to reinvigorate our December tech feast day into an event that showcases the extreme talent we have in our district. In order to accomplish this task, Tech Feast is DEAD! The new event will be called "W.E.13 (We Engage 2013)". The event will have sessions on tech integration as well as non-tech related best practices used to implement our FOCUS and the ATP. Every session will have explicit connections to one of the 4 C's of 21st Century learning and at least one of the letters of the FOCUS acronym.  We are going beyond learning about tech tools and incorporating strategies for boosting Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity for all students in your classroom!

I encourage you to watch the teaser trailer video below and sign up to present at this event!  To all administrators and fellow staff: You have ideas worth sharing!  Help make this event a success by signing up to be a one-hour presenter at W.E. 13!  

Sign up information is located at the bottom of this form.  Sign up by Nov. 1st to solidify your spot as a presenter at W.E. 13.  Presenters will meet with me for two half-days (one in the beginning of November, and one towards the end) to discuss planning and presentation strategies!
I'm happy to offer you any support!  Feel free to suggest a different workshop idea in the sign up list below in the space that says "other"!

Thank you, and mark December 13th on your calendar!

-Tarah Tesmer
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Are you interested in presenting a 1-hour session at W.E. 13?  You can present with a group, as a duo, or on your own!
Please type your name in the box below if you are interested.  If you want to present with other people, please include their names as well.
Here is a list of suggested session topic ideas!  Please check-off any session topic that you may be interested in to host a 1-hour workshop on (1-hour workshops will provide all participants with 20-30 minutes of "play" time).
check multiple and/or fill out the "other" box if you have a new idea!
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