2016 Malaysia Confinement Service Survey 陪月服务调查卷

Take our survey and get a copy of “Pregnancy Service Guide’ for FREE!
Your answer will help others to find better confinement services in the future.
‘Pregnancy Service Guide’ is prepared by LookP.com to make it easier for you to get help from pregnancy to confinement period. You will find the list of popular gynaecologist, confinement centre and tukang urut in there. We select these service providers based on their review and feedbacks by other customers, so you don’t need to waste time to search for their reviews again.
Besides, ‘Like’ and 'Share' our Facebook post of 'Confinement Service Survey 2016' with your friends, we will send you a copy of 'Confinement Meals Recipe' (Mandarin only) for FREE! Treat yourself better in your confinement period with these nutritious confinement meals.

Free Confinement Guide Book
参与我们的网上调查吧!只需5分钟,您就可免费获取一份《孕妇服务指南》,而且还能帮助其他人选择更好的陪月中心和陪月婆,何乐而不为呢? 《孕妇服务指南》是我们依据以往顾客的评论为您细心挑选的各个州属著名的陪月中心,妇产科医生及产后按摩服务人员。这将让您更容易地找到口碑好又适合您的服务,以减轻您的烦恼,让您好好养胎/坐月子!
此外,分享我们 面子书的《陪月服务网上调查》帖子,还能获得免费赠送的《月子养身食谱》!让您真正地坐好月子,调理身体