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Writing Advice? Publishing Classes? A New Pet Project (Maybe!)

by | Mar 15, 2018 | Uncategorized | 25 comments

I’m very fortunate to work at a job I love. In fact, I frequently am asked about offering publishing classes and writing advice — who, me??? Maybe a book: I could call it WRITING LIKE CATS & DOGS! ha!

Many of y’all have heard me say that I’ve had to “reinvent” myself time and time again. An anniversary of sorts will soon be here, because on April 15, 2010, I self-published my very first book. An Ebook. On the Kindle platform.

. . . With dozens of pictures, sidebars, and bullet lists. ARGGG! yes, t’was a hair-pulling horror show, learning to DIY the hard way. At the time, most folks kindle-ized only fiction titles that had few to no illustrations or photographs. Yep, I had to be different!

Lewisville Public Library Author Fair, March 2018, Lewisville, Texas

But I figured it out, by doG. Seven years later, I have 70 self-pub’d titles, both nonfiction and fiction (and even play scripts) available across all Ebook, print and audio platforms, plus several dozen writing awards for my efforts.

Most of all, I have the most amazing loyal readers! Holy wow! How did that happen? Well…one book at a time, of course.


Today, there are many more options than when I began. It’s still relatively dummy-proof to publish plain text in Ebook forms, and a bit trickier for nice looking print. You can find free DIY writing advice and publishing tips here and there, or you can pay someone to do the hard stuff for you.

publishing tips

Thank doG for good publishing classes!

Of course, there be sharks in them-thar waters, too, so it’s helpful to have a go-to person or mentor to answer questions. Over the years, I’ve shared my publishing tips and writing advice in a variety of writers conference seminars, and still do upon occasion. The information applies no matter what you write, so even though I specialize in pet-centric stuff, any writing advice or publishing tips I’ve learned works across the board in attendees’ fiction or nonfiction.

But these days, I avoid travel — it’s hectic and expensive — and it occurred to me that folks might find benefit in an “on-demand” type of service. I could present in a live Webinar format and make it available later for replay, or subscription, or smorgasbord selections of what each individual writer wants/needs, or or or . . . ?

writing advice

You need cat-egorical writing advice.


So, I’m throwing this out into the world. If there’s interest in writing advice and/or publishing classes, I’ll move forward. And, if there’s crickets . . .  more time for me to write my next 70 books! LOL!

So, here goes nothing. *hitting the blog publish button*

If you are interested in hearing what comes next, sign up for AMY’S WRITE SCHTUFF list, below–either the NONFICTION or the FICTION sign up (or both if you’re doing both). It’s brand new, I won’t “spam” you, and just ask for some feedback going forward so any program offers what YOU want. And in addition, feel free to weigh in on the survey (below), or even add topics that you’d like included in such a project.



Oh, and if you want to learn a wee bit more about my writerly REINVENTING AMY strategy, check out this fun recent guest blog over at YourFirst10KReaders.


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I love hearing from you, so please share comments and questions. Do you have an ASK AMY question you’d like answered? Do you have a new kitten and need answers? NOTE: Some links to books or other products may be to affiliates, from which I may earn a small percentage of sales, but I do not recommend anything unless I feel it would benefit readers. Stay up to date on all the latest just subscribe the blog, “like” me on Facebook, and sign up for Pet Peeves newsletter. Stay up to date with the latest book give aways and appearances related to my September Day pet-centric THRILLERS WITH BITE!



  1. Sweet Purrfections

    What a great idea! There are thoughts in the back of my mind about writing some children’s books using stories of Praline, Truffle, and Brulee. I’d be very interested.

  2. Cathy Armato

    You’re such a prolific writer, I can’t believe you have 70 titles! That’s impressive. I like the idea of sharing your writing expertise via webinars, they’re so popular now. I think Podcasts are also a good idea, so many people are using Podcasts for learning these days. Keep us posted!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  3. Bernard Lima-Chavez

    Self-publishing, even a simple downloadable PDF on my blog scares me. It’s amazing how many titles you’ve self-published! One day, I may take the plunge, but until then, keep sharing your tips!

    • Amy Shojai

      Ya know what, Bernard? Us artistic types are the most insecure folks ever! I second guess myself all the time, and it is scary. Hope you’ll trust yourself SOON to move forward with publishing, if that’s your dream, because from where I’m sitting–you got this!

  4. AmeliaAJohnson

    This is an amazing offer since so many of us have at least one book inside of us waiting to be written. I voted.

  5. Sonja Lishchynski

    One reason my kids book isn’t in ebook format is because for the life of us – even with the pro look gin into it we couldn’t get the text and images to align the way they should. *sigh*

    • Amy Shojai

      Ah yes, the reflow-able text is a PITA. Only iBooks work with fixed-page images, and are the best bet for highly illustrated books. My own nonfiction titles (with LOTS of images) are formatted very differently in Ebook vs print, they’re to different animals. *s*

  6. sadieandco

    Wow! 70 titles in an incredible accomplishment – well done! I appreciate your advice and would definitely be interested in learning more.

  7. Ruth Epstein

    Amy this is a brilliant idea and am passing it on to a friend of mine who might be interested. I am struggling here to write a story which has been at the back of my mind for over a year now and after reading your post I think I should sit my fat bum down and do it. You just amazing and thank you PLUS good luck with your new venture

  8. Kamira

    How interesting. I love that you are able to reinvent yourself. I think it’s necessary for everyone at some point in their lives. I’m interested in learning about the different publishing platforms. The world of writing is new and exciting to me since starting 18 months ago or so. 🙂 Good luck in this next chapter.

  9. irenemchugh

    I’m not certain my voting was helpful. I went down the list kind of like this: “Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh yes. Maybe, but yes. Yes.” and so on. LOL. I’m kind of excited about the idea of webinars from an author who’s making it happen. Looking forward to your emails!

  10. Heather Wallace

    I am about to release my second book in June, and it’s available for preorder now. My first was a bit of practice and boy did I learn a lot from trial and error. I have a background in publishing, but in medical journals so it was a bit of an adjustment. Marketing is not my forte so I’d love to find a literary agent or get advice on marketing. And webinars are a great idea!

    • Amy Shojai

      Happy to help if I can! Did you sign up for the email list?

  11. Beth

    I’m sure that whatever you end up doing, it will be really helpful! Your energy, talent, and drive is simply amazing!

  12. Jana Rade

    I think that’s a great idea; sharing all you’ve learned with the rest of us. There is always more to learn.

  13. Michelle

    What a great idea, to help people who have a dream to write/publish a book. What about, getting started on writing a book? For those complete beginners?

    • Amy Shojai

      Everybody starts as a beginner–so yes! Good idea.

  14. Dakota/Caren/Cody

    Count me in!! I subscribed and answered the survey. I am considering writing a FUN (non pet related little book) because we are expecting our first grandchild (my stepdaughter is pregnant) and I wrote down an idea/title but am frozen by fear and lack of knowledge as to how to move forward!

    • Amy Shojai

      Congrats on the coming grandchild! What fun, and that sounds like a great project. Glad you subscribed.

    • Amy Shojai

      Oooh, good one. Did you add it to the survey? *scribbing notes* Thanks!

  15. JoeHx

    I’d love to publish a book one day – even an ebook.

    • Amy Shojai

      Great, Joe. And an Ebook is a great way to publish. Hope you’ll join the email list and share how I can help.

  16. boogiethepug

    Love this idea! Whichever you choose will certainly be useful. I voted 🙂



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Amy Shojai CACB is an award winning author.  You can find all her publications and book her to speak via her website. 

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