Collection of Customizable Funeral Program Template for Microsoft Publisher

For those who needs funeral or memorial programs for their loved one and want to customize it using Microsoft Publisher, you can see and download below templates.

Funeral Memorial Programs for Microsoft Publisher

How To Say Sorry For Your Loss in Spanish : How to Give Condolences in Spanish

There is no doubt that one of the hardest thing is to be able to give condolences to someone when a loved one passes away and this can be even more difficult when you are trying to give those condolences in another language.

The things what to say at a funeral can have the power of affecting people much more when they are vulnerable and this is the main reason why being cautious and making sure you say the right thing is going to e extremely important. In this article, we are going to give you a good set of ideas on what you can say when you want to give condolences in Spanish.

How To Say Sorry For Your Loss in Spanish

Always remember that a person is not going to be feeling their best emotionally when someone close to them dies and this is a good reason to always be sure to avoid making this person feel even more upset by reminding them of things that make them feel sad. The best thing to do is to try to be brief and to avoid anything that will make the person feel upset.

Sample Giving Condolences in Spanish

Common Sayings Sample

The most common forms of giving condolences:
“Mi más sentido pésame por su perdida”
“Mi pesame para usted y toda su familia”
“Lamento mucho su perdida”

Condolence Saying When You Know The Person

When you know the person that died:
“Siento mucho su perdida, yo conocía a (nombre del fallecido) y era una persona agradable”
“Es lamentable la muerte de (nombre de fallecido) y nos hara falta a todos”

For a Close Relationship

When you had a closer relationship to the deceased:
“Sé que no hay mucho que decir en estos momentos que pueda darle alivio, pero sepa que sentimos mucho el fallecimiento de (nombre del fallecido)”
“las palabras sobran en este momento y yo los acompaño en el dolor de perder a (nombre del fallecido)”

Unrecognized Person

When you don’t know the person that died:
“Siento mucho la pérdida de su ser querido y ahora descansa en paz”
“Mi más sentido pésame por su perdida y espero que puedan recuperarse de esta pérdida pronto”

A Very Closed Relationship

When you are close to the deceased as well as the family:
“No hay momento más duro en la vida que la pérdida de un ser amado, pero cuentan con mi apoyo en estos momentos tan difíciles”
“Quiero que sepan que la perdida de (nombre de fallecido) es algo que siento mucho y espero que puedan encontrar tranquilidad el hecho de que ahora descansa en paz”

For A Deceased Adult

If the deceased died as an adult:
“Realmente lamento la perdida de (nombre de fallecido) y de parte de mi familia tambien ek mensaje de que puedan encontrar consuelo en el hecho de que su vida fue plena”

For A Deceased Young

If the deceased died too young: “Es algo muy duro perder un ser qurerido que aun tenia tanta vida por delante, pero hay que sacar fuerza en momentos tan duros. Mi mas sincero pesame”


When you are wondering how to give condolences in Spanish, you will find that the examples that we have given to you above are going to be the best you will be able to use. There are some regions in Spanish speaking countries in which there are some slight changes in the way they perceive death and grief, but most of them are very similar.

There are many things that you need to keep in mind at all times when you are trying to give condolences to a person in any language. Always do your research on the local traditions and protocols, but the condolences example we have given you should be respectful enough for anyone to accept them and feel like you are being respectful.

What To Say at A Funeral : Good And Bad | Condolences Messages Samples

What to say at a funeral? That what most question when people will visit those who just lost their love one. Choosing the right words of sympathy is often challenging in order to give the best support or otherwise. Whether you are visiting a funeral ceremony or just give supportive or condolence words to your friends through cards, wording of sympathy is critical. Then you need to know the funeral visitation etiquette suppose you don't make a terrible mistake.

Heading to a funeral of your friend, father, grandma or a one's loved one? Well, even if you have been to one before, it is likely that you are going to find it incredibly tricky to know what to say. That is why I have put together this little guide. I want to cover the things that you should and should not say at a funeral, as well as a few of the reasons behind each point. Think of this as your entry guide to the world of funeral etiquette.

Saying Samples of What To say At a Funeral Condolences

Below you can see some examples of what to say at a funeral service. The samples are for a general situation. It doesn't look what people believes, nations, ages and others. Actually you can say it directly, or you can use it on a sympathy card.

Condolence Message You Should Say at Funeral

  • "I’m sorry for your loss"
    This is a pretty simple phrase, however, it is remarkably powerful. It lets people know that you care and that they are in your thoughts. If you can’t think of anything else to say, then this is the route that you are going to want to go down. It is a little bit of a cliché to say these words, but they just work. Don’t fret too much.
  • "I love you"
    Obviously, this is something which you should only say if you are close to the person. If this is the first time you have met them, these words are probably not going to go down too well. One of the reasons as to why I love these words so much is because they let the other person know that you are there for them. When somebody loses a loved one, particularly a spouse, it is not uncommon for them to feel alone in this world. Thankfully, you can let them know that they still have you when you say this.
  • "You are in my thoughts or I am thinking of you"
    Again, this is something which lets the other party know that you are thinking of them. It lets them know that you feel sympathy for their situation. This really shows people that you care. There are a few phrases which are similar to this which I really suggest you do not say. We will, however, cover these pretty shortly.
  • "They were a wonderful person"
    Short and to the point. This is one of those things to say at a funeral which you should say when you can’t think of anything else. Something along the same route is ‘I will miss them’. Again, short, to the point, and highly effective.

Word of Sympathy You Should NOT Say at Funeral

  • "Do you not know who the person was?"
    That is obviously something that you shouldn’t say. By this, I mean that if you do not know the deceased (common if you are attending the funeral to provide support for a friend), you can ask them if they want to meet up sometime so you can learn more about the person who has passed away. This actually makes the person feel cared for and, quite often, getting things off of their chest like this is going to be highly effective.
  • "They are in a better place"
    Never say this unless you are 100% positive the person you are saying it to AND the deceased believed in life after death. If you do, it can be incredibly insulting. In fact, even if they did believe in an afterlife, I still suggest you steer clear of it. You should also steer clear of “you will see them soon”. Again, insulting, and you are, essentially, saying that the other person will pass away pretty sharpish. This is the last thing that they really want to hear.
  • "I know how you are feeling"
    This is something which you should not be saying at a funeral. Chances are, you have experienced a loss like this. However, you do not know what this particular person is going through. Everybody deals with their grief in a completely different way. If you say you know what they are feeling, you are not being a very good person. You are telling them that they are not unique and that everybody goes through the same thing. Instead, you should ask them if they want to talk about their feelings sometime. This will very quickly show you that people experience a loss in completely different ways.
  • "How are you doing?"
    Chances are, they probably are not doing all that well. You already know the answer to this question. You do not need the answer. It is also a pretty casual question. Steer clear of it. It is a pointless question.
  • "Now you can start moving on"
    Many people think that this is an OK thing to say when somebody has passed away after battling a long illness. It isn’t. Sure, the person you are saying this too is probably relieved that the person is not suffering anymore, however, they still want them around. They are still going to need time to grieve. For some people, this can take years, even if they expected that the death would occur. You don’t start grieving until the person has passed on.
  • "I don’t know what I would do if (the relationship to the bereaved) died"
    E.g. “I do not know what I would do if my husband died’. It offers next to no comfort and it isn’t really that good for the situation. As I mentioned earlier, absolutely everybody deals with their grief in a completely different way.
  • "At least you had a chance to say goodbye"
    People do not want to look on the positive side of death. They still have to deal with the grief. In addition to this “at least the death was quick” offers no comfort.
  • "You will feel better soon"
    I have heard this one said at funerals time and time again. It is awful funeral etiquette. As I mentioned before, you really do not know how the other person is dealing with grief. There are some people who may take weeks to process the situation. There are others out there who may take years to process the situation. You just do not know. Again, this is something which is going to have very little impact on the person that you are saying it to as it is completely meaningless.

Condolence Messages Ideas

Below you can see some words of sympathy for condolence message when visiting one's funeral ;

Sorry For Your Loss : What to Write in A Condolence Card

What to write in a condolence card is that you should look well because it comes very sensitive. There is no question that one thing in life is certain and that is the fact that we are all going to die at some point. The problem is that it can be very difficult to talk to someone who is going through the loss of a loved one and that is the reason why we have decided to create this article. We are going to give you some important tips on what to write in a condolence card and how to give a condolence message to a friend.

Grief is A Difficult Process

The biggest problem that we have when we are trying to give someone condolences is that we need to be able to understand that this person is a very delicate emotional state. You have to consider that there is probably nothing you can say that is going to make your condolence message on death any easier, but you can show respect and solidarity and that is all you can really do in this kind of situation.

How to Express Condolences in A Card

The best way to determine what kind of condolences you should be giving to a person is to consider just how well you know the person that passed away and how well you know the person or the people you will be extending condolences to. This is going to be a great way to determine just how you will be writing your message or speaking in person.

Sample Funeral Card Sayings

A great message for people you know socially, but you never met the relative who died, is to write “my condolences for your loss”. Then you can write or say something like :

There are never words to comfort a person in this kind of situation, but I offer my sincere sympathy to you and your loved ones

This is a great way to express your condolences on a card and even face to face. If you are wondering how to write a condolence letter, this is also a good way to do it.

Sample Sorry For Your Loss Wording

If you have a closer involvement with the person and you also knew the deceased individual, a good way to say your condolences is to tell them about something you remember about the person who died. A good memory that will reassure them of your appreciation for this person.

I remember that Joe/Jane loved to dance. I will always remember his/her personality and I can’t imagine how hard this is, but you have my support"

If you are wondering how to send condolences, this is a great way to do it. There are many people who wonder about how to write a condolence message, but there are many things you can do in order to create something that will be respectful. The truth is that all we can do with this kind of message is be respectful and show our sympathy.

Some good words of condolence for loss include the use of something that can make the person feel like you can identify with their loss in some way. Perhaps mentioning the death of someone that has been close to you is a good way to give condolences. If you say :

my condolences for your loss, I experienced this with someone close to me too

This is a great way to show solidarity and sympathy.


When you are saying your condolences, you need to say it in a way that sounds genuine and you should take the time to look the person in the eyes and make them feel like you truly mean you words. This is a great way to show respect for the person that died.

Funeral Program Templates for Microsoft Word to Download

Seemed to have become a tradition even be a necessity, at a funeral or memorial service, funeral programs have become an important part in the event. But the funeral program has other functions at this time, because it is not just a tool that can help the guests to be able to know the order of the funeral procession.

Therefore, the need for a funeral or memorial program urgently needed, and the following funeral program templates for Microsoft Word that helps you to realize it.

What Is funeral program template?

Funeral program template is a document to create a service bulletin program in funeral or memorial that has had a format suitable for the event.

Template for making funeral or memorial program program, created using computer software to edit text or images. Some software such as: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, OpenOffice, Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw.

In general, the benefits of funeral program template is to simplify the process of working and creating funeral program
  1. Help for those who do not understand how to write a funeral program, memorial or also the order of service for funeral
  2. Shorten the time in the making of funeral programs.
  3. Provides attractive design and attractive, and the users do not have to make it from scratch

How to use the funeral program templates

First, you choose a design program for the funeral, memorial, Obituary adan order of service and the existing gallery. There are several themes funeral which you can choose as floral, cloud, dove, landscape, scenery, classic, formal, simple and others. Selection of theme programs can be customized based on your wishes or can follow the habits of the deceased. If the deceased pleased planting crops or flowers, you can choose a theme that has a program of funeral floral decorations.

The templates are created in A4 paper size or 8 x 11,5 inch. All templates have been prepared for use in the event of a funeral or memorial, then you can put the title with yours of with "Celebration of Life". Floral theme is available with pink or white rose, orchid, chamomile with its foliage or leaf. Decoration of animal : bird, pigeon, butterfly, sunshine, white sky, blue cloud, branch trees, . For background, you will find color of white, brown, grey, yellow, blue, pink, purple.

In funeral program shape, you can use it in booklet, pamphlet, bulletin, brochure or flyer. It is easy for replace the default text such as to Spanish for people in Latin or Spain itself, French for people in France. The default text is in English, people who live with this language such as America, England, Australia is nothing to do with it.

Click the image below, and you will be redirected to the funeral program template for Microsoft Word that you can download. From this source, you will get :

  1. Obituary template for Microsoft Word
  2. Funeral programs
  3. Funeral / memorial order of service
  4. Celebration of Life program template
  5. Spanish funeral program templates
  6. Folded program template
  7. Bi-fold sky obituary cover
  8. Template for obituary booklet
  9. Funeral brochure template
  10. Funeral pamphlets templates
  11. Obituary flyer template

Funeral memorial program template for Word

After you determine which design would you choose, you can download the template file by following the instructions provided.

The file you've downloaded can be edited using Microsoft Word software. Open the file using the software.

Click on the parts that you will change to include information or data concerning the implementation of the funeral and the deceased. Some important data in the funeral program such as:
  1. Title of funeral program
  2. Date and time of the funeral or memorial.
  3. Photo of the deceased
  4. Date of birth and death of the deceased
  5. Date, day and time of funeral services
  6. Obituary of the deceased
  7. Funeral Order of Service
  8. Text of Funeral and Memorial Poems
  9. Name Funeral Prayers
  10. Funeral Bible Scriptures
  11. Funeral Song Lyrics
  12. Acknowledgements and Thank You Notes
  13. Names of Pall Bearers and Flower Bearers
  14. Notes to the Deceased
  15. Photo Collages
For more brief explanation for each list, you can visit list of what includes in funeral programs.

What is Funeral Program? Remembering the Death, Inspiring Others

When you are left by one of your beloved family member forever, one thing you have to make sure is the convenience felt by them. Even though the body is dead, but the soul does still linger. To commemorate and to remind all the people who know the person left you, there is at least an effort to say and to remember the whole life time they have. And funeral program is one of the best ways to explain the loss, to gather all the people who feel the same, to remember that once in a life time, there was this person who had been so amazing supporting and beautifying other people’s lives.

What Is Funeral Programs Used In Funeral or Memorial

Funeral program, widely known as funeral brochure, is a template that can be customized, filled with some events and schedules of the funeral ceremony. Just like a wedding invitation, a baby shower card, or a birthday party invitation, this funeral program is filled with a memorable event, family members, as well as the schedules of the ceremony. The word funeral program is probably a little strange. But in fact, the template and the designs, all can be downloaded, customized, written, and printed for free. But again, there are some things to pay attention to when this brochure alike is written.

Must Read : How to Write Funeral Program

There are some information that is necessary to be informed in the funeral program. They include the cover photo and the graphic background. It will show the memoir to the dead, and also as a respected person once in their lifetime. Besides that, funeral program also usually contains a schedule or itinerary, about how the ceremony is going to be carried out. To make the things mentioned are more complete, funeral brochure does also contain some quotes from scriptures, and also some poems. For this one, the family deceased might be better to consult it to the pastor or the religious leader near them.

Besides those information, there are also some of the things related to the show-off of how beautiful and meaningful the life run had been in the past. Thus, it will be important to beautify the funeral program with some of the collages or clip art, to remind other family member that the life they had been passing with the dead one was a beautiful one. Therefore, it is then crucial to have the brochure pretty and well-designed. The background, the memoir, the words, the pictures, and the quotes, all is need to be thought first.

The funeral program is something to be made beautifully. It is something to remind people and to persuade people to remember the pass time that had been passed. It is also a well reminder for all people that living in this world is not eternal. Thus, there is a time for us to be meaningful for other people. Even when it is just creating a single smile in someone’s face. It still is better than doing nothing, and even creating chaos and becoming the cause of spilt blood in the Earth. Make the funeral program well designed and well written, inspiring other people to do better in life.

How to Write a Funeral Program? The Simpler the Better

If you are wondering about how to write a funeral program slash funeral brochure, then it is time for you to know that it can always be done in quick time. These are some guides you can use to make get the funeral program well-done, well-designed, and well-written.

Read Also : List What Includes in Funeral Programs

Tips Writing Funeral Program from Template

Below some tips to make a funeral program whether using template or not. At least you know how to design funeral saying for the programs.


You are well aware that death is not something planned, it is then not something to get prepared from months before. But when you want to write the funeral program by yourself, you have to get ready to collect some of the information of the dead. Make sure that you get it from the nearest point of view, the best one, and then all the dates or events r=are accurate. It will be possible to get it done by the time the ceremony held. Just make sure that everything is well-planned.


What should you organize when it comes to funeral program? You should contemplate about using the compatible software and templates. Make sure that the design, the spaces, as well as the software is supportive. In time like these, you will not want to deal with anything except the one related to the funeral program. And that doesn’t include any technical wrong. Do review and survey and find the template that matches with the personal information and quotes collected.


This is the crucial part when the funeral program’s information collected are being gathered. If you find any difficulties in reaching the target, or the other things related to scripture, you can always contact the religious officiate so she or he will guide you through. It will consume more time than the others. Sometimes the difficulties will come in the near time, but always remember that simplicity is always at its best, even in a brochure of funeral.


When you have made it crystal that all the information are well-gathered, then it is time for you to start putting all of them together on the template. Before starting, make sure that you have chosen the images and the font. This will impact to the efficiency of the funeral brochure. The images are aimed to remind the people about the loss and to always plant the goodness of the deceased soul. For the font, make sure that it can be read well.


Then you have come to the almost finishing touch process in the making of funeral program. Make sure that you have chosen the cover. Normally, the cover will be picked from one of the images of the dead, along with the beautiful, inspiring quotes from the scripture. It is also filled with some important information related to the date of birth, the full name, and some images of flowers or other beautiful living things. Remember, the simpler the better.


The last process is the printing. Make sure that your printer is well-set. It will also be better for you to put the template on the Microsoft Word, because the result will be way more crystal than the one done in image printing. Prepare the printer for the best funeral program you have created. Good luck trying these for how to write a funeral program!

Funeral Programs : What Include And How to Write

What is funeral program? Why it is needed in a funeral or memorial services? And how to make funeral program pamphlet? The questions most frequently asked when someone is planning a funeral service or memorial service.

What Is Funeral Program

Funeral program is an information document relating to the implementation of the burial or cremation of someone who has died. The program is used in the service of a funeral or memorial service when loved ones. Generally, guests who attend the service will get a program booklet, pamphlet or bulletin before the service begins. Due to the information they contain, is often interpreted as a funeral program Obituary program, memorial program or also the order of service program.

Therefore you do not get confused when there are other people money mentioned documents funeral program with another term because it implies has the same contents.

Funeral Programs | Memorial Programs

What To Include In Funeral Programs Or Memorial

So what is in a funeral program? And how to write funeral program?. Here is a list of elements that exist in a funeral or memorial program.
  • Funeral Program Title
    Title funeral program is usually placed on the front page of a funeral bulletin, memorial booklet. The title is a short phrase into the main theme of the program. You can choose the words that are commonly used as the title of a funeral pamphlet.
  • Photo
    Photos on the front page photo of the deceased are usually used. Photos can be selected is the best image when the deceased was still alive. Photos of the deceased while doing the best activities could be an example.
  • Information About Deceased
    Data on the deceased are usually put on the front page adjacent to the cover photo. Data can be written beside or below the photo. Information such as the deceased's full name, the name of the call can also be written when the name is better known by the family, colleagues or relatives.
  • Information funeral services
    Information services becomes an important part in the funeral or memorial service program. Such information includes the date and time of service, service address location. Pastor, Officiant and Eulogist can be written under the data of the deceased.
  • Funeral Order Of Service
    An outline of the funeral order of service is very important to be written in a funeral or memorial program.
  • Funeral Order Of Service
    An outline of the funeral order of service is very important to be written in a funeral or memorial program. An important part of the program that you should first consult with the house of worship when you will perform the funeral service at the site. Or consultation of the funeral home director can help you to write down the order of service.
  • Obituary
    Obituary tell about the life of the deceased. Obituary be explained about the deceased regarding the course of life or also about interpretation, or the attainment of the deceased's favorite.
  • Prayer
    Prayers for the deceased can be written on the inside of a funeral program. Prayer can also be pronounced at the time of service.
  • Poetry, Verse Quote For Funeral or Memorial Ceremony
    Some types of words that can be written to express the feelings of the surviving family of the loved one. Poems and quotes can represent your affection for the deceased. The verses are your hopes and prayers for the deceased.
  • Funeral Song Lyrics
    The lyrics of a song commonly sung when the funeral service can be written to assist guests come to sing.
  • Thank you
    A thank you to the guests who attended the funeral service or those who gave gifts and prayers can be written on the back of the program.
  • Name bearers carry the casket and flowers
    As a tribute and appreciation to those who have helped in the implementation of the funeral service.
  • Special Note For Deceased
    Personal expression of the deceased loved one can be written in the program. This is to show how much love you and the surviving family of the deceased.
  • Photo Collages
    Photographs of the deceased during life and time with family and friends can reduce the sense of deep sorrow. It is also to personalize the funeral program to make it look more unique.
Adorned with drawings, photographs and color can add to the creative that the program for the funeral and memorial service look more beautiful and can be used as a memories.