
Sunday 30 June 2024 | 7pm

LIFE STORY | Declan Curley ‘ An altar boy finds Jesus’

A special testimony night as Declan Curley shares the story of his life growing up in West Belfast. Brought up a practising Roman Catholic, an altar boy and a religious person. Come and hear how is life changed when he trusted Jesus Christ as his own and personal Saviour. Find out how God has used him as a missionary in the community in which he had been brought up.

Sunday 28 April 2024 | 7pm

LIFE STORY | Allen Copeland ‘Bessbrook Piper meets Jesus’

A special testimony night as Allen Copeland shares the story of his life growing up in County Armagh. With no time for God his life was spent around alcohol either amongst the band or football fraternity. With constant quarrels in the home through his behaviour he tried taking his own life. Come and hear how is life changed when he trusted Jesus Christ as his own and personal Saviour.

Sunday 25 February 2024 | 7pm

LIFE STORY | David Moore ‘From Punk Rocker to Pastor’

David Moore is coming to share his life story from being a punk rocker to being a pastor. Caught up in this subculture he rebelled against society, dressing himself in chains, zips, ear rings and spiking his hair. He formed a punk band with three other members with the ambition to hit the bigtime. God reached him in a wonderful way. Why not save the date to hear this remarkable story on Sunday night 25 of February at 7pm. You will be made most welcome

Sunday 28 January 2024 | 7pm

LIFE STORY | John Weir ‘From Football to Faith’

John was a captain of the Northern Ireland Youth International team and looking forward to a big future in football. God had a bigger and better plan for his life… Come and hear his life story on 28 January @ 7pm

Sunday 26 November | 7pm

LIFE STORY | Ricky Allen ‘Comber boy meets Christ’

Ricky Allen is from Comber, County Down, Northern Ireland. He shares how the things of God were once so alien to him and he had no time for the things of God. He came from a non-Christian background and he testifies of how God reached him and how he was gloriously and wonderfully saved. We encourage you to come and hear Ricky Allen's 'Life Story' on Sunday 26 November at 7pm.

Sunday 29 October | 7pm

LIFE STORY | The Dumigans ‘On the run from God’

Samuel and Ann Dumigan were a couple who were running away from God but the Lord reached down and saved them. They will share their story and experiences of how God intervened in their lives. Remember to keep Sunday 29th October free and make a point of coming to hear what the Lord has done for them and what he can do for you. The meeting will commence at 7pm DV.

Sunday 24 September | 7pm

LIFE STORY – Derek Preston ‘Covid, Cancer & Christ

Both Cancer and COVID are the main talking points among many today and not one of us would wish to have either. However, Derek Preston has survived both! He has been in the furnace of affliction and has proved the Lord in a remarkable way. Come and hear him tell how his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ sustained and comforted him during the most trying time of his life.

Sunday 27 August | 7pm

LIFE STORY | David Anderson – Broken Home Healed

Pastor David Anderson testifies of how God delivered him from a broken home. Come and hear his personal story of how God in His grace and mercy brought him to saving faith in Jesus Christ and how you too can know forgiveness and peace with God through repentance of sin and trusting in his finished work. Why not make a date in your diary now to come and listen to his story.

Sunday 30 July | 7pm

LIFE STORY – Alfie Stewart ‘Football & Faith’

Alfie Stewart is a former Portadown and Glentoran footballer he was brought up in Maghera and his life was centred around football. Growing up he viewed himself as a Protestant, but it was a Protestantism in name only. In his teens he lived a life centred around alcohol and partying, and shunned all invitations to go along to church. However, God placed many people in his life to show him his need to be saved.

25 June | 7pm

LIFE STORY – Sammy Heenan ‘A Troubles Orphan’

At a young age Sammy Heenan’s mother died. His father William was shot dead at the remote family farm near Castlewellan in 1985 which left him orphaned at the tender age of 12. He had big life choices to make of being bitter and seeking revenge or choosing some other path. Come and hear how God in His grace brought a young boy through such a deep and dark trial and brought him to Jesus Christ.

28 May | 7pm

LIFE STORY – John Porter ‘A Ballymoney Boy’

John grew up in Ballymoney and like other families they did not have much of this world’s goods. His father was alcoholic and it wasn’t until years later he realised how much his mother done to make sure they had food and clothing. He trusted Christ in his teenager years but got involved in the band scene and wandered from God and into alcohol. When he repented God used him to minister through music.

Sunday 30 April | 7pm

LIFE STORY – The Tinsleys | An Unlikely Match

Colin was brought up in Northern Ireland with a retail career mapped out with Marks and Spencer. Joanna was brought up in Poland and was studying art at college. Through God’s providence they were brought together. Today they are engaged in a full-time ministry travelling many miles each year reaching thousands of boys and girls with the message of the gospel.

Sunday 26 March | 7pm

LIFE STORY – Ford Arnold | Triumph in Tragedy

For parents to loose a child is surely one of the most heart-breaking and traumatic events to come to terms with. For Hertford and Phyllis this is a sorrowful trial they have had to face on several occasions. Ford will share how God, who loves His children, can challenge, comfort and how His exhaustless grace upholds in every circumstance of life, however dramatic or traumatic.

Sunday 26 February | 7pm

Danny Nash | From Catholicism to Christ

A special testimony night with Danny Nash sharing his own life story from growing up in the Roman Catholic church to being converted and having a personal relationship with Christ. Hear his firsthand account of how he found peace with God by accepting forgiveness through Christ's sacrifice on the cross for our sins and how you can have assurance of heaven.