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Thanksgiving the Pet Writer Way: Giving Furry Thanks

by | Nov 22, 2017 | Cat Behavior & Care, Dog Training & Care | 13 comments

It’s nearly Thanksgiving and I’m updating my annual blog. It’s time again to count my furry blessings. This year I’m thankful to be home with my family—furry and human—rather than on the bumpy road and bumpier plane. I’m thankful my human family, though miles away, remain close-nit and loving. And I’m thankful all remain (relatively) healthy.

thanksgiving for pets


I’m thankful for veterinarians who make life better for the pets we adore. I’m thankful for researchers who work to find diagnoses, treatments, and cures for our ailments, both for pets and for people.

I’m thankful for the compassion of caregivers, strangers, family and friends who lift us up when we fall into wells of pain or despair. I’m thankful that my 6-day hospital stay last month offered hope, if not complete resolution–it could have been so much worse! I’m thankful for the animal welfare volunteers who do the work of the angels when others somehow let pets down.


I’m thankful that I have the best job in the world, sharing information about the cats and dogs that have become so important to our emotional and physical health. I’m thankful for publishers, editors, magazines, newspapers, TV and radio shows, websites, community theaters, bloggers and email lists that share these important resources (including my books) to benefit cats and dogs and the people who love them. I’m thankful for pet products companies that care most about the pets and pet parents. And I’m thankful to writing organizations, teachers, agents and all those who promote the craft of good communication and help others pursue this rewarding craft.


Image Copr. Amy Shojai, CABC


I’m thankful that I found a dumped kitten 22 years ago and brought her into my home and heart. I’m thankful that Seren-Kitty still has c’attitude, and rules the house like the queen she is.

I’m thankful she’s given up playing “gravity experiments” with my fine breakables, and has decided my lap is a very-good-cat-place. I’m also thankful that she finally accepted the Magical-Dawg and allowed him within sniffing range in the past few years! And I’m thankful she’s sorta-kinda-in-a-way accepted Karma-Kat, although he continues to press her furry buttons.


Today, Seren asks for head-lick grooming sessions from Karma! Wow! Image Copr. Amy Shojai, CABC

I’m thankful that Karma-Kat dodged coyotes, cars, and who-knows-what to find our patio the last day of February 2013. I’m thankful that Magical-Dawg heard his meow-SOS, and that the little dumped kitten trusted me enough to come when I meowed back. I’m thankful that nobody claimed Karma—although shame on whoever dumped him!—and that he and Magic became best buddies. I’m thankful that Karma has turned back the age-clock for Seren, and she’s acting more youthful and spry than ever.


One week after they met . . . .    Image Copr. Amy Shojai, CABC


I’m thankful for responsible breeders who ensure purebred dogs like Magic and pedigreed cats have a healthy paw-start in life. I’m thankful that Magical-Dawg shared his love with us for 11 years–although the time was not long enough.

I’m thankful for the memory of water hose tag and tennis balls, stolen socks and stuffed teddy bears, Frisbee-Fetch and Karma-Kat playing chase with Magic. I’m thankful my roughneck dawg had only a few weeks of frustrating mobility issues, and that he didn’t feel pain at the end. And I’m thankful his joyful attitude through everything, his intelligence, his love inspired the “Shadow” character in my thrillers–where he’ll live on in fun exciting adventures–even as I miss him forever. And I’m thankful Magic finally had a cat-friend his last years willing to allow butt-sniffs. Ahem.


I’m thankful that although he never grew up with pets, my hey-honey loves Seren-Kitty, Karma-Kat and mourns Magical-Dawg as much as I do. I’m even more thankful they adore my husband back (that could get awkward!). He’s already making plans for when we welcome our next furry wonder into our home.


I’m thankful for my church family—pet lovers or not—who also support my furry notions. I’m thankful for the gift of music I get to share with colleagues who have become wonderful friends.

I’m thankful for students eager to learn, teachers inspiring the next generation, and being a part of sharing my experience to help young Thespians in their next-step-dreams at the Texas Thespian Festival. I’m especially thankful for my partner-in-play-writing-crime who helped make our theatrical dreams come true with musicals like STRAYS (trailer below) and the forthcoming auditions and production of STARZ, THE MUSICAL.


Finally, I’m thankful to you—yes, those who read this blog, or the nonfiction dog books and the cat books, the folks who have “adopted” my dog-viewpoint fiction, and all those who offer awesome applause and support any of the other venues mentioned.

Without you, I would not have a career, and my life’s passion would remain unfulfilled. Without you, your pets wouldn’t have the wonderful love and care you provide. Without you, there wouldn’t be any reason for this heartfelt—THANK YOU.

Now it’s YOUR turn. What are YOU thankful for this year? Please share!

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I love hearing from you, so please share comments and questions. Do you have an ASK AMY question you’d like answered? Do you have a new kitten and need answers? Stay up to date on all the latest just subscribe the blog, “like” me on Facebook, and sign up for Pet Peeves newsletter. Stay up to date with the latest book give aways and appearances related to my September Day pet-centric THRILLERS WITH BITE!


  1. Patricia

    I don’t know what happened to my above post but I did not send it but it went anyway. Anyhow, I always look forward to hearing about and seeing pics of Seren, Magic and Karma. Please enjoy your Thanksgiving tomorrow with your husband and fur babies.

    • Amy Shojai

      Patricia, the foibles of WordPress strikes again, LOL! Thank you my friend, and may your holiday bless you and all those you love (pets the the fur-kids!).

  2. Patricia

    I loved this blog Amy. I’m thankful for so many things, many, many of which you mentioned. I am thankful that God saved my soul and that he has entrusted me with my 5 fur babies to give them their best life possible as if they were my own children. Amy, THANK YOU for all you do. You are an inspiration to me and I’m thankful you always give freely of your time for advice and questions. You are an amazing writer and I’ve loved every book you have written and looking forward to the next one. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I always look so forward to seeing pics of S

  3. R. Doug Wicker

    I’m thankful for those wonderful cat photos you posted. Thanks for sharing.

    • Amy Shojai

      Aww…thanks, I’m a sucker for cute cat pictures, too.

  4. Ryan

    That’s a great list! My list is similar in a lot of ways. I’m thankful for all my pets and that no matter what happens in my weird life, I find a way to always bring them with me.

    • Amy Shojai

      Thanks for visiting and commenting, Ryan. My pets are the constant in my life, too. *s*

  5. Brenda

    I’m thankful for lots of things too! Deeply appreciate your blog & your timely reminder about pet health — lumps & bumps — that saved Oscar’s life! Very thankful for our furry darlings & a husband who loves them and other wonderful people.

    • Amy Shojai

      Me too, Brenda. Makes me soooo happy that Oscar was helped. 🙂

  6. M. K. Clinton

    We truly have so much to be thankful for this year. Thanks for sharing yours. ♥ Have a great Thanksgiving.

  7. Patricia Sands

    And we are thankful for you, Amy, and all the goodness you share! Happy Thanksgiving!


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Amy Shojai CACB is an award winning author.  You can find all her publications and book her to speak via her website. 

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